Food Addicts Not Anonymous

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So glad you feel more in control, despite the infections!!!

I would defo have worried about the dog too- that is exactly the sort of thing that keeps me awake at night.

I have had a good week so far. I am really trying with the 'am I REALLY hungry or is it my emotional stomach calling for food'. This has not worked 100%, but about 90% so there is a vast range of food that I haven't eaten this week that I would have before.

The wierd thing is I find SW and the mentality of some people on here doesn't help the emotional eater. I am not being critical when I say 'mentality' just that we all have different problems and what works for one person might not work for another.

An example of this is the SW mantra of if it is free you can eat it in abundance- perpetrated by many on here "if you want it and it's free have it!" (see the problem? "want it" is dangerous to an emotional eater, as want and need are miles apart for us). I understand that this is precisely why SW works so well- unrestricted food, but when you are trying to overcome overeating problems, this occasionally doesn't help. So if I am sat here and I glance at the fruit bowl I might feel the urge to eat some fruit- the SW part of my brain says "eat as much bloody fruit as you like- its free" but the part of my brain that is trying to overcome emotional eating is saying "But you aren't even hungy- you're just eating because it's there or you are bored"

Last night I sat picking at leftover roast chicken and wasn't the slightest bit hungry. My justification was that because I am doing SW it was free so didn't matter. But I wasn't particularly enjoying it so stopped, and felt better.

Still working on it and reminding myself that it won't happen overnight

Good luck to everyone else this week

WOW go you cocktail, great improvement for you this week, very pleased for you. Great news that you realised about the chicken and stopped picking at it. You weren't hungry, didn't need it and didn't carry on just because its free! Its really good visualising the 2 stomachs isn't it, "the hungry" one and the "phantom I want it" one. I too have been working on this all week, well for the past two week really, and it is working for me most of the time now. I seem to have cut out the snacking in-between meals 99% of the time now, and enjoyed weight loss into the bargain, so bonus. You have a great point about SW and the "its free so eat as much as you like". I think we may hear that part of it and forget the part that says "until satisfied". Maybe selective hearing comes into play with the "free" and "eat". I know the SW plan works if followed correctly, (and that's the point, followed correctly, till satisfied, which I don't think I do as I have been eating just because I can on this plan) but at the end of the day its got to come down to calories in V calories out in order to lose weight, but if someone who has problems with food as I do is eating free food just because I can, even that has calories and adds up during a day. Listening to the hungry stomach has made a vast difference to me recently and I think this is definitely the way for me to go. I'm also drinking more in-between meals and I think that is helping too. Apparently hunger and thirst give of the same feelings, so my aim is to suffer neither. More of the last 2 weeks for me, stepping back, listening to myself, controlling anxiety and letting go of unimportant things slowly. I have managed this last few weeks with a few ups and downs but it has shown me what I can do and live to tell the tale. I'm not so frightened now to try something out for a day and see how it goes, and I have my crisis box to fall back on as a safety net if it does go pear shaped. The days where I have managed to let go of something, I have felt nervous, but proud of the achievement and, where as before I would have had a reward of something nice to eat, I seem to be happy with a pat on the back and raised self esteem.

I do feel today (maybe because its a good day so far) that I have at last found the road to recovery and taken a few steps, but at least I'm not just fumbling around in the dark anymore making excuses and hiding behind habits and food. I'm not feeling under pressure either at the moment to be perfect, as my O/H said to me, being perfect is scary, being imperfect is perfect. Thats the thought I'm holding on to today.
Fabulous Kristin, going in the right direction and surviving. Wonderful about the handbag, you deserve it and I know you will get a lot of pleasure out of it.

I know in my case it is learning to delegate and not obsess over everything and I have been doing that over the last few days. Felt very strange to begin with, but have stood back and let them get on with it (watching from the corner of my eye of course to make sure its done how I like it) and on the whole, things have panned out really well. I need to build trust that I can delegate and have the jobs or what ever done to how I like them done on the whole, and control the stress levels when it falls a bit short, and not dive in to put it right. Well, not right but to my standards if you know what I mean. I think actually as I am relaxing more over things the rest of the family is a bit nervy as its soooo out of character for me, hope they don't start stressing out lol. I am controlling the cleaning urges and being more sensible over that and delegating the organisation of events more, but still looking over their shoulder on this, just not doing it for them.

Had a dickey moment this morning which almost upset the eating plan when my mum was stressing out over the fact no one was answering the phone (I was in the shower so couldn't and the others were getting ready for work/school and were upstairs. ) Blimey, to hear her going on was just tensing me up so much. I felt like an elastic band ready to break by the time I came off the phone to her and went straight into the kitchen and looked at crisis box. I told myself this was just the moment I needed to be strong and I didn't need the food, it wasn't going to change anything, so put the box back and went outside and walked round the garden. The feelings had passed after a couple of mins and I was so pleased with myself for handling it the way I did and not doing the munch mission. It was a really silly situation to get wound up over but I succeeded. Result.

