Woke up this morning and decided to put my sp plan into action. Enjoyed not loading up on carbs for a change and having a wide variety of fruit and veg.
B: 2 x alpen light (HEB) during the commute then an apple when I got into work
L: Chicken, tomato, lettuce, cucumber and spring onion salad followed by strawberries and raspberries I prepared last night
D: Bacon, eggs, mushroom, tomatoes with sausages (3 syns) and black pudding (9.5 syns) and toast (2nd HEB)
Drank tea with milk all day (HEA) and had an orange this evening to get rid of the temptation to snack.
Pretty good day for me other than feeling a bit bad at eating the black pudding but it's within the 15 syns so I shouldn't complain. Bought a butternut squash to try out tomorrow. Here's hoping I like it or I will be hungry after dinner.