Frances' PP Diary

Thanks for the hugz luv, really need them today! Whole day has gone bad to worse and I still haven't had a nap! Xx

A teaspoon shoukd be 5g so 3 teaspoons is 15g :)
I used to weigh out my flora light every morning till I figured out my little friend teaspoon lol! Hth :)

Aww Hope your Mam is doing better? And today goes better than yesterday.. By the sound of things they can't be much worse..

Yesterday my was dead 2yrs 9months so had a pretty shitty day myself.. :cry:

Had a sneaky WI this morning (and yesterday morning) and hav gained a half since yesterday :( So not looking great for tomoro.. Am hoping its just coz I had a heavy dinner yesterday n will be ok for tomoro.. Will hafta wait n see..

Delighted about the 'butter' thing. I wasn't having any spread on my bread coz the purple book says a ptn is the tiniest amount (has a pic n looks like it wudn cover a corner!) Will go back to buttering my toast (when i say butter u kno I mean flora light spread right?) x
Wednesday 14th September

Water: 600ml. 600ml. 1.5lt
Drinks: Coffee. Tea

Brekkie: Belvita - 6pp

Lunch: Tuna, ex lf mayo, onion on brown bread (6) King Luxury (5) - 11pp

Dinner: Homemade beef burger (4) Oven chips (4) - 8pp

Snacks: 3 biscuits - 5pp

PP's Used: 30/29
Weeklies Used: 1/40

Weekly targets/goals:-
1. Drink 1.5Ltrs water everyday
2. Go for at least 3 walks
3. Use up all dailies on 'good' food, not having treats to use them up!
4. Try at least one new recipe this week
5. Have at least 3 lunches with NO carbs!
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Aww Hope your Mam is doing better? And today goes better than yesterday.. By the sound of things they can't be much worse..

Yesterday my was dead 2yrs 9months so had a pretty shitty day myself.. :cry:

Had a sneaky WI this morning (and yesterday morning) and hav gained a half since yesterday :( So not looking great for tomoro.. Am hoping its just coz I had a heavy dinner yesterday n will be ok for tomoro.. Will hafta wait n see..

Delighted about the 'butter' thing. I wasn't having any spread on my bread coz the purple book says a ptn is the tiniest amount (has a pic n looks like it wudn cover a corner!) Will go back to buttering my toast (when i say butter u kno I mean flora light spread right?) x

Awh hon sorry about your mum, where you feeling upset yesterday?? Poor lil dubchick *hugs*
I was down a half when I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I had quiche and wedges for me dinner so happy with that. I'm sure yours is just a heavy dinner, mine is always doing that after a heavy dinner (thats why I was surprised this morning to see half off :eek: )

I'm friggin delighted about the butter thing (and yes I also call all spreads "butter" even though they arent butter lol!). A whole tbsp of flora for 1pp!! I was having way less than that before... mmm buttery (flora-y) toast!! x
Awh hon sorry about your mum, where you feeling upset yesterday?? Poor lil dubchick *hugs*
I was down a half when I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I had quiche and wedges for me dinner so happy with that. I'm sure yours is just a heavy dinner, mine is always doing that after a heavy dinner (thats why I was surprised this morning to see half off :eek: )

I'm friggin delighted about the butter thing (and yes I also call all spreads "butter" even though they arent butter lol!). A whole tbsp of flora for 1pp!! I was having way less than that before... mmm buttery (flora-y) toast!! x
Yea was a little teary but not too bad..
Until I went home and my da was being himself.. a d1ckhead!! I seriously have to get out of that house and away from him.. Grrr... (very long story!!)
Yea was a little teary but not too bad..
Until I went home and my da was being himself.. a d1ckhead!! I seriously have to get out of that house and away from him.. Grrr... (very long story!!)

Awwwh no. Is it really that bad hon?? I'm lucky that I get on with my parents fairly well (even though my Mum can be harsh about me doing WW to lose weight [she says its pointless]). My Dad actually called me a "skinnymalink" (which is what we call skinny people in our house) this morning so that was nice :)
You just live with your Dad do you hon, just you and him is it? x
Yea its just me n him and yea, its that bad!!
Has been for ages but been doing my utmost to ignore him as I need to do some serious saving and banks aren't giving out mortgages at the minute so chances of getting aren't very high.
Didn't want to have to rent coz its just paying off someone elses mortgage when I cud really be saving (or ideally paying my own mortgage!!)
I'm in such bad form today I actually just want to go home and cry! It wont take much to set me off today.. I can feel already today will end in tears!! And they'll be mine!!
Yea its just me n him and yea, its that bad!!
Has been for ages but been doing my utmost to ignore him as I need to do some serious saving and banks aren't giving out mortgages at the minute so chances of getting aren't very high.
Didn't want to have to rent coz its just paying off someone elses mortgage when I cud really be saving (or ideally paying my own mortgage!!)
I'm in such bad form today I actually just want to go home and cry! It wont take much to set me off today.. I can feel already today will end in tears!! And they'll be mine!!

