Flutter's Diary

OMG I lurved We will Rock you!! xx
Cor sounds like a cracking weekend hun! :)

What was We Will Rock You like?

Bet you burnt some calories :D

OMG I lurved We will Rock you!! xx

Oh we loved it too!! Think I may have developed a wee crush on the young man from Hearsay!!! ;) He was a very good lead and much stronger voice than I imagined and apart from sitting next to someone who must be the most prudest woman ever (is that a word you know what I mean!) who didn't laugh at any of the innuendo it was a fab night :D
Morning all

Woke up full of the cold (well went to bed with sore throat etc so knew it was coming) so dosed up on paracetamol, olbas oil and ready to face the world!

B - protein shake
L - salad - cheese, ham, few toms, cucumber
D - nowt

Have a good day all xxx
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Morning Lesley, didn't you catch the nice weather then? It's been steaming down here, same today as well
oh babes sorry you not feeling well xxx
Sorry to hear - get better soon. I didn't sleep well either- the heat's bad enough but i had a tickly drippy throat. Think (aka hope!) its only allergies though
It's horrible being under the weather when it's so hot and suffocating! I had the fan on all night and woke up with my tongue glued to the roof of my mouth - very unpleasant! Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks ladies ....... Not feeling great and not helped by miserable weather poured rain practically all day hung towels out and can't be ar**d to take them in .... they might be dry by 2012!

Pah! Enjoy your sun ......
Morning ..... Not feeling much better so off work and luckily DH was taking girls to nursery anyway so have a day to nurse myself better that's if I can avoid all the domestics that need done.

Sun out here (eventually) just need to take in soaking wet towels and wash them again!
Morning lesley, yes, try to take it easy today love
Thanks everyone have had a shower, walk outside and am feeling better (sorry to be such a moaner!). Think you might be right Bren as also have conjunctivitis in both eyes ....

Anyway feeling hungry now (good sign!)so had

B - 2 x ryvita and houmous and cucumber
L - prawn and mayo, toms, cucumber and some beetroot (salad leaves out of date on 22nd!)
D - scrambled egg and probably small piece toast as out for a run tonight

Ok so not doing Atkins properly (ie not really adding up carbs and increasing slowly) but am just going with low carb, no crap (ie frankenfoods) and real food and although I want to lose weight I'm keen to tone up too. Think my bottom half is due to the running but not my top half it's horrible!! So may start 30 day shred when I'm feeling better!! xx
lesley my love - your food sounds good and almost similar to mine :D although i might be having dairylea dunkers later xxx low carb and healthy is the way forward for me..ive even had toast too!
Yeah my lovely V but you're a stone lighter than me :) ironically must be all those biscuits you're having !! :p

Just back from 40min run did fine so tomorrow will be race for life practice as the actual run is on Sunday.