Fizzys juddd dance

Made it to 5. Had fahitias for dinner, was controlled and good. (And goooooood). Intention is for that to be it for tonight! Here's hoping!
Yes, trying to avoid getting out of bed so as to avoid the kitchen, can't keep it up much longer tho, time to face those demons lol!

Planning home made lasagne with garlic bread for tea, and scrummy yummy red wine mwah!!!!
IM guilty of that too. Made it to five and dinner as planned mmm

Going out for dinner tomoro night so I'll fast again from waking Neil then :)
Shhhh. I've been doing something, not quite sure what, a but of a mish mash of theories, and have somehow lost 7lb in the past 3 weeks :)

Doing something continues.....
Brilliant, keep it up