First (and only!) Cambridge Journey

Well last night I took the plunge and arranged an appointment with a new consultant. I can't put my finger on why I don't want to stick with my current CDC but there is just a feeling that perhaps the diet is not really a big part of her life as she works a full time job and does cambridge as a money making sideline and right now I need the encouragement of someone who absorbs the self in the cambridge world. She was not aware that cambridge recommend only 1 teaspoon a day of water flavouring, and on my first day had told me if I drink alcohol to have a small protein meal first - I won't touch a drop without carbs first as I am we'll aware of alcohol in Ketosis dangers so I don't drink now unless its part of planned time off diet. I had to buy my cambridge plan book from her (which some give free) and dies not always respond to texts or make herself available for me to swap products. She didn't stock everything which I read is part of the CDC code if conduct so I felt guilty asking for products she didn't have and felt compelled to re-order ones I know she got in for me ( tetras, she told me she doesn't sell many or stock them coz they run out of date quickly and that she has to buy packs of each individual flavour. This resulted in me only requesting strawberry flavour although I want to try banana and choc. She also mentioned she had to pay postage! Not my problem?!). I have also been put off that we live in the same town but from day 1 I've been expected to go to her house and make my appointments around her life even though she advertised as mobile.

My new CDC is slightly cheaper, is a full time mobile consultant and put it to me that she can be very flexible. So my weigh-ins will now be moving to Tuesday evenings. I meet her next week, she looks a lot more like the kind of person I would normally make friends with and I really hope she is one of the more involved, passionate consultants I hear about!

Yesterday I had my SS+ meal at lunch, this may be the way forward for me as I was not ravenous all afternoon like I usually am and my tea time shake kept me going all evening ?. I was also reunited with water flavourings after a week off last night, the berry flavour thus time, its lovely so I will be keeping both flavours to hand. My fizzy berry water last night made consumption soooo much easier ?
Apologies for stupid iPhone spellchecker and my poor grammar in that post. The question marks at the end were supposed to be emoji emoticons! X
I've decided today will be a 100% SS day. I haven't had a SS day in a long time and I'm hoping I can do it for the rest of this week. I am at a christening on Sunday but not too worried about the buffet, ill just avoid it and have a bar with fizzy water. I would like ideally to return to SS for a while to see if it improves my losses, desperately want to lose as much as I can in next 3 weigh ins before my night away. I won't be completely comfortable with my loss until I'm about 11st5 which is my old non-dieting weight with 11st10 been my 'starting to pile it on' weight so I'd really like to get below that before I go away as I'm sure there'll be lots of photos but that's going to need some larger losses that I haven't really seen yet (excluding this weeks).

Had a sky engineer in this morning, he saw my 30 day shred DVD and got talking about Insanity and I said I might try it when I've lost more weight explaining about cambridge, he said 'there's nothing on you'. Bit awkward coz I think people say that as they don't know how to respond with someone being so frank about their weight but was nice of him all the same!

So had shake at 9am, gotta try and push my next one to 1pm(a bar I think) and then 5pm another shake. Chugging the water, 1 litre down already, aim for 3 x
On a roll today , my cleaner has just arrived who I haven't seen since I started cambridge, he was quite interested himself at the time so knew I was on it. When I opened the door he was very complimentary (he's quite flamboyant!) about how good I looked, feeling a bit skeptical that he may have been preparing to do that when he saw me anyway haha x
So was 100% today but SS+ not SS as planned, had extra bar and milk in cuppas. I was starving after lunch bar so had another at half 3. It would've been a battle to go til bedtime with nothing else so why put myself through it?! Dug out some photos to demonstrate my weights -

About 13 stone....recent


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So was 100% today but SS+ not SS as planned, had extra bar and milk in cuppas. I was starving after lunch bar so had another at half 3. It would've been a battle to go til bedtime with nothing else so why put myself through it?! Dug out some photos to demonstrate my weights -

About 13 stone....


