Food diary & Thursday weigh ins on simply filling

Re: Food diary & Thursday weigh ins on simply filling

Really? Must be the angle, I feel silly now lol x
Dont be daft :) x
hey everyone, i'm back in one piece although extremely tired today after 4.30am bed times over the weekend hahaha had a fantastic time at glastonbury, the rolling stones were amazing, as were so many others we saw. only one day (thursday) of rain which was amazing. we had backstage passes so did a bit of mingling in hospitality ;)
diet wise i did pro points and we either had porridge or yoghurt, fruit and oats for breakfast
lunch i took a sandwich with me & baked crisps (much piss taking from friends but i dont care lol)
and ate out at in the evening , beef rendang & noodles, hog roast & stuffing & apple sauce, leebanese chicken wrap with peppers in a wrap & nachos, chilli, cheese sauce, grated cheese & jalepenos & sour cream (that was amazing & i guesstamated that at 40 points lol)
loaded a great app on phone called steps mania ( very accurate too) and did about 12000 steps a day
weighed myself this morning and had lost -1. 3/4lbs which was an added bonus to an epic time x
So glad you had a good time :) Backstage passes eh?? Sounds good.

You took a very disciplined approach with the food. Really pleased you got a loss. You must be one of the only people to go to Glastonbury for 5 days and get a loss on the scales!

I saw the Stones about 15 years ago at Wembly Stadium and although I've never been hugely into them they were amazing live. Really put on a show.
hey everyone, i'm back in one piece although extremely tired today after 4.30am bed times over the weekend hahaha had a fantastic time at glastonbury, the rolling stones were amazing, as were so many others we saw. only one day (thursday) of rain which was amazing. we had backstage passes so did a bit of mingling in hospitality ;)
diet wise i did pro points and we either had porridge or yoghurt, fruit and oats for breakfast
lunch i took a sandwich with me & baked crisps (much piss taking from friends but i dont care lol)
and ate out at in the evening , beef rendang & noodles, hog roast & stuffing & apple sauce, leebanese chicken wrap with peppers in a wrap & nachos, chilli, cheese sauce, grated cheese & jalepenos & sour cream (that was amazing & i guesstamated that at 40 points lol)
loaded a great app on phone called steps mania ( very accurate too) and did about 12000 steps a day
weighed myself this morning and had lost -1. 3/4lbs which was an added bonus to an epic time x

I'm so proud of you for your loss Sweetie, sounds as though u had a plan and u stuck to it, that's my girl :) Did u see any famous faces backstage?!? How did u manage to get passes! X
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Food diary & Thursday weigh ins on simply filling

wow sounds amazing!!!
glad u had a nice time :)
Sounds like a fab time!! Isn't it so worth the discipline to get such a fab loss! We had a surprise party for my mum on sat, I had two chicken fillets worth of goujons and a massive salad with no cake or desserts but was so full I didn't miss it! My sister who only started ww ate everything and had a 1lb on this week I had 3.5lb off! Cx
Sounds like a fab time!! Isn't it so worth the discipline to get such a fab loss! We had a surprise party for my mum on sat, I had two chicken fillets worth of goujons and a massive salad with no cake or desserts but was so full I didn't miss it! My sister who only started ww ate everything and had a 1lb on this week I had 3.5lb off! Cx

thats brilliant, well done and a well deserved loss !! glad the party went well for ur mum. I never feel pressurised by others who say 'ooh go on just have a piece of cake or try and make you feel a kill joy as i think they either want you to stay big like them or just don't have your best interests at heart, sounds harsh but true.
i had a great time and glad i wasn't all bloated from food i didn't really want to eat anyway, for me personally i have to change my whole outlook on eating as a whole and eat in moderaration to change my old mindset and i don't see the point in slimming down to then go on holiday to stuff myself silly, i want to eat healthily all the time, like my mum does who has always been slim, im not treating food as a reward i guess, just that i need to fuel my body and it works if you treat it as such i think, i got on the scales today and have lost a bit more too but i wont record it until tomo as thats my weigh in day :) xx
So glad you had a good time :) Backstage passes eh?? Sounds good.

You took a very disciplined approach with the food. Really pleased you got a loss. You must be one of the only people to go to Glastonbury for 5 days and get a loss on the scales!

