Finally getting to goal!

xgeorgix said:
Ooh I've got some new potatoes at home didn't think of making a potato salad with them might so that!

I would certainly go on strike he needs to do his fair share! I'd make your curry and make a big mess and tell him to clear it up lol xx

Honestly you should make it I really enjoyed it! Never made it before and already thought of loads of variations (chillies, curry powder etc).

Ahhh I know but an untidy house really does not agree with me so I couldn't leave it messy. I've left his mess for now and gone and got in bed waiting for him to get in. I bet a million quid he just goes and sits on the sofa and does F all! Ill tell his Mum, that will give him a kick up the bum haha!
Felix said:
Honestly you should make it I really enjoyed it! Never made it before and already thought of loads of variations (chillies, curry powder etc).

Ahhh I know but an untidy house really does not agree with me so I couldn't leave it messy. I've left his mess for now and gone and got in bed waiting for him to get in. I bet a million quid he just goes and sits on the sofa and does F all! Ill tell his Mum, that will give him a kick up the bum haha!

My potatoes are boiling as I type :) lol. I know what you mean I think it takes more effort to keep it untidy than it does to tidy it but sometimes needs must lol x
Forgot to post yesterday! Had a good day again. Used some syns on some tinned pears, something from my Graze Box, and an options hot chocolate. Made an amazing sweet potato curry for tea, and got loads left over so having it again later :)

Me and OH haven't been getting on well recently and had a big argument the other day. He surprised me with breakfast in bed this morning. French toast, mushrooms and bacon but he used his loaf of warburtons thick cut which is 5 and a half syns each slice!!! So I've used near enough all my syns for today... I ate it though because he really made an effort and I would have felt bad :( at least he fried it in fry light haha. It's not too bad though as since I started I haven't really had any need to use any syns.
Just been to a retail park thing on the edge of town to go to the Asda Living shop on the hunt for some jeans. Went in and they hardly had any in my size at all! All 10's and 12's, how depressing! Tried on a 16 and couldn't even do them up!!!!! Also tried on a dress and it looked horrible. Ended up going in to New Look which I never go in, and they had some gorgeous stuff in. Not badly priced either! Picked up a few pairs of jeans in 16's and 18's thinking I would need the 18 from the whole Asda experience and the 16s fit perfectly :) high waisted too which I like as it sucks my stomach in haha. I probably would have cried if the 16s didn't fit. Also got a big stock pot from TK Maxx so I can make some super speed soup to have for my lunches this week :D
Having a lazy Sunday...

Had bacon, eggs and 2 huge flat mushrooms fried in fry light with beans and 2x toast (hex b) for breakfast.

Just made the cheese scone recipe from here - amazing!! OH loves them. Was a bit peckish so had one and going to have some mango in a bit. Just cooking up some soup for my lunches this week. Was going to have superspeed soup but realised I haven't got any tinned chopped tomatoes! Sort of winging it as I've never made soup before. Got onion, red pepper, garlic, parsnip, leek and sweet potato boiling away in a pan as we speak. Added 2x veg stock cubes, salt , pepper, paprika and mixed herbs too.

Dunno what to make for tea!
I made soup last Sunday for the first time and it was the easiest and best thong, had soup for my lunches, so handy! Made some again today :) I can see it becoming a weekly ritual.
CiaraDaisy said:
I made soup last Sunday for the first time and it was the easiest and best thong, had soup for my lunches, so handy! Made some again today :) I can see it becoming a weekly ritual.

Yes definitely! I really can't believe how easy it was! I have got 6 portions out of it and it was so cheap for the ingredients :)
Soup is my favourite thing to make when money is running out, any cheap veggies & stock is rather cheap and makes a fair few meals :)
Ughhhhh I hate Mondays!

