First ever VLCD

I've been thinking the same, I'm gonna maybe do a calorie controlled slimming world (myself,no going to the groups) make sure portions are no bigger than my fist. I think that's the downfall of slimming world is that you get 'free foods' so people just think 'I'll have as much of that as I want' but it all contains calories, and I'm gonna make sure I keep to low carbs. I'm also gonna continue to use 'my fitness pal' and keep active and make sure I burn all the calories I've eaten, I can have a treat BUT I have to burn it off! And I'm gonna gradually increase my calories but mostly try and stick to 1200.
I'm kind of scared going it alone though :/ like you said it's so easy just adding water to a sachet and I like the strictness of S&S, you know exactly where you are then don't you?!

i just don't want to have to rely on counting calories because I'll become obsessed and that's not healthy. I just want it to be normal practice for me to eat right. I get what you mean about free foods, nothing is free. And I don't understand how you can still have a fry up in the morning and be classed as dieting. Doesn't make sense to me.

At least we're in it together!! I think low carb and exercise is gonna be the best bet really xx
Yeah I don't want to get obsessed with the calorie counting but I will do it for a while just till it sort of becomes second nature and just make healthier choices, the last thing I want is be one of those people flitting from diet to diet, I want to maintain a small appetite and see food as fuel for my body and to really enjoy it, not see it as something I like therefore I must fill my face with it till I'm ready to burst.
This really is massive step back for me to truly evaluate my relationship with food and change my whole lifestyle for good. I'm determined I will not give up! I WILL be amazing godamnit!! Haha xx
Yeah I don't want to get obsessed with the calorie counting but I will do it for a while just till it sort of becomes second nature and just make healthier choices, the last thing I want is be one of those people flitting from diet to diet, I want to maintain a small appetite and see food as fuel for my body and to really enjoy it, not see it as something I like therefore I must fill my face with it till I'm ready to burst.
This really is massive step back for me to truly evaluate my relationship with food and change my whole lifestyle for good. I'm determined I will not give up! I WILL be amazing godamnit!! Haha xx

Im the same!! I want my first time to be the only time!! I don't think "when I'm off the diet, I'll eat this" I know that I'm going to have to make healthier choices and eat regularly to maintain but that's fine, I like healthy food I just don't ever know what to have!! I'll need you to write down your shopping list and just copy it to get going I think haha.

Im excited to be slim and healthy and generally perfect hahaha xx
Haha absolutely!! Where are we gonna go on the forum after slim and save??
I'll have to design a healthy eating plan (I think it's handy still having 'rules' to go by)
I have all the slimming world info PDFs, I just scanned all my friends booklets (am I balls paying for them haha) so I think that will help to make a plan and factor in some treats.
Soooo it's day 24 and all is going well apart from being bored out of my brain at work! So glad to be home! Had 2 shakes and a bar so far and need to squeeze in a last pack before going out. It's a work night out (joy) and because I've not been out with them yet I feel like I kind if have to go. I say im not going to drink much but that never happens. Sucking to vodka and diet coke and praying I can handle work tomorrow with a hangover.

Well the events that unfolded last night were just diabolical. Having to sit through work when I'm still massively passed was just atrocious! I had a good night though from what I remember!

Not eaten at all today, can't face having a pack when all I want is a pizza!!

Haha! Glad you had a good night hun!!! Spill!

I was bad on Friday night due to vino + some other unmentionables!! Back on it yesterday tho with major exercise involved!

Good luck! (PS im not even hungover and i want pizza!) xxxxxxxxxxx
Haha! Glad you had a good night hun!!! Spill!

I was bad on Friday night due to vino + some other unmentionables!! Back on it yesterday tho with major exercise involved!

Good luck! (PS im not even hungover and i want pizza!) xxxxxxxxxxx

Ohhh dear god well! I was good by way of having diet coke and voddy. Then got talked into jäger bombs. Then was on shots and then I simply don't remember.

Kind of did the naughty with a guy from work too hahaha. I've only been there a month! Oopsies!!

Ahh well, what's the saying? YOLO? Hahaha.

Ah I'm so not up with the cool kids' lingo! What's YOLO stand for?!!! x
Hahaha loving the expression 'did the naughty'!! The most important thing is that you had a good time...and I'm guessing you did xxx

I did but got some stick for it today. Just want a week to pass then it'll be all forgotten haha xx

Ah I'm so not up with the cool kids' lingo! What's YOLO stand for?!!! x

Ha aww shiv!! It's the most annoying phrase on the planet... You only live once xx
I'm here!! Didn't eat a thing yesterday which I know is bad but better than stuffing my face with pizza. Think I needed the detox anyway after all the alcohol.

Day 26 and I've had 3 packs so far, might make some Thai flavoured crisps as my last one.

How is everyone?

I'm here!! Didn't eat a thing yesterday which I know is bad but better than stuffing my face with pizza. Think I needed the detox anyway after all the alcohol.

Day 26 and I've had 3 packs so far, might make some Thai flavoured crisps as my last one.

How is everyone?


Really good day for me, a bit achy from the workouts but other than that I feel great, ooo thai crisps sounds nice, they didn't have the thai soup when I ordered is it nice?
Really good day for me, a bit achy from the workouts but other than that I feel great, ooo thai crisps sounds nice, they didn't have the thai soup when I ordered is it nice?

Glad you're feeling good hunny, wish I could say the same haha.

Thai soup is mingling, Thai crisps are... Interesting. Had to burn them to stomach them haha xx
Day 27

I was supposed to be working today from half 8 but woke up this morning and felt like my body was made of lead! I felt so pap I decided to not go in and give up my weekend off instead. I MUST be feeling bad!

Moral of the story is that I am NEVER drinking that much again. Especially whilst on sns!

I didn't really feel like eating when I woke up but knew I should have something so had a bar and I'm feeling better now. I have low blood pressure as it is and I know dieting lowers it more so maybe that's why I'm feeling a bit off too?

Gonna make some lunch, then seeing as I now have the day to myself get on with stripping my room and at least doing something productive with my day!!

How are you lovelies? Seems to be getting quiet in here again.
