First time Exante diary

Thank you for replying and giving me some info..I've purchased the 4 week if I just have say boiled eggs with the meal plans on the 4th week that would be I say I'm rubbish cook hence needed a diet I could just eat what was
Thank you for replying and giving me some info..I've purchased the 4 week if I just have say boiled eggs with the meal plans on the 4th week that would be I say I'm rubbish cook hence needed a diet I could just eat what was
Yup you should be okay with 3 meals from them and a couple of boiled eggs as the fourth meal. Just make sure you drink a lot of water and no sugary drinks
Hiii there Mish - your avatar is super adorable! I love hippos.

Congratulations on a strong start to the plan.

I agree with everything everyone has already said: stick to the plan, don't cheat, don't waver, and you will be absolutely be in that dress for your wedding. The first week is always the hardest, so if you can stay strong through that, you can definitely do this. And it is okay to feel weak and weepy sometimes, we all have good days and bad days. It's not having the bad things that matters, it's how we handle them and you have handled them so well!

I definitely think you're right about hunger being both physical and psychological - part of what this diet is helping me to do is recognise the difference. I'm not much of a cook or a baker myself, but I do enjoy watching cookery programmes. At first I stayed off them, in case they made me waver, but I now I just enjoy them as a healthy way to interact with food :)

I'm rooting for you/
WAHOO! I am officially in ketosis! Went and got some sticks from Boots and I'm into the first shade of pink :D I honestly have started feeling so much better over the course of the day, I could literally -feel- the shift. It was like I'd had a couple of espressos or something haha!
Well done Mishlaptop you have done amazing staying strong in those first few days. It really does get easier. Loz x
Um, okay. Just experienced one of the more unpleasant side effects of a liquid diet... Any suggestions of how I can get some fibre into myself please, folks??
I've woken up full of paranoia this morning. I feel -really- good today, honestly, like I've had the best night's sleep of my life or something. I feel awesome.

But at the same time there's a part of my brain going "600 cals a day is dangerous, what are you doing?! You're killing yourself!"
Part of me is wondering if I should go up to the flexi-plan at around 1000 cal a day, just to calm my overactive imagination down. I'm listening to my body, keeping an eye out for the slightest indication I might be physically in trouble, and honestly I feel great, but I've got a bug up my butt that I might be doing more harm than good...
I've woken up full of paranoia this morning. I feel -really- good today, honestly, like I've had the best night's sleep of my life or something. I feel awesome.

But at the same time there's a part of my brain going "600 cals a day is dangerous, what are you doing?! You're killing yourself!"
Part of me is wondering if I should go up to the flexi-plan at around 1000 cal a day, just to calm my overactive imagination down. I'm listening to my body, keeping an eye out for the slightest indication I might be physically in trouble, and honestly I feel great, but I've got a bug up my butt that I might be doing more harm than good...

600cals is over the starvation range. While i understand your concerns no part of your body will end up suffering because of this diet. To echo the ITV show - the other stuff we kept putting in our bodies were the real threat. All that this diet (imo) should do it help retrain your eating schedule and portion size. That being said, are you feeling faint? Do you have any symptoms that you are aware of or make you worried? Obvs if the bowel movement doesn't resolve in the next 24hours or so I would try speaking to a pharmacist re something mild that they can give you. But i think its transiet and the body just adjusting. Have you tried any of the exante solid meals? I really like the bean chilli one - you could try having that 2x in one day as it's consistency and the beans themselves may help you.
If you really continue to be worried you could give the 800 version a go, maybe? But please feel free to ignore me on all these accounts! Im barely on week 2 myself!
How's your day been, other than the slight panic? Hope it went well for you!
I've woken up full of paranoia this morning. I feel -really- good today, honestly, like I've had the best night's sleep of my life or something. I feel awesome.

But at the same time there's a part of my brain going "600 cals a day is dangerous, what are you doing?! You're killing yourself!"
Part of me is wondering if I should go up to the flexi-plan at around 1000 cal a day, just to calm my overactive imagination down. I'm listening to my body, keeping an eye out for the slightest indication I might be physically in trouble, and honestly I feel great, but I've got a bug up my butt that I might be doing more harm than good...