Breakfast - porridge made with semi skimmed milk and a chopped up banana (also 2x cuppas with the rest of my milk)

Snack - satsuma

Lunch - Homemade vegetable soup with a pack of Melba toasts for 3 syns :)

Been so thirsty today and I don't know why? Really not sure what to have for tea, I'm not very hungry really and OH has gone home to his parents in durham for the night. His mam won him a meet and greet with the Newcastle united team on a charity auction and he's going tomorrow. He's so excited :)

Was thinking about making some sort of bean chilli but I dunno if I can be bothered just for me... Just watching the end of Jamie's 15 minute meals and I'm getting hungry now haha!
Felix said:
Ughhhhh I hate Mondays!

Breakfast - porridge made with semi skimmed milk and a chopped up banana (also 2x cuppas with the rest of my milk)

Snack - satsuma

Lunch - Homemade vegetable soup with a pack of Melba toasts for 3 syns :)

Been so thirsty today and I don't know why? Really not sure what to have for tea, I'm not very hungry really and OH has gone home to his parents in durham for the night. His mam won him a meet and greet with the Newcastle united team on a charity auction and he's going tomorrow. He's so excited :)

Was thinking about making some sort of bean chilli but I dunno if I can be bothered just for me... Just watching the end of Jamie's 15 minute meals and I'm getting hungry now haha!

Just been watching that myself now I'm starving! God damn Jamie Oliver :) xx
natalie anne said:
Just been watching that myself now I'm starving! God damn Jamie Oliver :) xx

The sesame chicken and the noodle salad looked amazing! Seriously how can a normal person cook all of that in 15 mins though haha!
Cooked up mushrooms, onion, garlic, pepper and bacon to have with pasta. Thought I'd treat myself to cooking in olive oil and using pesto for 8 syns as I hardly use my syns, and it doesn't taste of much :( gutted!
Another good day! I'm so surprised at how easy it is to follow SW. I am having my breakfast, dinner and tea and not being hungry in between and wanting to snack! I'm not even snacking out of boredom at the moment which is a big thing for me. Also realised I have more or less cut out sugar from my diet in the past 1.5 weeks and hardly eaten any bread except for at the weekend. I've not missed it either... :) I think we are having a night out at the weekend maybe (I rarely go out drinking - maybe once every 2 months?!) so it will be a real test if I'm hungover!

Breakfast - fat free natural yoghurt with 3 tsp honey (3 syns), chopped up banana, blueberries and 2x weetabix

Snack - satsuma

Lunch - homemade veg soup

Snack - banana

Not sure what to make for tea!!
First ever attempt at chilli today :) with bacon, 3 beans and chipotle. Yummy!


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Just got back from weigh in and lost 2lb! So that's 4.5 off in around a week and half! So pleased :D

Breakfast - porridge with chopped up banana & rest of milk allowance in 2 cuppas

Snack - 2 satsumas

Lunch - homemade veg soup

Snack before WI - grapes

Not really hungry so dunno what to have for tea. Might have some left over chilli...
Hello! Forgot to update yesterday. Didn't have anything unusual haha...

Today I had:

Breakfast - porridge with honey (4 syns) and chopped banana

Snack - Satsuma

Lunch - homemade veg soup

And dinner has just been this beauty cooked by my wonderful boyfriend! Very expensive steak (he ate half of mine, I can't eat much red meat!), roasted new potatoes, roasted parsnips and roasted veg! It was soooo gooooood!

Now having a little treat and drinking a Fentimans cherry tree cola. So tasty :)


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Didn't have a great day yesterday :( Had melon for breakfast, then walked in to town to get my hair cut but was early so stopped to have a coffee and had a sugar in it! And then OH came to meet me and I was absolutely starving and he wanted to get some food. Everything he wanted was really bad for you, so we settled on going to Bagel Nash and I had a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel (thought the bagel place was the best of a bad bunch) with a bottle of water. Then I felt really really ill and didn't want to spend ages cooking what I had planned, so we have veg and chopped up hot dogs in pesto with spinach and ricotta tortellini.

To be fair, I could have eaten a lot worse and I didn't snack at all which used to be a massive thing for me. Going to try and have the least possible amount of syns until weigh in on Wednesday and hopefully it hasn't effected my weigh in.

Just had bacon, a huge flat mushroom, baby plum tomatoes, eggs and beans for breakfast, and a coffee :) going to make a batch of superspeed soup for my lunches this week.


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