I saw the Stones about 15 years ago at Wembly Stadium and although I've never been hugely into them they were amazing live. Really put on a show.

yay i have multi quoted ;) yeah im really pleased thx atomic & had a fab time, i have always liked the rolling stones but wouldn't have gone to see them neccessarily on their own but as they were there you just had too really and the show was amazing and they were excellent but god they look so old, we all said they actually look like their 'spitting image' puppets now but it was amazing, i think there was 130,000 people at that one stage and it was mayhem getting out but they did controlled crowd realease which was good otherwise it would have been mayhem. backstage passes were from my friend is reg disabled so we all had a pass to cut through behind the stages but this was where hospitality & the press were so we had access to all these areas and flushing loos etc (luxury) hahahah we didnt see the stones or prince harry though (hump) just johnny marr. x

I'm so proud of you for your loss Sweetie, sounds as though u had a plan and u stuck to it, that's my girl :) Did u see any famous faces backstage?!? How did u manage to get passes! X

thx serena, we saw a few but no one too major, stood next to dermot o'leary watching the editors, lead singer of vampire weekend(hospitality) johnny marr getting interviewed(hospitality) lead singer of vaccines (just in front of us in crowd at primal scream) gary kemp (hospitality) think that was it, passes were disability passes for cutting through backstage as friend has a fused ankle, this goes through all the hospitallity areas,its like a garden with a stage, bar & restaurant so we stayed around there quite a bit as it was a nice place to chill out and was where they did the interviews, we saw lots of other 'stars' but we didn't know who they were. x
I'm so jealous that u stood next to Dermot, he's like my top Celeb Crush mmmmmm *dribbles on ipad* lol x
tues 2nd & wed 3rd of july

well a very strange day foodwise today following a very tired naughty one yesterday

apart from doing all my glasto washing i did fannyall yesterday and layed on the sofa recouperating from my five days of early morning bedtimes
so : pp day yesterday (bear in mind i had alot of weeklies (23 and used 19) left so kind of used them all lol still within points though ;)

porridge & gs (3)
milk (3)

cold baked bean sandwich (5)

3 x packs of sunbites (9) not all at once btw

1 x nutty bar (5)
1 x caramel bar (5)
1/2 homemade very small quiche ,only ate half as forgot i put onion in them (4)
chicken shish kebab (13)

tiny piece of swiss roll (2)

45/49 wk 26/26

weds: SF

porridge oats, natural yoghurt & strawbs, gs

by the time i got back from shopping it was 3pm and there was broken glass all over road so i swept that all up & along the front of the house,then put shopping away, i wasnt very hungry so just had

porridge oats, natural yoghurt,2/3 rds banana (ralph my dog always has the other 3rd) and strawberrys

then made a beef madras & bombay potatoes for OH to take to festival at weekend,oooh remote control all to myself for the whole weekend with no sports at all (unless theres any boxing) :)

had a steak & ketchup sandwich on ww bread

& amazingly i have 4 weeklies left for some dark choc tonight

weigh in tomorrow !!
tues 2nd & wed 3rd of july

well a very strange day foodwise today following a very tired naughty one yesterday

apart from doing all my glasto washing i did fannyall yesterday and layed on the sofa recouperating from my five days of early morning bedtimes
so : pp day yesterday (bear in mind i had alot of weeklies (23 and used 19) left so kind of used them all lol still within points though ;)

porridge & gs (3)
milk (3)

cold baked bean sandwich (5)

3 x packs of sunbites (9) not all at once btw

1 x nutty bar (5)
1 x caramel bar (5)
1/2 homemade very small quiche ,only ate half as forgot i put onion in them (4)
chicken shish kebab (13)

tiny piece of swiss roll (2)

45/49 wk 26/26

weds: SF

porridge oats, natural yoghurt & strawbs, gs

by the time i got back from shopping it was 3pm and there was broken glass all over road so i swept that all up & along the front of the house,then put shopping away, i wasnt very hungry so just had

porridge oats, natural yoghurt,2/3 rds banana (ralph my dog always has the other 3rd) and strawberrys

then made a beef madras & bombay potatoes for OH to take to festival at weekend,oooh remote control all to myself for the whole weekend with no sports at all (unless theres any boxing) :)

had a steak & ketchup sandwich on ww bread

& amazingly i have 4 weeklies left for some dark choc tonight

weigh in tomorrow !!