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15st5 post pregnancy

Weight creeping back up, roughly 11st10 - problem area arms!

image-3691030306.jpg around my slimmest - 10st 7

I am getting Internet back on Saturday, have some better full length pics to demo. A few that when I saw them at the time I didn't believe I was as slim as I appeared!

Any tips for sorting out my arms? I have weights but haven't started with them yet coz I'm lazy haha considering some inch loss wraps targeting them, wonder how long the results would last if I didn't put weight back on - anyone know? X
Hi :) I am starting my CD journey tomorrow. I have read your thread and agree with WW being too restrictive and not motivational enough for me!

My consultant has just been today and she is fab! She really inspired me and I felt brill when she left! I can tell we are going to get along just fine! I did have an appointment with another consultant but she cancelled twice and I just had a feeling she wouldn't be reliable. I am so glad I rang Eileen, she was very honest and open about what she thought, and told me to txt/call her whenever I needed to - she will support me all the way.

Good luck on your journey!
Hi D! Sorry for the radio silence the last few days i have had a crazy busy week at work! So glad it is the weekend and so glorious and sunny :) paddling pool out in the garden and my little lady having fun (I may even go and join her!!)

Well done on your 6lb loss last week, such a fab loss and must feel good losing double what went on during your days off!

I have been 100% on SS+ this week but I just feel like everything is happening REALLY slowly, I jumped on the scales this morning and it looks like I have lost half a lb, I am really hoping that the next two days shift some for my weigh in on Monday!

Really sorry to hear that you weren't getting on with your consultant, but glad to hear you have found someone more passionate about the diet now, hopefully with their help and support they will make your journey much better :).

So next weekend (as I have probably said before) I have two boozy nights in a row, I am getting really worried, not only about the drinking but the carb eating and the bloating that goes with it. I have made the decision that next week I will move to step three so that it isn't too much of a shock at the weekend, I am really hoping that my body adjusts ok and doesn't cling on to the carbs! I will move back down to SS'ing after next week and may even test my will power and move back to SS for a week! I am happy with where I am at the moment but I think I still have half a stone to go before I will be totally happy so I really want to push myself and be happy :) xx

Starting Weight: 11st 7lb. Week 1 WI: -7lb (11st). Week 2 WI: -3lb (10st 11lb). Week 3 WI: -5lb (10st 6lb). Week 4 WI: -3lb (10st 3lb). Week 5 WI: -2lb (10st 1lb). Week 6 WI: -1.5lb (9st13.5lb).
Hey Lauren , I'd be put off too if someone cancelled twice, what if you needed products urgently?!! I think it's so important that you like and 'click' with your consultant, you need someone you look forward to having a chat too and my most successful WW times were with leaders who I now consider friends.

Today is beautiful weather although I'm sure you all know this already! I am on my sun lounger in the garden sunbathing, the warmth has done wonders for my desire to drink and kept hunger at bay, wouldn't mind a few malibus and a BBQ though! I am at a christening tomorrow so topping up my tan will save me fake tanning tonight and possibly ruining the dress I wear tomorrow! I have bought a new dress for the occasion which will be perfect in the hot weather :-D have been SS+ 100% since my last entry here and have my bar ready for lunch at the christening tomorrow :)
Ah Carly we posted at the same time, I wondered where you had gone! I guess the thing for next weekend is remembering you're nearly at the end so can afford a minor setback, you must be the clothes size you want now?? I cannot wait to go up to step 3, if I thought I'd continue with the same kind of losses I'd start the ball rolling now but I'm still not feeling slim enough yet to slow things further, particularly as I'm not a fast loser anyway! Roll on week 12! It could be a good tactic though before your weekend, ill watch with interest as if it keeps things in check ill adopt that approach before my night away which at this point I'm really hoping to make just 36 hours off plan, we'll see!
I have been thinking along those lines (close to target so a little slip up won't hurt too much) so I guess I just need to really let my hair down for the first time since I started Cambridge. I still haven't lost any weight this week so feeling a bit like a failure... I was hoping that I may get another 2lb off but it certainly isn't going in my favour!

