Food Diary of a Good Girl (10 weeks til W-Day!) x x

Happy Bowling Photo :)


I'm starting to become slightly happier with the way I look now, I think I'm a good size 14, maybe a 16 still on the top... This is my rather tiny FCUK tee I used to wear when I was like 18! Pleased it fitted me, though it was a bit short!! I am findind all my bums are too loose though :( I bought new jeans for my birthday in Jan and I spent all last night hauling them up! My denim skirts are all too big, as are my shorts!! Downside of losing weight, it's gonna cost me a fortune to replace my wardrobe!! x x
You look fantastic in your picture!! Glad you found the pear drops squash, i'm going to try the lemon sherbet one next ;)
I know what you mean about clothes, every pair of trousers and jeans i own are too big for me now, i'm just pulling them up and down without unzipping and opening button!! I really want a good pair of jeans that fit round my bum!! Any suggestions? Mxxx
Hello ladies

Sorry not been on much, been soo busy :( so how we all doing? I cannot fit into any jeans anywhere a the moment cause of my thighs, tried an 18 jeans in new look, and they fitted, but I wanted to be able to get in a 16 !! Just needing to stay positive, and not be expecting to wake up 3 sizes smaller lol xx

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Hello ladies

Sorry not been on much, been soo busy :( so how we all doing? I cannot fit into any jeans anywhere a the moment cause of my thighs, tried an 18 jeans in new look, and they fitted, but I wanted to be able to get in a 16 !! Just needing to stay positive, and not be expecting to wake up 3 sizes smaller lol xx

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I'm a bit like this :( And it always helps to remember that we didn't put the weight on over night so it's gonna take a little while to get it off!

I think it took me 2 stone off to lose a good dress size, I'm inbetweeny again now :( Up until last week I could still wear the jeans to WI that I wore at my very first WI!! They were a 16 but probably a very generous one! I literally can't keep them up anymore though!!

Good luck for tonight lovely :) x x
Week 9, Day 5

Morning :)

I'm throughly disgusted at myself for last night, know why I did it though, I napped and woke up grumpy and shivering, so ate any nice food I could find!! Back at it today and we'll hope for the best Wednesday... Poo :(

B: Nothing... So naughty...

L: Tuna Sandwich (2 x Wholemeal Bread (B) Light Salad Cream (1.5) Tuna) Strawberries, Melon, Pineapple, Banana and Custard Mullerlight

D: Chicken, Mushrooms, Onions and Broccoli in Gravy (2) with Boiled Rice... Ate too much, feel well ill!!

S: Mint Options (2) made with Milk (A)

Fluids: Water, water, water :)

Syns: 5.5

x x
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tulip85x said:
I'm a bit like this :( And it always helps to remember that we didn't put the weight on over night so it's gonna take a little while to get it off!

I think it took me 2 stone off to lose a good dress size, I'm inbetweeny again now :( Up until last week I could still wear the jeans to WI that I wore at my very first WI!! They were a 16 but probably a very generous one! I literally can't keep them up anymore though!!

Good luck for tonight lovely :) x x

It's soo hard isn't it!! I have been away this weekend as well so there has been too many temptations lol!! Can't make my weigh in tonight so going tomorrow morning instead, so gives me an extra night xx

