Flutter's Diary

Have you considered becoming a childminder Flutter? Means you can stay at home with yr kiddies & get some pennies in? x

Hmmm I have considered it Linzi but not sure I would have the patience with other kids? I quite enjoy being "at work" with adults if that make sense it's more being badly let down and the impact it's having (and will have) that's the problem. x

Hey Flutter - how are you today?

I'm sorry to hear about your childcare woes. I totally hear you on that one - when I first moved to Scotland, I beat 82 other applicants for an NHS job (a job I really wanted - working on cutting down waiting times for cancer patients). Turns out, the final salary offer was meager... after paying childcare for one child and the petrol needed to get to work, I'd be bringing home £50 a month. I didn't take the job.

Since then, I've become a mobile nail technician, which as been quite lucrative over the past 3 years (am in a bit of a lull right now though... no one can afford such luxuries in this economy!) but I'm not starving. I've not had to put my kids in childcare, and I'm earning more than £50 a month :) When my youngest is a bit older and going to nursery, I'll go proper part-time and eventually full time, but for now, this works for me.

I really hope you find a way around this - working when you have kids is stressful enough!! I wish your mum thought about what she was doing to you by making this decision... perhaps she needs to know?

Hey Seraphine that's such a shame re your NHS job as it sounded very interesting and rewarding. Can hardly believe the cost of childcare and I bet like us you don't waster your pennies either. Good on you for getting a career that suits you and your wee ones I have to go back to work for 6 months otherwise I have to pay back a fortune but throughout that time will be considering my options.

Morning Lesley. :)

Morning Jim! Welcome back.

so far honey.....

Good news Vicky hope it stays that way. Are you all stocked up in case of the munchies again? Must find those bacon and cheese rolls in Tesco sound yum!
yes im all stocked up love. cooked one packet and have them all with me :) still blaming totm though! 2 packs for a fiver at the mo. was sorely tempted to get the hot and spicy chicken wings too they are about 3 for a 1/3 of the pack :D
Hmmm I have considered it Linzi but not sure I would have the patience with other kids? I quite enjoy being "at work" with adults if that make sense it's more being badly let down and the impact it's having (and will have) that's the problem. x

No I completely understand where yr coming from... adult company is essential!

Are you gonna speak to yr Mum? x
Lol i didnt get the wings - id have eaten the whole pack!
i love chicken like really love chicken. need a low carb kfc please :D
Me too have a breast roasting in the oven as we speak may be for soup or salad haven't decided yet!
Hmmm parmesan coating maybe or ground almonds or soya flour for a fake KFC?
are you going to try and test for me lesley ;)
yes if its relatives as Linz says, can prove a nightmare I suppose esp with hols etc!
I do think when you pay someone & have a contract things seem to run alot smoother iykwin. x

Yes I quite agree just need to find someone I like now! Or just someone!!

are you going to try and test for me lesley ;)
yes if its relatives as Linz says, can prove a nightmare I suppose esp with hols etc!

Never had KFC Vicky :eek: so couldn't compare!! But some spices, parmesan, soya flour would be similar maybe? Might try that later this week!!
of course my love - you have just missed out :D
Well done on being in the 60s - so close to goal now!
Can't help on the childcare issue - being allergic to them lol but can sympathise with being let down, that is a pain.
They had them in my tesco and thats a rubbish one. cant you do online shopping?