I am in a dress size 12 at the moment, would love to be a 10 but I am happy in 12s so I guess it is just a case of will power and knowing when I really am happy enough to stop! My problem is I have a big bum and thighs, all of my weight seems to have come off my middle and my arms so I think as soon as I have a noticeable amount off legs and bum everything will fall into place. I am going to talk to my consultant about whether it is likely I can still lose a decent amount of weight on step three and whether it is more manageable to maintain after spending more time on step three as my body will be used to having carbs an breaking them down (wishful thinking I think!) I suppose step three is more along the lines of weightwatchers so I should still lose! Well I would be shocked if I didn't! Xx

Starting Weight: 11st 7lb. Week 1 WI: -7lb (11st). Week 2 WI: -3lb (10st 11lb). Week 3 WI: -5lb (10st 6lb). Week 4 WI: -3lb (10st 3lb). Week 5 WI: -2lb (10st 1lb). Week 6 WI: -1.5lb (9st13.5lb).
Hi, I am still here! Is anyone else?!

So I took the leap this week and changed consultants, I just LOVE my new consultant, she is so bubbly and just my type of person :), I think she will make this journey more interesting as she is someone I can relate to and chat with. My old sessions were very short, my induction with my old consultant was 25 minutes and then my visits after were flying visits, about 15 mins in total (this was at HER house and I always felt hurried!). This week my new consultant stayed about an hour and we just chatted, it was really nice and I feel like I'm in really good hands. I feel a bit bad as my phone won't text out for some reason so I havent officially told my old consultant that I've left her....!

So weigh-in this week was a tricky one, by my new consultants scales I had lost 0.8 of a pound, by my scales I had lost 1.5lbs so its possible the 2 consultants scales did not match, will use next weeks figures as more of a realisitic guide to how things are going although my scales have always been pretty well matched with my old consultants.

Well this week is not without its challenges believe me! New CDC has advised I do a step two week, grateful for that to be honest! She suggested I may not be having big losses because my body is now used to the lower calories and therefore it might be time to give it a jolt - makes sense!

My biggest challenege this week though is that we have family staying. I love it when they come up (hubbys auntie, cousin and a friend of the family) as I quite like the disruption, although I'm at work the ritual of blowing up airbeds, re-arranging sleeping arrangements and the break from routine feels kind of like a holiday for us too, even if I do have to work today and tomorrow! They arrived last night which was fine for my diet, they had eaten on their way up. Tonight should also be fine. The tricky time will be the weekend when we would normally have alcohol and late nights! We are going for fish, chips and ice cream on Friday night at the seasaide and Saturday night his auntie is going to a school reunion and would like us to meet her/join her and stay out! Obviously we don't HAVE to but I'm gonna feel deprived if I don't go because of my diet or go and don't drink. She also taught my hubby how to make an amazing Pork Roast and they may have that for lunch on Sunday! These are the things that I know about already, I'm sure there will be impromptu food opportunities too. I really don't feel that I can afford to takie time off my diet though so I'm gonna have to grin and bear it. I read that white wine doesnt kick you out of ketosis so I may have a spritzer and see how I react with that, I am aware of the dangers and do not want to put my health at risk.

I am 60% feeling like I would like to come off plan, but I have 'only' lost 15.5lbs in 7 weeks and I really want to be on track for 12lbs a month at least - who knows if I'm good this could be a big loss week for me!?! Although CDC has warned that sometimes your first week on 810 doesnt create a loss but the next week does.