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Hi girls
Yes i've not been too good at all, was out friday AND saturday ngt drinking my own weight in vodka :jelous: and then after me stupidly going and buying two chicken pasties on saturday afternoon, i've been nibbling and picking ever since. Can't seem to stop. Really cross with myself as I had definitely made my stone loss with SW (and 24lb since Christmas) by Saturday morning, the scales were well down, so i was really pleased. But i've scale hopped again this morning and 2lb up again. Grrrrr. Then I went shopping today and went past a pastie shop again and felt like i was in a sort of trance and walked in again. Asked for potato/meat slice (justified it by telling myself i hadn't had any breakfast and it was first food of the day at 12pm)...then the girl behind counter said 'it's two for a pound', and i just said 'yes ok then'. Why why why do i do it. I'm annoyed at myself and don't think i'll manage a loss on weds now after last couple of days. If scales aren't down again by weds morn i'm not going this week. Never missed before but don't want to spoil my good record. I've not been like this since starting SW but really craving bad things at moment. Had roast pork, roast potatoes and stuffing yesterday afternoon and although used a lot less oil/butter than I would normally add to stuffing and potatoes i still used a bit. I've got to try harder tonight and tomorrow but i think it's also cos i'm off work now for easter hols so able to think about food in the day and eat when i like. Anyway, rant over!!! xxx:mad::mad::mad: :p:D
Hi girls
Yes i've not been too good at all, was out friday AND saturday ngt drinking my own weight in vodka :jelous: and then after me stupidly going and buying two chicken pasties on saturday afternoon, i've been nibbling and picking ever since. Can't seem to stop. Really cross with myself as I had definitely made my stone loss with SW (and 24lb since Christmas) by Saturday morning, the scales were well down, so i was really pleased. But i've scale hopped again this morning and 2lb up again. Grrrrr. Then I went shopping today and went past a pastie shop again and felt like i was in a sort of trance and walked in again. Asked for potato/meat slice (justified it by telling myself i hadn't had any breakfast and it was first food of the day at 12pm)...then the girl behind counter said 'it's two for a pound', and i just said 'yes ok then'. Why why why do i do it. I'm annoyed at myself and don't think i'll manage a loss on weds now after last couple of days. If scales aren't down again by weds morn i'm not going this week. Never missed before but don't want to spoil my good record. I've not been like this since starting SW but really craving bad things at moment. Had roast pork, roast potatoes and stuffing yesterday afternoon and although used a lot less oil/butter than I would normally add to stuffing and potatoes i still used a bit. I've got to try harder tonight and tomorrow but i think it's also cos i'm off work now for easter hols so able to think about food in the day and eat when i like. Anyway, rant over!!! xxx:mad::mad::mad: :p:D

Hey Hun

Sorry to hear you've had a bad weekend, hope you're feeling better now? I totally get how you feel, I haven't really wanted to eat today, I just want to pick... Preferably at cake and biscuits :( Just need to pick yourself up, don't look how far you have to go, look at what's behind you :) You've done so so well!!

I would also really recommend going to class, I know how horrible it is when you know you've been bad! I'll be expecting a gain myself Wednesday! The only saviour is, if you say right I'm going! You might nip the picking in the bum! If you know you've got til next Wednesday to pull it back you could go totally nuts! I speak from experience ;) I'm a devil when I know I don't have to go to WI! Also it may not be as bad as you expect :) You've lost every week so far? You will encounter STS/gains sometimes... Don't be so hard on yourself :) Chin up lovely x x
Hey Hun

Sorry to hear you've had a bad weekend, hope you're feeling better now? I totally get how you feel, I haven't really wanted to eat today, I just want to pick... Preferably at cake and biscuits :( Just need to pick yourself up, don't look how far you have to go, look at what's behind you :) You've done so so well!!

I would also really recommend going to class, I know how horrible it is when you know you've been bad! I'll be expecting a gain myself Wednesday! The only saviour is, if you say right I'm going! You might nip the picking in the bum! If you know you've got til next Wednesday to pull it back you could go totally nuts! I speak from experience ;) I'm a devil when I know I don't have to go to WI! Also it may not be as bad as you expect :) You've lost every week so far? You will encounter STS/gains sometimes... Don't be so hard on yourself :) Chin up lovely x x
Aww cheers hon, i know you're right but i also know that if i put on on weds it will depress me for the rest of the week!! I'll scale hop tomorrow and weds and hope it comes off a bit so i might get away with a STS!! I looked up Greggs pasties before and they're 15 syns each!!! What an idiot i am : ) Had a lovely home made risotto tonight (all free) with hexb wholemeal bread...back on track but still annoyed at myself!! But to be honest, if i've got it in my head to eat daft things, i just can't stop myself. Hopefully it's passed now!! Thanks for your support ;) xxx
Hope your all feeling better ladies, you gotta remember we are only human, and these things in life are set to try us!!