Wow your food sounds so yummy!!! But what on earth possessed u to eat a cold baked bean sandwich?!? Doesn't the bread go soggy?!? Good Luck for WI tomorrow Sweetie.x
Yeah, I am a bit bemused by the cold baked bean sandwich too ;)

Ooooh you saw the editors :) I used to be friends with their drummer, Ed, when I was a teenager. Its one of my only (very mild) claims to fame.

A weekend with the remote to yourself sounds good. Although I get that most of the time to be honest as my OH isn't that fussed with tv usually.
hahahaha cold baked bean intrigue ;) well ive always liked cold baked beans as a snack and i looked in the fridge for something filling and dismissed cottage cheese, el cheese as not filling enough and then saw the bowl of baked beans and thought that will fill me up in a sw, obviously didnt as you have seen my rest of days food hahaha but although it wasnt particularly healthy it was within points so not too bothered lol, bread didnt get soggy although it probably would if you took it to work or picnic.

ive taken the curry out of the oven and burnt both top of mouth and tongue testing it, now feel like ive got a blister on both x
Re: Food diary & Thursday weigh ins on simply filling

morning everyone :) weigh in today & TOTM grrr have lost 2 1/4lbs since wi 9 days ago before glastonbury so really pleased with that. i now weigh 11 st 5lbs which is quite slim on me for height/build. heres a pic of my jars of lbs lost and lbs to go :D


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morning everyone :) weigh in today & TOTM grrr have lost 2 1/4lbs since wi 9 days ago before glastonbury so really pleased with that. i now weigh 11 st 5lbs which is quite slim on me for height/build. heres a pic of my jars of lbs lost and lbs to go :D

OMG Well Done Sweetie! 2 1/4lb with a Festival and TOTM, you're an example to the rest of us! Your jars look so good, bet u can't wait till the 'To Lose' Jar is empty! X
OMG Well Done Sweetie! 2 1/4lb with a Festival and TOTM, you're an example to the rest of us! Your jars look so good, bet u can't wait till the 'To Lose' Jar is empty! X

i know, i shall have to keep the jars though to make sure i don't fill up the empty one again ;) the jars are a good inspiration actually, was a bit daunting when the lbs to go was full but as they started equaling out it spurred me on to make that one smaller!!
what a grey old day today, not sure where the heatwave has gone that is supposed to be here :/ x
i know, i shall have to keep the jars though to make sure i don't fill up the empty one again ;) the jars are a good inspiration actually, was a bit daunting when the lbs to go was full but as they started equaling out it spurred me on to make that one smaller!!
what a grey old day today, not sure where the heatwave has gone that is supposed to be here :/ x

I was thinking exactly the same thing! Although I was kind of glad because it let me do the Garden without totally melting and now it's all done for when the Heat Wave arrives (August 2020 probably lol) x
Wooo! Another fab loss. Well done. I really love the jar idea, although I think I would have probably thrown mine at the wall and smashed it if I had been using them over the last year ;)
Wooo! Another fab loss. Well done. I really love the jar idea, although I think I would have probably thrown mine at the wall and smashed it if I had been using them over the last year ;)

awww i bet you would have too, must be so frustrating, well lets hope youv'e found the answer this time, it must be quite hard i imagine eating all that extra food for the calories but i suppose thats why you have the transition time to adjust and i guess as long as its healthy stuff you should be ok and hopefully start losing weight once you have stabilised :)

thursdays food: SF

porridge, blueberries & gs

sk milk for coffees

lots of water

steak sandwich on ww bread with ketchup

lebanese chicken stew with homemade wholewheat noodles

i'm stuffed but i may have a piece of dark choc later x

14g of dark choc (2)
quavers (2)

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awww i bet you would have too, must be so frustrating, well lets hope youv'e found the answer this time, it must be quite hard i imagine eating all that extra food for the calories but i suppose thats why you have the transition time to adjust and i guess as long as its healthy stuff you should be ok and hopefully start losing weight once you have stabilised :)

thursdays food: SF

porridge, blueberries & gs

sk milk for coffees

lots of water

steak sandwich on ww bread with ketchup

lebanese chicken stew with homemade wholewheat noodles

i'm stuffed but i may have a piece of dark choc later x

How were the noodles sweetie?x