Flutter's Diary

Ah lesley - dont put too much pressure on yourself. after xmas is over you can carry on shrinking anyway. when were you last at work?
Hi Lesley! You'll do fine... get back on the horse!

You and I are the same right now - same weight, same goal! I'm not putting any pressure on myself with a date, but that might be holding me back a bit. I'm not working towards anything in particular, like before I was pushing towards losing weight for my holiday, and while I'm staying the course, I'm not being super-picky about drinking enough water and watching every carb. I'm just holding my own (and taking delight with losses and showing my inlaws you can actually lose weight!)

I'm sure your workmates will be blown away. Still, they may be afraid to say anything... etiquette says we should never comment on someone's weight, be it up or down. I'd hate for you to walk in and have no one say anything. A neighbour of mine asked me yesterday (while I helped shovel her out of her snowy drive) if I was okay... she'd noticed I looked a lot smaller and she was worried I might be sick or something, but didn't want to say in case I was. Just prepare yourself :)

Hi Seraphine and thanks for those lovely words. What a lovely neighbour you have concerned and tactful! I am not sure my colleagues worry about being rude or mean hence my reluctance to rejoin them but needs must etc etc. We'll make it goal in our own time and it will be all the better for that :D

Ah lesley - dont put too much pressure on yourself. after xmas is over you can carry on shrinking anyway. when were you last at work?

Tis very true Vicky you're a wise old bird! I finished work December 10th last year so it's been a looooooong time!

Afternoon hun, have a great day :) x

Hey Alpa cheers hope you're doing ok and no more escapades to report :)
Hey Flutter, no beating yourself up allowed! You've done super well, nobody who last saw you a year ago could fail to notice.

Back on track for a few weeks. You've been an inspiration to me with your sustained losses. :)
Hi WW thanks love not that I feel inspirational (to myself or others) but yesterday was a good day and so will today and the next etc etc.
Couldn't do it without you all though! :D

B - nothing not feeling great so water water and coffee!
L - prawns and salad
D - chicken recipe to be decided on!
Morning sweetheart - sorry you arent feeling too good. I wonder if with this run up to xmas we are all feeling a bit hard done by having to diet? LOL
Ok long story and apologies for venting here but I need to get it off my chest and better here than at the person involved ....

I'm headed back to work after mat leave starting again 4th Jan and my mum intimated that she would be available and willing to look after the girls 1 day a week (I work 3) which is great news obviously both in terms of their welfare, being with family and cost wise.
Over the past couple of weeks though comments have been made like "can you change the days you work", "are you going back long term" etc but nothing definite was said so yesterday I took bull by the horns and asked if there was a problem and now she can't take them at all, any day and it's 4 weeks until I go back.
I'm gutted, disappointed, upset, really really upset in fact it means my girls have to go to childcare 3 days a week (including my baby who's not even 1) and the cost is phenomenal (min £900/month).
So on top of all the Crimbo stress, going back to work stress I'm now trying to sort out childcare as can't afford to pay nursery fees so need to find childminder (hens teeth) at short notice and it means my eldest will be probably be upset as she's been at the nursery for 2 years, :cry::cry:
I could go on but I just feel so let down :cry:
Oh honey :( xxxhugsxxxx just what you need eh? I knew you were worried about work anyway but this just tops it off.
Did your mum give a reason why she cant do one day? its only one day after all.
That childcare cost is phenomenol!!!! Do you have to go back to work? Can you cut down to 2 days? Do work not offer any kind of childcare scheme?
sorry for all the questions just seeing if we can think of any way round this xxxx
Oh honey :( xxxhugsxxxx just what you need eh? I knew you were worried about work anyway but this just tops it off.
Did your mum give a reason why she cant do one day? its only one day after all. Her new job which was meant to be more flexible isn't and she's taken on work on a Wednesday which was when she was meant to take them.
That childcare cost is phenomenol!!!! Do you have to go back to work? Can you cut down to 2 days? Do work not offer any kind of childcare scheme? Childcare is a nightmare cost wise I already do the only scheme offered (ie saves a bit of tax!)and 3 days is a minimum for my work and the days are pretty set too
sorry for all the questions just seeing if we can think of any way round this xxxx

Thanks love am just gutted the way it's been handled (or not). xx
Oh no :( Have you spoken to your mum again and explained what a mess you are in cos she has let you down? Is there no other family to look after the children???
I think Vicky I would probably just have a right go at my mum and that won't be helpful so I just kind of said nothing and then when it sunk in last night got really upset. My hubbies family live over 2 hours away and my sis in law used to look after Freya but she works and has 2 boys herself so that's a no go as well.
God what a mess.

Am being very selfish though not asking how you are after your pants day yesterday sorry love xx
Oh dont be daft. xxxxx having another pants day though! xxxxx

What does your hubby say?
Aw so sorry love and here's me moaning about my problems it's all character building (or something!).
Anything I can help with? xxx

As for hubby well when he's stopped all the expletives in relation to my mum he's trying to help and may ask work if he can work full time but in 4.5 days so we only need childcare for 2.5 days which will make a difference.
Oh that would be better, what does oh do? you think it might be likely?
ah im ok just get depressed this time of year :(
Oh that would be better, what does oh do? you think it might be likely?
ah im ok just get depressed this time of year :(

It could be possible as his job can be flexible as can mine.
Ah I know this time isn't joyous for all especially if sad things have happened. Sending big hugs your way xxx
thanks Hon. oh i do hope you get things sorted. xxx bet you are dreading doing back to work?
Yes very true - doesnt stop you being nervous though xxxx
why would there be sawdust around?