I know what you mean hon. I'm still at home but cant really save anything because I'm living month by month on my shitty wage and I have to pay up at home same way I would have to if I move out unfortunately. And I'm buying all my own groceries etc. because I'm on this diet. Dunno why I dont just move out LOL!
Oh hon, what has you in bad form?? Is it your Dad? Or a mix of everything getting to you? We all have these times, completely understand. I'm here if you need a chat hon, you've so much to be proud of... wish you werent feeling so down. Sending big hugs *HUUUUUG* xx
I know what you mean hon. I'm still at home but cant really save anything because I'm living month by month on my shitty wage and I have to pay up at home same way I would have to if I move out unfortunately. And I'm buying all my own groceries etc. because I'm on this diet. Dunno why I dont just move out LOL!
Oh hon, what has you in bad form?? Is it your Dad? Or a mix of everything getting to you? We all have these times, completely understand. I'm here if you need a chat hon, you've so much to be proud of... wish you werent feeling so down. Sending big hugs *HUUUUUG* xx
Thanks hun.. Ah its just him.. He does my nut in.. I'll be OK when i've calmed down..
On the upside.. I just got a call from the Late Late and I have tickets for Friday nights show :D
And yesterday I got my dress for my birthday night out.. So its already looking up :D
But.. I have forgotten to have my brekkie again!!
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Thanks hun.. Ah its just him.. He does my nut in.. I'll be OK when i've calmed down..
On the upside.. I just got a call from the Late Late and I have tickets for Friday nights show :D
And yesterday I got my dress for my birthday night out.. So its already looking up :D
But.. I have forgotten to have my brekkie again!!

Ooooh! Tix to the Late Late! Very nice :) How'd you wangle those? Do they only ring a couple days before to tell you that you have tickets??
Any pics of the dress hon? Colour, style? I gotta go dress shopping soon and NO idea what suits me. Got a wedding to go to in October... dreading it a bit. :(
I dunno how you forget to eat!! I've eaten 8pp already today :eek: xx
Ooooh! Tix to the Late Late! Very nice :) How'd you wangle those? Do they only ring a couple days before to tell you that you have tickets??
Any pics of the dress hon? Colour, style? I gotta go dress shopping soon and NO idea what suits me. Got a wedding to go to in October... dreading it a bit. :(
I dunno how you forget to eat!! I've eaten 8pp already today :eek: xx
Ha ha.. I applied online this time.. Was there about 10 last season, my friend is a contact for their stand bys so she always calls on me :D She gave me an option for this Friday or Friday 30th Sept but my friend is away that weekend so.. You normally get at least a couple of weeks notice, she must have had someone pull out r something.. Have a pic of the dress but it won't attached. Have resized it 3 times and it still won't attach :mad: Will keep at it and see if I can send it :D

Aw my stomach is in knots coz i'm gona hav it out with my Da later and I kno its gona end in a screaming match.. So I feel sick so food isn't on my mind.. Still not hungry and its now lunch time!! :(
That dress is fab! Love the colour :) I wants it heehee!!

Have you eaten today hon? Make sure to eat something soon please xxx
That dress is fab! Love the colour :) I wants it heehee!!

Have you eaten today hon? Make sure to eat something soon please xxx
Aww yer so cute worrying about me :) I forced myself to have lunch.. I had tuna mixed with onion n mayo on brown bread and King crisps.. Not even king lights I went all out ha ha.. And I had some belvita biscuits too so am well up on the PP front :D

The dress is lovely isn't it?! Really like it.. My friend had sent me the link on FB about 2 weeks and has been sending dresses since.. haha.. but I was kinda stuck on this.. But didn't want to order online.. But then she found it in A-Wear yesterday so I went up, tried it on and loved it :D Was only €55 too so a bargain :D
Aww yer so cute worrying about me :) I forced myself to have lunch.. I had tuna mixed with onion n mayo on brown bread and King crisps.. Not even king lights I went all out ha ha.. And I had some belvita biscuits too so am well up on the PP front :D