The stopping to think about a situation is a key point for me, together with the 2 stomachs and hunger, but each day now is not so scary as the day before so assume I must be doing something right at the moment. I'm sitting looking at some ironing on the stairs which I would have normally taken straight upstairs but have put there till I go up next and yes it is "different" and "bothering" me, but it isn't freaking me out and I haven't made a special journey to get rid of it. I will deal with it in a while but not now, its not necessary!, another little step for me.

Still working on my treat!

Have a wonderful day and keep making progress. Love to you all, Carolyne xxx
Kristin, there is nothing wrong with tears honey, it lets out the frustration and stress, its better than bottling it up and putting on the front that we're coping. The alternative - eating, and that's what we are trying to get away from. Take a step back, break the problems down one at a time and ask yourself, will eating solve this problem. If the answer is no, (which I assume it will be) then don't do it. Kick the wall, go out for 10 mins, have a cuppa and sit down, talk to someone about it, but don't let the emotions drive you to the medication (food) you would normally take. It is a false comfort. You are a strong woman Kristin, and can deal with today, I wish I was there with you to help. You have recognised what is happening, and that is fantastic, I just really hope you can ride the storm and get through the next hour or so when it will hopefully have calmed down a bit. Sending positive vibes to you and a big hug. xxxx
Hi guys
Sorry for not being on for a while have been back at wrk and it has got manic with all the winter ailments. Have been too tired to surf when I have got in.
You all seem to be doing great. To be positive I have been more aware of my emotions in relation to eating, but to be negative have had a few rough days with a friend which brought up issues from my parents divorce and I fell off the wagon re that, also have to go for some tests at hosp which maybe nothing but who knows, i have got an appt within 6 wks which seems quick. Thats freaked me out really, got in today and the appt is for next Tues. Also its that time of the mth again and I am sooo tired. So its not been great tonight either!
Could do with some wise words or a cyber hug!
Catch you all later in the week.
All going well so far this week- got my 6 stone award which spurs me on a little.

I had a slip up on Monday when I went to pick up Mum from hospital- she had not eaten for 24 hours so I took her for lunch so completely off-plan and ended up eating cake- not sure why I ate it as I wasn't hungry, but I am pretty sure it wasn't because of stress- it was because it looked so damn nice! Anyway, I have tried to analyse 'why' and can't quite figured it out, so I synned it and moved on (making sure I didn't fall into the "I've messed it up so I may as well carry on now" trap.

Carolyne (CG1)- I am so proud. You seem to really be turning a corner
Kristen- I really hope you are feeling a bit better- this was never going to fix overnight for any of us, but the main thing is you are still here giving it a damn good shot
Caro (SB)- ****hugs***** so much to deal with and still here giving it a shot too. I am sure the tests will be fine.

Take care all- and keep strong
Hey kirstin
Hope you are feeling better today. I know what you mean about the phantom stomach. Mine has been screaming for all the wrong stuff all week. Tonight it seems to have gone quiet????
CP ...thanks for your kind thoughts and hugs. Was really tired last nite and a bit emotional. It helped to write on here though as my eve passed by with not too much "emo" eating.
Also congrats on your six stone weight loss am in awe!

To change the subject its thanksgiving day in the USA. when i lived there we used to say what we were grateful for,
well i am grateful for;
my friends,
this site,
my family (no matter how crazy we are.)
and to be in reasonable health and work.
Best wishes to all.
Belated happy thanksgiving, Caro!

I have been really focussed all week and last night had a real blip- I know exactly what triggered it but am determined to focus on the positives which are:
I didn't eat privately
I stopped when there was still more to eat
I have synned it all this morning
I am back on plan and not going to do the "S0d the rest of the week" thing

Feeling pretty positive and not going to beat myself up

Things I am thankful for:
My husband, sister, neices and parents
My health
My new size 14 body
Financial stability
A pretty positive outlook on life

Hi peeps,

CP WOW, how fantastic is that getting your 6 stone award, what a motivation booster that is, congratulations honey.
I wouldn't consider having the cake the other day a slip up, a little of what you fancy does you good, just not every day. Think of it like a pair of shoes, we buy a pair because they take our fancy and we like the look of them, not because we have no other shoes to wear, and we don't buy them everyday. So its not a problem.

"I have been really focused all week and last night had a real blip- I know exactly what triggered it but am determined to focus on the positives which are:
I didn't eat privately
I stopped when there was still more to eat
I have synned it all this morning
I am back on plan and not going to do the "S0d the rest of the week" thing

Feeling pretty positive and not going to beat myself up"

How brilliant is that CP, very proud of you. It's all in the "stopping to think" isn't it, so well done to you. Hope you continue in the same direction, little steps lead to the miles.

