Hi girls
just wanted to thank sarah and sue for your support
im back on track now very foccused so thanks again reading my thread back makes me blush..however onwards and upwards
my friend that intoduced me to sw advised that i could be deprving my syns during the week too much and im not meant to save them for vodka so that means im really craving sugar and things so im meant to take small treats in moderation
I think the problemis that im trying to get a house so im saving away and im in between my parents and my partners parents so when theres no sw related food(when i get hungry i must eat anything)
that day i just took my indulgence and ran a mile with it
but really thanks so much..to answer a question though this is the only support i get and not too sure on how to work this forum im a newby....i have 2 sw books and my directory
to be fair as im on the go a lot most of my meals are likes of marshalls mac pasta sauces mug shots and veg
hex bs i like my bread
crackerbreads wholegrain
alpen light bars
a's cheese and philly spread


happy slimming everyone