It really is! If I'm honest I didn't start to feel okay/not hungry/happy on the diet until yesterday which was day 8. All last week I woke up with a headache and was constantly hungry throughout the day. Yesterday was like a turning point! I didn't crave anything etc. even when the OH and parent in laws came over for dinner and had all sorts of things that shall remain nameless! I went out to my exercise class and left them to it and came back and had my mushroom pack with extra mushrooms! They even drank MY bottle of red!!! Cheeky! Oh well, at least I can't drink it now!! I was so close to caving on Sat too - lots of temptation in front of me and I do love my wine! Oh well, as people say, this food/drink will still be there when I am slim and nothing is going to taste as good as wearing that dress on my wedding day and the bikini on my honeymoon! So excited!
Little concerned about my wedding though as I won't have drunk at all before then so a combination of not having drunk for months and being a lot slimmer could end up me being a very sloshed bride! You're really keeping me going Amy cos I know you like to go out at the weekends too and end up having p***a (banned word!
) etc and so knowing you're 100% is keeping me going! I'm so excited to see how much you lose. You are going to do so well and we will have to have a little minimins party for you! xxx