I lost it! totally flipping lost it and had an hour of cramming in as much food as I could

I had been shopping, buying goodies for my family who are coming to stay and I think the trigger was that I wanted goodies too, then over eating is a trigger to eat more. Oh dear, I've probably undone a whole weeks's work and feel sick as well. I was very tempted to try and make myself sick but I really really don't want to go down that road. Chocolate and crisps and cakes are not good for the stomach, but neither is vomiting them up again. Sooooooo .... how to recover .... drink lots of water and treat tomorrow as a new day and stick to the plan as usual. I WILL NOT try to fast and punish myself or try and make it up before WI. this way, I have experienced, just prolongs the binge. Pah, I was feeling so good before.