Fizzys juddd dance

Its the inches that count, so well done you x
Did you watch it, I really enjoyed it !!
Yea just finished, was good and I enjoyed it, don't think it was as good as it was made out to be tho

17 lost : 50 to goal
No it started off really funny, loved Megan and the food poisoning was hilarious !! But it sort of turned from a comedy to a romcom second half but def enjoyed it, Me and Evie (my youngest she is 18 mths) sat and watched it together in the end, she had a late nap today and I couldn't wait any longer for her to go to sleep as I was starving, we both had spanish chicken and rice with french bread, then my OH came home with Chocolates and I am now literally stuffed. Really thinking about having a DD tom as he is working nights so no nice evening together anyway but if I have aDD tom it messes up the rest of my week, oh well I will decide tomorrow when I get up?
The inches you've lost are great fizzy!!!!

Well done :) you'll see those scales drop next week for sure :D

Morning Fizzy, hope you have a good day x
Hello Fizzy!

I hope you had a lovely weekend and happy Monday too :eek:

Still here, just flat out busy!! Think I managed to stay under 500 today, was at a training day and they gave us sandwichs for lunch, took 4 quarters and that's all I've had today

Was supposed to do day 1 of shred today but hasn't worked out like that!!

17 lost : 50 to goal
Sounds like a good DD calwise, sorry you have been so hectic, hope you have an easier day tomorrow x
Awww sorry u had a hectic day! I hope tomorrow is better :)

Hope you have a good day fizzy x
Sounding like a fab DD Fizzy, I am useless with water It makes me feel sick glugging away at it especially on a DD, I have been having cal free Cream soda, not ideal but at least its fluid x
Morning Fizzy, have a good up day x
Morning have a lovely day xxx

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Hiya Fizzy!!!

Have a lovely day!

Thanks guys, have had a very nice up day. Feel very in control and not binging (which is how previous ups have been!!)

Think I'll settle for a sts again on sat as I've had up days of 3000+ and can't seem to get DD's under 700.

Working too hard me thinks. Supposed to be doing the shred this week and I've brought work home all week instead. Plus I'm having to cover our residential unit next week 'due to unforeseen circumstances' which is giving me an extra 42hrs on top of my usual 37.5!!

17 lost : 50 to goal
Oh my you are busy, remember to look after yourself x