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You look fantastic in your picture!! Glad you found the pear drops squash, i'm going to try the lemon sherbet one nextHappy Bowling Photo
I'm starting to become slightly happier with the way I look now, I think I'm a good size 14, maybe a 16 still on the top... This is my rather tiny FCUK tee I used to wear when I was like 18! Pleased it fitted me, though it was a bit short!! I am findind all my bums are too loose thoughI bought new jeans for my birthday in Jan and I spent all last night hauling them up! My denim skirts are all too big, as are my shorts!! Downside of losing weight, it's gonna cost me a fortune to replace my wardrobe!! x x
I know what you mean about clothes, every pair of trousers and jeans i own are too big for me now, i'm just pulling them up and down without unzipping and opening button!! I really want a good pair of jeans that fit round my bum!! Any suggestions? Mxxx