Still rockin' it
So glad you feel more in control, despite the infections!!!
I would defo have worried about the dog too- that is exactly the sort of thing that keeps me awake at night.
I have had a good week so far. I am really trying with the 'am I REALLY hungry or is it my emotional stomach calling for food'. This has not worked 100%, but about 90% so there is a vast range of food that I haven't eaten this week that I would have before.
The wierd thing is I find SW and the mentality of some people on here doesn't help the emotional eater. I am not being critical when I say 'mentality' just that we all have different problems and what works for one person might not work for another.
An example of this is the SW mantra of if it is free you can eat it in abundance- perpetrated by many on here "if you want it and it's free have it!" (see the problem? "want it" is dangerous to an emotional eater, as want and need are miles apart for us). I understand that this is precisely why SW works so well- unrestricted food, but when you are trying to overcome overeating problems, this occasionally doesn't help. So if I am sat here and I glance at the fruit bowl I might feel the urge to eat some fruit- the SW part of my brain says "eat as much bloody fruit as you like- its free" but the part of my brain that is trying to overcome emotional eating is saying "But you aren't even hungy- you're just eating because it's there or you are bored"
Last night I sat picking at leftover roast chicken and wasn't the slightest bit hungry. My justification was that because I am doing SW it was free so didn't matter. But I wasn't particularly enjoying it so stopped, and felt better.
Still working on it and reminding myself that it won't happen overnight
Good luck to everyone else this week
I would defo have worried about the dog too- that is exactly the sort of thing that keeps me awake at night.
I have had a good week so far. I am really trying with the 'am I REALLY hungry or is it my emotional stomach calling for food'. This has not worked 100%, but about 90% so there is a vast range of food that I haven't eaten this week that I would have before.
The wierd thing is I find SW and the mentality of some people on here doesn't help the emotional eater. I am not being critical when I say 'mentality' just that we all have different problems and what works for one person might not work for another.
An example of this is the SW mantra of if it is free you can eat it in abundance- perpetrated by many on here "if you want it and it's free have it!" (see the problem? "want it" is dangerous to an emotional eater, as want and need are miles apart for us). I understand that this is precisely why SW works so well- unrestricted food, but when you are trying to overcome overeating problems, this occasionally doesn't help. So if I am sat here and I glance at the fruit bowl I might feel the urge to eat some fruit- the SW part of my brain says "eat as much bloody fruit as you like- its free" but the part of my brain that is trying to overcome emotional eating is saying "But you aren't even hungy- you're just eating because it's there or you are bored"
Last night I sat picking at leftover roast chicken and wasn't the slightest bit hungry. My justification was that because I am doing SW it was free so didn't matter. But I wasn't particularly enjoying it so stopped, and felt better.
Still working on it and reminding myself that it won't happen overnight
Good luck to everyone else this week