A bit it PMA will keep us all going :)


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Aww cheers hon, i know you're right but i also know that if i put on on weds it will depress me for the rest of the week!! I'll scale hop tomorrow and weds and hope it comes off a bit so i might get away with a STS!! I looked up Greggs pasties before and they're 15 syns each!!! What an idiot i am : ) Had a lovely home made risotto tonight (all free) with hexb wholemeal bread...back on track but still annoyed at myself!! But to be honest, if i've got it in my head to eat daft things, i just can't stop myself. Hopefully it's passed now!! Thanks for your support ;) xxx

No need to thank me :) We're all in the same boat!! I am glad I found this site, it's nice to able to talk to people who have the same things going on! Hopefully the scales will be being nicer to you today! I sneaky hopped this morning and I honestly can't tell, I've lost or gained 1-2lb or stayed the same, it'll be a surprise!! Also my appetite for good food has come back, hurrah :) x x
Week 9, Day 6

B: 2 x Eggs, scrambled, 5 x little Mushrooms, grilled with Frylight, blob of Ketchup (1) ... I know this is weird breakfast! I really wanted omelette but my dinner for tonight is sitting in the pan :(

S: Apple

L: Prawn Salad Sandwich (2 x Wholemeal Bread (B) Light Salad Cream (1.5) Prawns, Leaves, Tomato) Melon and Strawberries, fat free Activia (Vanilla) half a Red Grapefruit

D: White Fish (It's Cod or Haddock, I just can't tell!) HM Ratatouille (Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Onions, Bacon - I think) New Potatoes, Coleslaw (2)

S: Options Hazlenut (1.5) made with Milk (A)

Fluids: Water :)

Syns: 6

x x
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No need to thank me :) We're all in the same boat!! I am glad I found this site, it's nice to able to talk to people who have the same things going on! Hopefully the scales will be being nicer to you today! I sneaky hopped this morning and I honestly can't tell, I've lost or gained 1-2lb or stayed the same, it'll be a surprise!! Also my appetite for good food has come back, hurrah :) x x

Yes i know what you mean. I'm finding it hard because i'm off work. Normally i'm dashing about from job to job and generally only have once slice wholemeal toast at 7.30 then cereal bar and fruit mid afternoon and then big main meal. I sometimes have a later 'brunch' at 10.30 if i get chance. As i'm not in work i'm craving food all day : (
I scale hopped this morning and it hadn't changed from yesterday morning, 2lb up from sat morns weight. I may be lucky and STS if i go tomorrow ngt. Really hope so. I had home made risotto last ngt which i think was all free (rice, chicken, prawns, spring onions, mushrooms, frylight, chicken stock cube, tarragon). Then this morning i had bacon and sausage sandwich (free as joe's sausages chipolatas) on warburtons small 400g medium white sliced bread (3.5 x 2 syns) and tiny scraping of low fat spread (1 syn as not even a teaspoon). If i carry on being careful today i may be ok xxx
Yes i know what you mean. I'm finding it hard because i'm off work. Normally i'm dashing about from job to job and generally only have once slice wholemeal toast at 7.30 then cereal bar and fruit mid afternoon and then big main meal. I sometimes have a later 'brunch' at 10.30 if i get chance. As i'm not in work i'm craving food all day : (
I scale hopped this morning and it hadn't changed from yesterday morning, 2lb up from sat morns weight. I may be lucky and STS if i go tomorrow ngt. Really hope so. I had home made risotto last ngt which i think was all free (rice, chicken, prawns, spring onions, mushrooms, frylight, chicken stock cube, tarragon). Then this morning i had bacon and sausage sandwich (free as joe's sausages chipolatas) on warburtons small 400g medium white sliced bread (3.5 x 2 syns) and tiny scraping of low fat spread (1 syn as not even a teaspoon). If i carry on being careful today i may be ok xxx

I think so!

Being off work completely throws me outta wak too... Think it's why I go off plan at the weekends :( No routine!!

Good Luck for tomorrow lovely, I probably won't be back til Thursday, but will let you know the damage then :)

x x
Good news ladies! Lost half a pound!! Xx
tulip85x said:
Well done lovely :) Hope thats made you feel better! I'll be made up if I can lose half tomorrow :) x x

You can do it hunni :) I do feel better much better actually xxx
tulip85x said:
That's good news :) You can't have much to go now? x x

3lbs to my interim target but possibly 6 to my main one :) xx