I’ve just found your diary Mishkapop and wanted to say that you’re doing really well. I also had wobbles over the 600 calorie intake and whether this would cause major issues but so far (I’ve just started wk 4) I’ve experienced nothing but health benefits. As long as you’re feeling well, trust your body and don’t let your anxious brain get the better of you.
Good luck! Xx
I did CWP 8 years ago and lost 7 stone on it all on 600 cals a day. Then I got pregnant and had lots of crappy stuff happen until I'd gained it all back and more. I started again in February this year.I've lost almost 5 stone now and honestly it's safe. I feel way better now I'm in ketosis(I started off on CWP again but they've changed so it's no longer ketosis based and it wasn't working plus it was expensive so now I'm on Exante). Like you I could literally feel the shift as I went into ketosis. It was much easier to get up this morning than usual (I also have fibromyalgia so mornings are a struggle). Once you get past the first week it's honestly so much easier . Just don't be tempted by anything because once you cheat it's so hard to get back on track, and each subsequent cheat makes it a very slippery slope. I still have 10 stone to lose. I'll be taking a break in August because I'm going to Korea for 18 days, but I'll be avoiding fattening foods. Bread and carbs food isn't as prevalent there as here and the food is generally pretty healthy(there are exceptions of course).But the minute I land back in England I'll be back on Exante to lose the rest of the weight.
Mishka, how are you? I believe if you are indeed worried you should really speak to your doctor about it. VLCD is the type of diet that can (should even maybe) be done under medical supervision. While this forum is fantastic for peer support and experiences the best way to ensure you are staying healthy is to have your tests done (blood glucose levels, creatinine, and heart rate). Only you and your doctor will know if you have any preexisting conditions or risk factors. Hence, while everyone here will be super supportive, the information we will be able to give you is solely OUR experience and not medically/experimentally tested fact. I believe your worries to be well founded - while this diet works for us (and tbh I am a bit fearful that I'm not under medical supervision) I am taking a tiny bit of risk in that sense because I know I dont have any underlying conditions but I am being careful.
In case you find this helpful? It's a review (albeit from 1993) in a v reputable scientific journal


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Hi guys. I fell off the wagon. I ate a big bowl of home made lentil Dahl and followed it up with watermelon last night. I'm so angry with myself. Now I'm out of keto and have to start all over again :(
That's okay. No need to be angry with yourself. In the end it's all about learning to eat the good stuff rather than the bad stuff and focusing on portion control. There are going to be blips as thats part of life! Maybe it did take you out of keto or maybe it didn't (not sure if you checked with strips), but the key thing I see is WHAT you decided to eat - and it was by no means pizza or burgers! So i think that's important in itself. It is going to be a bit difficult going back through the initial stuff but it is absolutely do-able. And remember that doing this diet is just going to retrain you to just appreciate and focus on the even better types of foods and just having that lovely protein and fiber in the world. So if you're sure you want to do this - you will do it!:) keep calm and carry on :). Best of luck to you today, I know you can do it!
Right, so I've not been on for a bit. Basically the weekend before last I was away for the weekend planning my wedding, including cake tasting etc, so I drew a line under all that and started from scratch on 9th of July. I decided to go with the 800 calorie a day Man Plan just because emotionally it made me feel better.

I am flipping DELIGHTED so far! I'm nicely settled into ketosis now, on the first shade of pink on my box of keto sticks consistently. I have totally lost my appetite but feel alert, awake, in fact less tired than I have in a long time. I've managed to cut my caffeine intake right down to maybe two cups of coffee a day as opposed to eight-ten cups.

Best of all though, so far I have lost 11 pounds and an inch and a half off my waist! I can now just about get into my wedding dress, so it will definitely fit me beautifully before the big day!

Some days I have four packs but some days I just have three, because honestly I feel stuffed and don't want to eat a fourth. It's such a good feeling. The first maybe, 5 days I looked at the teensy portions and felt deprived, but now I have one and feel satisfied and content. I admit, I am missing vegetables, so last night I treated myself to a handful of spinach in my spaghetti bolognese pack.

I feel so motivated right now. I hope it keeps up, because now I've got through the first hump, this feels easy.