First ever VLCD

MissAmyMarie said:
It's the fact I shouldn't be in this situation that makes me feel worse but what can I do?

Glad I'm not the only one who gets like this then, thought I was going mental!!


How did you manage to start eating again? I've been like this for a while now and some days end up only having one or two packs. I think it might be a mixture of stress and not feeling great about my whole situation. It's got to a point now though where I feel guilty if I eat a single cherry tomato and if I go out with friends to eat I'll only eat chicken with zero sides or even veg and check the calorie content when I get home. It's so weird.

Tried having the shakes hot, I do like them that way although the cafe one even with an extra spoon of coffee tastes vile. And the vanilla one definitely smells and tastes like playdo haha.

Gonna cook some salmon for my tea, maybe making proper food will make me feel hungry again.

Thanks for the support girls!


Everytime I got to that stage id struggle and starve for about a week hoping appetite would come back and then id have to eat carbs because everyone would tell me I looked horrendous and I got so weak!even though I didn't want anything the carbs did bring my appetite back,I agree with the proper food,try having a little more veg and get in a few more carbs,if you're not drinking your milk or having your veg maybe that's the cause?I remember on Atkins I failed to have my 1 cup of veg on induction,on s&s I've been eating my veg and it hasn't happened,im sure plenty of people can go without the milk and veg allowance but I guess you have to tweak every diet to suit you,stress really won't be helping either hun so I hope everything sorts itself out for you xx
Everytime I got to that stage id struggle and starve for about a week hoping appetite would come back and then id have to eat carbs because everyone would tell me I looked horrendous and I got so weak!even though I didn't want anything the carbs did bring my appetite back,I agree with the proper food,try having a little more veg and get in a few more carbs,if you're not drinking your milk or having your veg maybe that's the cause?I remember on Atkins I failed to have my 1 cup of veg on induction,on s&s I've been eating my veg and it hasn't happened,im sure plenty of people can go without the milk and veg allowance but I guess you have to tweak every diet to suit you,stress really won't be helping either hun so I hope everything sorts itself out for you xx

I've decided to cook a small portion of gratin potatoes with my tea see if that helps. I've been having my veg but because I don't weigh it I just have a small portion. Maybe I'm not having enough then. Thanks for the advice, who'd have thought I'd be wishing I was hungry when dieting? Haha xx
MissAmyMarie said:
I've decided to cook a small portion of gratin potatoes with my tea see if that helps. I've been having my veg but because I don't weigh it I just have a small portion. Maybe I'm not having enough then. Thanks for the advice, who'd have thought I'd be wishing I was hungry when dieting? Haha xx

Haha mad isn't it! I think you're doing the right thing,under eating as much as you are your body will probably hold onto water/fat or anything it can,Goodluck xx
Did anyone else watch the programme on BBC3 tonight about changing bodies? Made me wonder how different I will feel once I hit target or if I'll just move onto the next thing to flap over. I wonder of anybody ever does feel truly beautiful and happy?

Did make me feel proud that I'm managing to stick to this diet there was a girl only a couple of years younger than me who gave up after 3 weeks. Another girl slightly older who at 17 stone was less than 2 stone heavier than me when I started and she saved for a year the £6500 for a gastric sleeve. I just thought if she had the same motivation to lose weight as she did to save then she could have lost a massive amount of weight in a year without using extreme diets and she'd be £6500 better off. Made me wonder if once she's lost the weight from the surgery how long it will be til she puts it back on. Losing weight is not just about cutting out the crap for a short while but a lifestyle change. I've only realised that since starting this diet and have learnt so much about food and portion control that I would have never have known if I'd have taken the easy option of surgery.
Sleepytime tea usually works for me, or nytol

Hope you get some rest soon hun Xx
Just reading through your thread, you're doing great. See you're starting to think about long term stuff and effects of dieting.