And I already have planned time off for 28th July, which is also a goal for me to look good. Perhaps 1000 cal would be worth trying over the weekend, does that allow chips and icecream?! :p

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sign0009:
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Still here and like you have been struggling with low weight losses. Due to social things and just plain diet fatigue, I have thrown a couple if 810 days into the mix and have decided to do that every weekend. I'm wondering if my body needs a jolt (and a lobotomy!). Your time this weekend sounds fantastic and also very tough diet wise. I'm not sure what I would do - it would be so easy to cave. All I know is that for me, "falling off" is deadly and I end up going the whole hog and unable to get back going. Whereas when I plan days off I manage much better. It's about the controlled choice for me. I don't know if that helps?!
I too had a blip yesterday and had some chicken fried rice :/ I didn't have loads but still enough to take me out of ketosis I think?

What I was surprised at was I couldn't finish it! Usually I would eat mine and then have a try of hubbys and kids tea too. Maybe my stomach has shrunk a little? IDK?

Anyway today was a new day! My body doesn't feel like its been knocked out of ketosis - i'm feeling good atm.

Temptation is everywhere though! At the weekend I was at 2 BBQ's and I did so well and only had some salad and chicken which is in my ss+ allowance!

Keep going d, I think you'll start to feel more enthusiastic about the diet with your new consultant.
Hey D!

Really happy for you that things seem to be working with your new consultant :) I guess when you're changing scales there is always a chance that they will be slightly out but I guess you will soon get used to the new scales weight!

How was your time with your family? Did you have anything off plan?

I have had a really difficult weekend this weekend, boozy work night and dinner on Friday and then another family boozy night last night along with my friends baby shower which included buffet food! I have managed to keep clear of carbs but the alcohol consumption had been a bit crazy! Friday night I was so worried about the alcohol that I held back, stuck to white spirits... Last night was a bit heavier but I am feeling rather chipper this morning so it can't have been too bad! Interested to see how weigh in goes tomorrow, I have been 100% all week other than my days off so hopefully it won't be horrendous! Xx

Starting Weight: 11st 7lb. Week 1 WI: -7lb (11st). Week 2 WI: -3lb (10st 11lb). Week 3 WI: -5lb (10st 6lb). Week 4 WI: -3lb (10st 3lb). Week 5 WI: -2lb (10st 1lb). Week 6 WI: -1.5lb (9st13.5lb). Week 7 WI: -2.5lb (9st 11).
Well my weekend started OK on Wednesday evening, I was great until Saturday evening. I even have PHOTOGRAPHIC evidence of me eating a a subway salad whilst my family ate fish and chips on Friday evening!:angel09:, thats was tough and also ice creams they had afterwards! However this angelic approach didn't last much longer! I decided to have a few drinks on Friday, only had about 2 shots drank very slowly however I opted for Malibu over vodka/rum which would have been the sensible choice! On Saturday after feeling deprived of several takeaways (well I did have chicken kebabs but thats not a REAL takeaway;)) fish n chips, icecream, sweets, crisps, McDonalds etc. that my family ate, I decided I would treat myself to a bit of parmo(northern chicken,bechamel sauce and cheese takeaway) with chips. This spiralled into 10 rich tea biscuits, 2 packets of hula hoops, a twister ice lolly, 2 slices of toast with butter and a handful of jelly sweets over the course of Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Add into that the Malibus and I earned myself a 1/2 pound ON!:break_diet: My CWPC is going on a cruise on Saturday and has offered to weigh me again that evening which to be fair has re-focused me again thank goodness! Another 3 pounds off and I have to go onto Step 2 as I will be in my healthy weight range plus one stone.

I think its safe to say I have not lost my sweet tooth and I am not learning any good habits as I want to have rubbish as soon as I get the chance, at least I can lose the sense of urgency and stop cramming once I hit goal. The visiting family have left now and my school breaks up on Friday :talk017: so I will be able to get myself into a lovely routine with food and a bit of exercise and hermit myself a little (or sunbathe, weather permitting!!), at least until my night out on 28th which was always planned. 11 days to shift as much as poss!

