Hey Amy Marie! Just read your diary from start to finish between yesterday and this morning!
You're such a lovely bubbly party girl!!
I can totally relate to the beginning, middle and current parts of your journey so far and have
every faith in you! You're gonna look stunning at your goal weight! (Not that you don't already, but you know what I mean!)
I'm currently on Day 5, can't believe I got over the last 4 days without any hunger pangs.
If I can recommend one thing that helps it's chromium supplements (Holland and Barrett do them).
They really help eliminate cravings.
I think, like you, I'm just going to avoid the scales for now, although I may change my mind.
Well done on the decorating, it certainly kept you occupied and away from food-thoughts.
I'm gonna attack an ever-increasing pile of ironing when I get home! Love the keto-energy buzz!!