K - Hope you phantom stomach didn't win the day, but big hugs if it did. How's the handbag, hope you went and got it, you deserve something for yourself.

SB - It's very good news that you are more aware of the emotional eating so well done to you. Nothing happens overnight but every step in the right direction is progress. A very belated thanksgiving, I did try posting on here but computer he say no lol, them gremlins are working overtime at the moment.

I'm thankful that I have experienced both loving and being loved.

So, come on guys, positive vibes being sent to you all, have a wonderful weekend, be nice to others and love yourself. Any weaknesses, remove yourself from the situation till you have thought it through. Love and hugs to you all.
Oh hun, you sound so down and despondent, my heart goes out to you. You have nothing to apologise for, being off is when you most need the support from people who understand what you are going through. That hole is never as deep and dark as you think it is, always remember, life never throws anything at us that we can't deal/cope with, no matter what we might think initially. Look back at your life and all the problems that have happened, you dealt with them all and survived, and will continue to do so.

As for the nothing gets done if you don't do it, Kristin, others have got sooo used to you doing everything, they are not used to having to remember to do things. They need to learn too that things are changing, and that the changes affect them as well. If you give up now honey, things will stay the same, you need to persevere with your plan of action and not fall when the going gets a little bit tough. Please try and keep working on things, it will be kinder to you in the long run.
I wish you all the best Kristin in this, its not easy, but remember we are all here for you and going through similar emotions. Love and hugs to you honey. xxx
hey guys, just wondering if anyones still using this thread? im definitley a food addict and new to this site...i could use any help and support possible!
Hey girlie!

Still pop by from time to time- it's weird how I was talking about this subject today with a friend- did you see that tv programme 'generation XXL' on Channel 4 the other night? It was about obese 10 year olds- not trying to get them thin, just looking at the world through their eyes- it made me really sad as it really made me see how this problem I have with food really was ingrained in me from an early age- therefore will be ridiculously hard to overcome.

How are you, anyway? Did the article ring true with you as it did with all of us?

This is worth a bump. The original artcicles are brilliant imo and help you to realize why we do what we do and that there are reasons!

Still an addict, but binges are defo getting smaller. I had one the other day (7 segments of chocolate orange, 2 meringue nests and a WW chocolate biscuit) and my husband just laughed and said that's an afternoon snack to some people! I guess it was just the loss of control that defines it as a binge to me.

That said i have many many more good days than bad so onwards and upwards!

How are you?
I havent had chance to read this properly as am at work, but fully intend to print it out and have a damn good read

and hi, I am Tina and I am a food addict :-(

Hi, I am Sue and I am a food addict.

My life seems to revolve around food. Problem is I love everything about it. Planning it, shopping for it, cooking it and eating it. I love to entertain and cook for those I love. It is one of life's pleasures for me.

I have managed to turn this around by putting my creative energies into producing interesting and satisfying food that is within the realms of SW. Satisfying for me is about more than eating it. Thanks to SW this is possible as very few ingredients are taboo.

For 10 weeks now I have stuck with my new life style and guess what, I feel so happy with my new "plan". Even eating out is no longer a challenge.

I do not think about and plan food less than before, just think about and plan different food.

If this sounds smug it is not meant to. My new thinking has been hard, still is. I think it must be like the alcoholic who still desperately wants a drink but resists.

Thank you so much for reinstating this thread. I have read it with great interest and it has explained so much to me.If I knew how to do the thank you thing I would lol.

I know I will always be an addict but hopefully will be a reformed one.

Sue xx
Hi Sue

I was nodding lots when reading your post. I too love food in a similar way to you. I have been doing SW for over 2 years and have stuck to exactly what you describe and it has now become my way of life and does not feel like a compromise. I really enjoy looking at all my 'normal' cookbooks and working out how I can convert the recipes into a SW friendly meal. I have regular dinner parties and still eat out at least twice a week.

Good luck on your journey. Remind yourself constantly of all the things you CAN eat and try not to focus on the foods you can no longer eat in abundance ( can, but they make you miserable in the long term!) but celebrate your new healthy food choices and your life as you become more controlled over food and ultimately more slim as a result of your choices

I have just read the article and i already knew most of it (clever old clogs hehehe) but I'm having a bad week ,keeping to plan,and i know i am a food addict but i have never admitted it on a forum before so here goes
I am Deryn and i am a food addict. HELP!!!
How typical is it that i have stumbled across this thread, after having a four day binge.. subsequently making myself so poorly i have spent the entire night being sick.

Hi, I'm Fern and even though i pretend to be in control of my eating i clearly am not. I'm a food addict too..
can you join you? I think i need the help. How do i fix this?
I don't just want to be physically healthy now i'm a target member, i want to be mentally too and i want my weight loss off for life.

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