I now have my birthday looming too, its a few days after York, I really wanted to do a vintage tea party/kids party (for adults!!) but I may postpone that and class my night out as my bday treat! There is a new american diner opened near me too, an independent one not a chain so better than the other ones I have visited, gosh I cannot wait til I can go there, I LOVE vintage things and this has the typical 1950s thing going on! I'll feel better going slim though!

Little Plum Duff - my CWPC was not too keen on the idea of me mixing step 1 and step 2 as step 2 can bring you out of ketosis. Maybe this is something you should monitor?
Carly - sounds like you have coped better than I have this weekend! I am very wary of drinking too much without having any carbs but I solved that by eating the carbs...!

Looking forward to being weighed on Friday, hopefully 3 days on I will have lost my water weight and get a nice surprise, not that I deserve one I guess!! :asskick:

Hope you all ahve a great day, I've enjoyed playing with smilies in my lunch break :D
SS+ 100% so far today and 3 litres of water drank, keep saying in my head "the more you drink, the more you shrink"! I am aiming for 3 litres a day now, upping from 2.5 litres, see if thats gives things a boost. Today could quite easily be a 3.5 litre day the way I am going but I do worry about drinking too much and making myself ill! I am so grateful that my consultant offered to weigh me again on Fri before her holiday as I very nearly caved earlier but it was the weigh in on Friday that stopped me doing it! :eek:It seems once I open the flood gates I find it easier to cheat but when I'm back in the zone I am ok and less tempted I've never understood what 'the zone' is before now! After work I had to pop to ASDA to get some party food for Friday for my form class for when we break up on Friday and as I took advantage of some deals I wanted to keep some biscuits etc for my son. I opened up a bag of cadbury mallow teacakes and put some into a tupperware box, whilst doing that, the tray that I've kept for my son had my eye firmly on it and I battled in my head, thankfully I won due to the weigh in on Friday!:devilangel: I know for a fact one would have been the start of five followed by lots of other rubbish! Everything is packed into boxes and bags now out of sight, phew! As my CWPC will miss two weigh -ins (i'll be weighing on my trusty scales), I know I would have continued my cheating today if it hadnt been for an impending weigh-in and who knows when this would have gone on til as I got it in my head that I'd still get weight off for her return, so glad that I am not thinking this way now as none of this is about impressing her! I know by the weekend I should be back in that place wehere you automatically say no to nice food in your head and don't even allow yourself to dwell on it and I think a lot less about the plan as it is just routine.

Today I ventured from my trusty cappacino, strawberry tetras, lemon and toffee bars and tried choc mint as I have seen people raving about it. It was ok but i don't love it as much as cappucino however my consultant says most people hate the cappacino so I'm clearly an odd one! I am hoping to go for a meal (chicken salad!) at the weekend with my hubby as he misses doing that, I have ordered a choc mint bar especially to have with coffee afterwards :) when we ate out last week with family I had a coffee with a toffee bar for dessert and that reminded me of how I love a choc mint sweet with a coffee after a meal, excited for it and all on plan!!:party0011:

I am starting to lose track of how many weeks I am in now, think this is week 9 - am I right Carly!? Is there anyone who has gone closer to their healthy weight on SS/SS+ than the stone extra you are supposed to??

PS Carly how was your weigh-in?!
Oh I found this pic earlier on my comp, I remember looking at this pic after my hubby took it and I couldn't believe how slim I looked and felt really good! That was at 10 stone 5 and I'd like to go another 10 lbs below that :) The 3/4 jeans I am wearing are my 'slim' jeans, Ive only ever fit in them 2 summers out of 5! They are the first things I bust out of if I go above 10 st12. Get me back there :whip:


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1.5 lbs off by my scales this morning, take my weight 'officially' tomorrow. Happy with that since Tuesday! I'm gaining on my healthy bmi plus 1 stone weight so this may be my last SS week although I would like to do it right until York and may need to after depending on the damage x