Silver Member
I spent 9pp on a 'Full Fat Lasagne RM' tonight for convenience before tomorrow, so glad I did ;-) Well done on taking the doctors advice but don't they make the sandwich soggy? X
But joes make them and they started off as an at home company. Sounds like they didnt want to send out the verification rep. Keep on at them honey xxxx
Ive got my own little business idea to do with slimming world. But cant start it yet till I get some money behind me. Even though I have the bakery until thats paid off I cant do anything to expand.
Dont let the *******s grind you down xxx
joes have had their verification taken down on their website, unless it's been reinstated since i last looked :/ sod em i shall take my baking brain elsewhere
Glad to see you back on the mushy peas, although i didn't expect them to turn up in a sandwich...
The carrots and bns beside the lasagne look really nice and yummy. I am presuming the ww lasagne probably tastes alot better than it looks. And i like dipping veg into sauces like that so although i am sure it wasn't a patch on a "sammi orginal" sure it wasn't too bad.
Its a shame that slimming world wouldn't consider the sausages as i am sure lots of people would have really benefitted from that.
it was actually quite nice taste, but it was sort of lasagne soup hehehehe the bns & carrots were yummy and glad i had a lot as the lasagne wouldn't have been filling without them
when i was deciding/concocting my sandwich, i thought of you and serena and what you wld have to say about my strange idea, it was really nice though and would have it again x