First ever VLCD

Wow I bet you feel amazing fitting in to a size 10! I've never been smaller than a 14 in my adult life so I couldn't even imagine being that size. It's so soul destroying being bigger when there's all these amazing clothes I could be wearing and they all look crap or don't fit me! I WILL fit in a tiny aqua dress soon though I'm sure :D I already have a few goal dresses that I bought years ago but I'm sure one more wont hurt ;)

I'm not quite in it yet but it very almost does up fully and yes it does feel amazing. The smallest I've been since being 15 is a size 16. My prom dress was an 18. My school skirt in year 7 was a size 14. I was ELEVEN!! I just remember trying on some shorts in Primark at a size 20 and them being too tight! I was crying in the changing rooms, I looked horrific but there wasn't much I could do as I was going away for the summer. I felt **** about myself, the worst I have ever been and it was when I was travelling that I really decided properly I was going to attempt to lose weight. If you'd have told me last summer that I would be almost fitting in a size 10 dress I'd have laughed in your face. I still can't quite believe it now. The fact I'm a size 12 still hasn't sunk in. Definitely get the dress! You will get in it, if I can go from a size 20 then you can go from a 14 easily!

Just had a delivery of some shiny disco pants from missguided. Tiny sizes missguided and they only bloody well fit. When I got them out they looked tiiiiiiiny and I thought there wasn't a chance of me getting in them yet I actually do!! OMfriggingG!! Welllllll chuffed xx
Oooo well done honey love misguided stuff!!! Brilliant news!! Pics pics pics!!! I wanna see all ur lovely news clothes :) xxxxx

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Oooo well done honey love misguided stuff!!! Brilliant news!! Pics pics pics!!! I wanna see all ur lovely news clothes :) xxxxx

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Thanks babe! I love missguided! Then again I love most clothes shops ha! Just ordered a leather jacket from warehouse in a 10. Eeeeeekkkkkkkk!!! I'll take some pics once all my new clothes arrive so I can show you my whole outfits ha xx
Weee good work hun :) I love my disco pants, wear em loads!!

Between misguided and boohoo my poor purse takes a battering LOL

Enjoy the new clothes hun :) Xx
Was reeeeeeeeeeally naughty tonight!!!! Rrrreeeeeaaaaalllllllllllllllyyyyy naughty!!!!

Was my au toes 50th so we went for a meal, had such a good time! I started off well, mushrooms for the starter, chicken and chorizo salad for the main. Then I had WINE!! The I had ETON MESS CHEESECAKE!!


Was bloody gorgeous though! Feel like I'm gonna pop. Like literally burst! Straight back on it tomorrow though!

So the multicoloured shorts are what were tight on me less than 6 months ago. The black trousers are what I wore tonight. Still shocked I fit in them! EITHER IF THEM!



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Was reeeeeeeeeeally naughty tonight!!!! Rrrreeeeeaaaaalllllllllllllllyyyyy naughty!!!!

Was my au toes 50th so we went for a meal, had such a good time! I started off well, mushrooms for the starter, chicken and chorizo salad for the main. Then I had WINE!! The I had ETON MESS CHEESECAKE!!


Was bloody gorgeous though! Feel like I'm gonna pop. Like literally burst! Straight back on it tomorrow though!


You have to enjoy yourself hunny we only live once
Shopping, shopping, shopping today. Eyebrows threaded and nails done then off to the Trafford centre for more shopping and tea with my friend. Looooove days off. Love them even more when it's a gorgeous day like today xx
Hello Lovely,

Woweeeeeeee to the comparison!!!!!!! your doing fab hun!!! cant wait to see pics of your new outfits!!!

Your day sounds fab! please come and kidnapp me from work and take me with you :) pretty please xxxxx
Hello Lovely,

Woweeeeeeee to the comparison!!!!!!! your doing fab hun!!! cant wait to see pics of your new outfits!!!

