Flutter's Diary

Oh love I just guess lol a little more flax than a mim, enough water to mix to porridge consistency 2 level tsp of splenda and a splash of cream cos it's all the cream I have lol. Bit slap dash but that's how I cook lol x
thanks Lisa :) i might have some at the weekend.
yes suze :) save me fannying on at breakfast time :)
Oh love I just guess lol a little more flax than a mim, enough water to mix to porridge consistency 2 level tsp of splenda and a splash of cream cos it's all the cream I have lol. Bit slap dash but that's how I cook lol x

Me too, never actually measured the amounts, also add a dash of cinnamon or a tsp of cocoa powder (usually the first one) but very much like a mim in carbs I think.
Morning might give the flax porridge a go again had forgotten about it as it went horribly wrong the last time.

Bad night with the wee one raging temp and I'm having to put her to nursery - bad mummy :(

No menu today as haven't had time to think so even less inspirational than usual .....
Morning Lesley, sorry to hear about the little one.
morning honey :( oh no hope little one ok. what time you working till?
Oh no Lesley... hope she's feeling better. x
Thanks folks xx wee one was ok collected her early and she'd been happy apart from minor wobbles ..... then she falls off the bed (under my care) poor thing has huge big red bump on her forehead and scraped nose think I hyperventilated more than she did though and a mr bump patch helped with swelling.
For one moment though when she landed and went quiet I thought she was out cold luckily the bellow that followed put that thought out of my head.

Anyways off to Edinburgh tomorrow daddy and gran taking over the reins so I'll catch up Friday!

glad she is ok (until she came home to you!)
enjoy your day in edinburgh babe xxx
Morning Lesley, have a good trip love. :)
Morning everyone!!
Feeling better today after 14hr day yesterday and of course no work!!
Need some advice though which I will post on a new thread ...

Hey Vicky how you doing?
Im ok love :)
oh advice...hope you ok!
you got plans for the weekend?
Swim tomorrow with the kids so basically me getting wet and no swimming involved will try for a run again though if I'm feeling ok.
Sunday no plans but hopefully walk or something!

What about you my love go on make me jealous about drinking, dancing and long lies!!
PMSL Flutter!
Lie in tomorrow hopefully after some g and t tonight. then hoping to take girls somewhere for a walk not sure where yet though.
PMSL Flutter!
Lie in tomorrow hopefully after some g and t tonight. then hoping to take girls somewhere for a walk not sure where yet though.

Ohhhhhh 2 out of 3 aint bad Vicky just do some dancing with your shake weight!! Hope you're enjoying and g&ts xx

Hey Lesley... yes I do that kind of swimming at the weekends too. x

It's great Linzi but I do hate them splashing me and getting me hair all wet! xx
Hi Lesley, sorry, only catching up with your thread now. It's making me laugh. :D

You're brilliant starting your running at 4k - it took me weeks to get that far! You'll be at 10k in no time. What did you do in the gym?