first century gone.. only 166 left to go...

broke 200 tonight.. wheres my 2nd century badge? :D
Well done! send a PM to pierce, maybe he'll make one for you mate :D
Not for me mate, I only lost 167 pounds :D
Plus anyway Jim you have a more important one, in the maintainer.
ah yes, I agree with that one mate. I'm pretty confident now that after 8 years in maint I can stick to it.
Nice one Jim, ill be over the moon when I get to have that badge.
What are you aiming for James? I wanted to get back to 121/2 stone which was my Army fighting weight for most of my career, but when I hit 131/2 my wife and daughter told me I was looking to thin, wasted and scrawny was the words they used, so i pretty much stopped there, I think it's because I'm not as muscled as I was then.
Sorry I have not replied before Jim, not been on for a few days.

I set out to lose 20 stone that will take me down to 16 stone 9 pound and I know I'll have lots of loose skin so maybe upto 9 pound so that would take me down to 16 odd and tbh think that will be okay , I dont want to look like a beanpole!!!

Never been slim so don't know what to aim for tbh but going to get to 16.9 and go from there.

This time a year ago I would of dreamed I would be about to get into the 300s so I'm happy as can be at the min weight wise, and without doubt the most active and heathly I have ever been.
Morning James, that sounds workable to me. I had the excess skin, in fact I had a whole bloody apron, but it slowly shrank away I'm pleased to say. tokk a good while thoigh, maybe a year or longer, but it did go.
Morning James, that sounds workable to me. I had the excess skin, in fact I had a whole bloody apron, but it slowly shrank away I'm pleased to say. tokk a good while thoigh, maybe a year or longer, but it did go.
This is something that worries me when I get to my weight goal. Will I have alot of excess skin I read the younger you are the easier it is for it to go back naturally. As I am a big wuss with medical procedures hopefully that would happen. I am 29 now probably be around 30 when I get there will I have alot of sagging skin I need to have surgerically removed?
We are all different Maria and someones skin may bounce back others wont.

The thing I have told myself all along is I would rarther have loose skin than it be full of fat and the things that come with being over weight, like dieing early.

That's great to hear Jim that it went on its own, I've got a apron atm and theres still fat in it, if it comes to it and I have to have a op then so be.
Well i was mid fifties Marie, but what James said ^ really
ColJack - Only just realised you hit your double century. That's blumin' fantastic. Well done.

Looking at your graph is amazing too. It looks as though you have lost weight every single week.
Have you ever actually had a gain?
Wow..Double Century..I Dont think Saying Congratualtions to you Would even Cover it...Absolute AMAZING more Like !!

Well Done :D