Your day sounds fab! please come and kidnapp me from work and take me with you :) pretty please xxxxx

My outfits arrived today and my shoes are amaaaazzzzzzing!!!! I'll take some photos when I'm ready! I'm off to the Trafford centre tonight, how long do you reckon it will take to get there via Surrey? Haha xx
My outfits arrived today and my shoes are amaaaazzzzzzing!!!! I'll take some photos when I'm ready! I'm off to the Trafford centre tonight, how long do you reckon it will take to get there via Surrey? Haha xx

Ooo yayyyyyy!!!! Take pics!!! Can't wait to see!! Oooo can't take that long!!! Haha I NEED some shopping therapy!!! I'm doing that through you atm hahaha so show me all your buys!!! :) enjoy Hun xxxxx

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oh you sound like you are having a ball with all this shopping. I can't wait to get this weight off and then i will be joining ya :) fair play you deserve it !!
Yay shopping! My boyfriend is dreading when I get slimmer as he thinks I'm bad with shopping now and ill be horrendous when I look good in everything! May need to turn the spare room in to a walk in wardrobe :D
Well I had a brill time shopping and seeing my friend. I was in SUCH a good mood until I looked on Facebook.

Long story short, my older sister Emma (34) moved into my house when I was travelling. Consequently when I got back I had no room I was FORCED to move out which really annoyed/upset me. She's 34 and a mother of 2. She's always scrounged off rich boyfriends because she is a complete gold digger so she doesn't have her own house. When her last relationship ended (surprise, surprise) she should have bought her own place. Instead she decided to move into MY room and start an affair with a (rich of course) MARRIED man. So you get the kind of idea what type of person she is.

Meanwhile, my other sister Tracey (36) was adopted when she was 6 and Emma was 4 before i was born. Emma has made absolutely no attempt to find Tracey and it was ME who found her, me who reunited the family and Emma who tried to take all the credit until I made sure I rectified that. Tracey asked us both to be bridesmaids at her wedding next year.

Now I have a dilemma, of course I said yes why wouldn't I? But I feel like the outcast as those two are full sisters whereas I am only half plus there is an 11/13 year age gap between me and them, and only 2 between them so they are bound to be closer.


Me and Emma had a blazing row on my birthday. Caused by her. Me and my mum were having a bit of a do and Emma decided to stick her 2 pence worth in and start calling me lazy, slating what I was wearing and basically just being cruel with what she was saying. In the past she has told me to "lose weight fat *****" she is a size 8 after all so she is well known for being a vindictive *****. The only thing I said to her was that she was pathetic. But who wouldn't agree there? So she blocked me on Facebook, big whoop, but the proceeds to MAKE UP (this is no word of a lie) the reason for blocking me being because I apparently wrote a lovely status about her saying she thinks she is gorgeous when she isn't. This is 100000% not true!! Which makes me even angrier.

So obviously she is saying all this to Tracey who is soaking it all up yet when I try to tell her my side she tells me she isn't getting involved. That was, until she changed her mind today.

I got home to a Facebook message telling me she's decided to not have me as a bridesmaid at her wedding because Emma has said she will not go to the wedding if I am there. What an evil *****! Apparently Tracey would have "slapped me silly" if she would have been there and I have to apologise to Emma if I want to go to the wedding. Ha! She's got more chance of me growing a d*ck and beard and renaming myself Barry.

Im absolutely RAGING!! I don't even care that she doesn't want me as a bridesmaid, to be honest I wasn't keen on the idea in the first place but for her to have the cheek to get involved without hearing the truth about the situation and making out that I am in the wrong when I'm not is an absolute piss take. Now Im not the type of person to not apologise when I know I'm wrong, in fact I'm the complete opposite. I don't like aggro, I don't like falling out with people and I know when I'm the one who has to put things right but this is not one of those times!!

im just so angry and I know this is a massive essay and it probably doesn't even make sense but its helping writing it all down.

One thing is for certain. It's made me a million times more determined to get to a size 8 and get this job with Emirates. They can enjoy the wedding. It's about as exciting as their pointless lives will get. I'm going to make the most of mine and instead of justifying either of them with a reply let alone an apology Im going to do well for myself and that will be a bigger F you to them than anything else.
