Finally started

I stay in my office at lunchtime... Far too many temptations out there... careful what you wish for Jaqys... aaah the smells if ever I do brave a lunchtime walk!
I eat my lunch while working (on here ;) ) and then go home for half out to let the doglets out.
When i walk the dogs on a night i have to avoid going near the shops as I can smell the pizza shop the fish and chip shop, the indian and the chinese all wafting towards me calling my name...
When I was dieting "normally" (way back when), I used to have to go out without any money... short of shoplifting, there was no way I could buy anything!
ha ha good idea!
I've LOADS of tips like that... way back, before ketosis was invented, a girl had to use her imagination! I used to really take good care of myself too (cos ever tried eating with wet nail polish on? or getting food when in the bath with a face pack on? or thinking of food when in bed early asleep?!!)
Lol great tips :)
im sorry but i have a huge huge huge ice cream craving :(
Muller lite --> freezer... in one hour, you have icecream!
i have 2 x ww yogs in the freezer at home but dont fancy them :(
Slippery slope... you might have come out of ketosis, so eat protein... I always advise "chicken breast" or "boiled egg". If neither appeal, you're not hungry!
ive had some chicken :) its IS totm thats why i have cravings :D
bull! (when out of ketosis, I have almost constant cravings... what does that mean then?!!! oh yes, I'm a GREEDY piglet... see my face to the left here!!!)
bull to the chicken??? LOL

its the hangover effect aswell :D
ill be ok once i get home and get tea on and have 20 fags :D
bull to the "TOTM" comment! hee!!

oh do you smoke????????????????????????????????
(I hate you even more now, you LUCKY girl you!!)
Lol no it is my TOTM ha ha ha

Yes i smoke. dont at work but when i go home at lunch :D im not lucky! you are the one who has given the cravings ever really go away?
For cigs? Honestly? Yes and no. 99.999% of the time the smell of someone else's smoke repulses me... and I LOVE my hair smelling good in between washes, and my clothes too... and of course the main selling point for me was financial; "health" arguments would never have done it for me cos we know all that each and every time we buy them right? So I did it for MONEY... got a "quit keeper" counter, and it's still ticking now as to how much I've saved in the past 3 years 5 months tomorrow! (OK I've saved nothing(!) but I get to buy fuel and pay tolls to go to my house far more often!!)

I used the Allan Carr book... read it as if it was 10000% true, slowly, savouring, putting off the moment I'd actually finish it... cos you finish it, you quit after last page. And I truly did.
wow. isnt alan carr a comedien LOL :)

thats really impressive Jo.
Not really... stopping something altogether, like smoking or drinking, is sooooo much easier than dealing with an eating disorder in my humble opinion. If I could stop eating, I'd be cured... but I can't, so I continue... dieting/overeating/dieting/etc.

Where smoking's concerned, I just know that if ever I had so much as a pufffffff, I'd be lost... so just say NOPE... (Not One Puff EVER!)

I have been quit for 3 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks, 1 Day, 20 hours, 27 minutes and 39 seconds (1,245 days). I have saved £7,786.57 by not smoking 31,146 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 3 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 31/01/2007 21:00
omg how much money!!!!
yes... and that was with my putting a cheaper than usual price per pack into the calculator as I tended to get quite a few bought in the U.S. where far cheaper.

I used to easily smoke 200 a week... 200 at today's price in the U.K. (Vicky you'll have to help... £6 a pack? x 10... x 52 weeks = £3,120 a year. x 3.5 years would equal nearly £11,000!!)

Vicky... how much do you smoke a week? If you quit for 3.5 years, you'd have therefore saved?
OMG Jo yes i smoke about 160 per week and yes £6 per pack. OMG