About two years ago I got to my lowest adult weight, could wear a size 8/10 down from a 14/16. It took a while to stop picking up size 14s in the shop n it was weird to hear people say I was tiny. Although I was proud of myself I never got that confidence you hear people get when the lost weight, I just found other things to hate about myself. My own worst enemy I guess. I'm trying to get over that now and find some self worth but aware that weight loss won't suddenly make things lovely n rosy.

Sorry if that's a bit of a downer, I'm just typing away without really thinking
Sleepytime tea usually works for me, or nytol

Hope you get some rest soon hun Xx

Thanks hun I'll pick some up when I do my shop xx

Just reading through your thread, you're doing great. See you're starting to think about long term stuff and effects of dieting.

About two years ago I got to my lowest adult weight, could wear a size 8/10 down from a 14/16. It took a while to stop picking up size 14s in the shop n it was weird to hear people say I was tiny. Although I was proud of myself I never got that confidence you hear people get when the lost weight, I just found other things to hate about myself. My own worst enemy I guess. I'm trying to get over that now and find some self worth but aware that weight loss won't suddenly make things lovely n rosy.

Sorry if that's a bit of a downer, I'm just typing away without really thinking

Thanks hunny. It's a shame that in today's world people have an expectation to be flawless, I'm already planning on getting my teeth whitened, I think I'm too tall, I hate my hair. It's like no matter what we do there's always something. I just don't want to fall into the trap of yo-yoing. I've been heavy since being young so don't know what it feels like to be slim. I just want to get there and stay there. It will make me feel good fitting in the clothes I love and looking good I them but how happy will I be with that?

Its not a downer it's the truth, certainly not a reason to give up but a kick up the bum to all start telling ourselves we are beautiful no matter what and nobody expects perfection apart from ourselves. Deep haha.

On a positive I stepped o. The scales although I said was going to wait and I'm 4lbs down which I'm happy with. Means I've hit my 2 stone goal! Woo!! 3lbs to the 12s xxx
Mac and cheese, mushroom pasta done. Was gonna have a veg stir fry but the veggies had gone funny. Gutted.

Had so much water today I think I'm gonna pop! Just staring at a shake willinging myself to make it and get it down haha.

Heres to a other 3 pounds and the next stone bracket!

How's everyone else getting on?

Well done you, those pounds are melting off. Have you measured? I had another sts but had the weekend off, so I'm not surprised!
Well done you, those pounds are melting off. Have you measured? I had another sts but had the weekend off, so I'm not surprised!

I'm gonna measure tomorrow and I'll take some photos to upload on here. I did say every 7lbs loss I'd do that and I'm at 8lbs since the last ones. I'm only 1 stone away from a healthy bmi now! Hopefully get there for Xmas.

At least you haven't gained and a bet the weekend off was worth it! I'm going to my friends in Southampton on Thursday for a long weekend, it's gonna take me 5 and a half hours to get there. Good job I've got a bar left for the journey! She wants to go to pizza express which I'm dreading and then there'll be copious amounts of alcohol over the weekend. Taking my packs down with me though as she knows I'm on the diet and she's already got a load of green veg in just for me, bless her. So I've decided to stay on plan with one tricky meal out to deal with!

Youre so close to target now, you'll be there by Xmas never mind Jan!!

good luck keeping on plan! I'm so close I can smell it, but it usually at this point I give up! Though I've never done 8 weeks before.
I can't wait to see your pics. I need to take some more of me, maybe that will motivate me.
I can't wait to see your pics. I need to take some more of me, maybe that will motivate me.

It definitely helps! We see ourselves every day and although we are losing weight and everybody else can see you can't always see it yourself. I still feel like I look the same as I did 3 months ago. It's only when I see the pics I can see the difference for myself. It'll give you a big boost but don't forget you have given yourself til January to lose the last little bit meaning if you want to treat yourself now and again you can, you'll a million percent get there xx
Oops been sick a couple of times so had some toast in the hope of keeping something down. I don't feel ill it just came from nowhere. I hope I'm not getting ill, got a big weekend this weekend xx
Sorry to hear you got sick! Hope the toast helped :)