The dress is lovely isn't it?! Really like it.. My friend had sent me the link on FB about 2 weeks and has been sending dresses since.. haha.. but I was kinda stuck on this.. But didn't want to order online.. But then she found it in A-Wear yesterday so I went up, tried it on and loved it :D Was only €55 too so a bargain :D
Glad you ate something... I always worry when people dont eat... and I know you'd be at me if I wasnt eating ;) (although no chance of that happening it seems :p) Mmm I had belvita for brekkie. I was actually gonna suggest you get your fav Kings crisps and have a treat :D I had king lites from a multipack & it was very delish!!!
Its gorgeous... might take a peek in Awear at the weekend if you dont mind hon? Although I'm very weird about my shoulders/arms showing because they're fairly broad/big ya know?? Dresses dont suit me, I look awkward hee hee. What are you up to for your bday anyway? Just a night out or dinner etc.?? x
Glad you ate something... I always worry when people dont eat... and I know you'd be at me if I wasnt eating ;) (although no chance of that happening it seems :p) Mmm I had belvita for brekkie. I was actually gonna suggest you get your fav Kings crisps and have a treat :D I had king lites from a multipack & it was very delish!!!
Its gorgeous... might take a peek in Awear at the weekend if you dont mind hon? Although I'm very weird about my shoulders/arms showing because they're fairly broad/big ya know?? Dresses dont suit me, I look awkward hee hee. What are you up to for your bday anyway? Just a night out or dinner etc.?? x

Of course I dont mind.. I'm the same about revealing my bare back/shoulders.. Think I look like a tranny.. But its actually really nice on :D I even look female lmao.. :8855:
Just having a night out.. But because its so close to Christmas and all the work parties n stuff will hav started I'v requested a section be cornered off so we can all sit together.. Shud be a good night..
Am having a dilemma tho.. coz my Dad and one of my brothers don't talk.. But I'm obviously gona hafta invite both coz Dave's my brother and my da (no matter how much I dislike him!) is my da!! STRESS :sigh:
Hopefully my brother doesn't go.. Being so close to Crimbo and him having to do the Santa thing n all :D
The girls are on at me to have a cake.. Apparently you can't hav a birthday without a cake.. But I dont eat cake so am not pushed.. We'll see who wins ha ha..
Another dilemma is my is my ex is 30 on the very same day and the pub i'm having my night out in, wud be the same pub he'd go for a celebration night out.. So am hoping and praying he decides on somewhere else.. Fingers crossed :D
Hope u n ur dad will be ok Hun xx
Love ur dress very sassy xx
Thanks hun.. Love my dress :D
Me n my dad had a talk n its been sorted.. Still need to get outta tho sooner rather than later..Otherwise i'll end up in Mount Joy (Prison!!) for murder!! lol
Thanks for listening today Sarah.. yer a little star xxx
Here I am! Glad you got the talk with your dad sorted hon :) you feeling a bir better now, how was the eating today? ;) xx

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
Thursday - 15th September

WEIGH IN: 1lb lost

Water: 600ml x3
Drinks: Coffee. Oolong Tea

Brekkie: Porridge - 3pp

Lunch: Tuna, ex lf mayo, onion on brown bread (6) - 6pp

Dinner: Homemade shepherds pie (10) Veg - 10pp

Snacks: Apple. Banana. Why Not bar (3) Cad Turkish (5) Dunnes Light Choc Mousse (2) - 10pp

PP's Used: 29/29
Weeklies Used: 0/39

Weekly targets/goals:-
1. Drink 1.5Ltrs water everyday - Done!
2. Go for at least 3 walks - Only 1 walk this week.. Must do better!
3. Use up all dailies on 'good' food, not having treats to use them up! - Almost but not quite.. Must do better!
4. Try at least one new recipe this week - Done!
5. Have at least 3 lunches with NO carbs! - Done!

Well, went the flix tonight with the intention of using up some weeklies n allowing myself have some chocolate to much.. Had 30 weeklies left to use afterall.. and 10 dailies.. Got to the flix and went to order.. Was gona have Medium Pepsi Max and bag of Maltesers.. hmmmm... But there was no Pepsi Max and they don't do any other diet drinks.. Movie was scheduled to start @ 7 and it was now 7:15 so clearly ads wud be over but he wanted me to wait about 5 mins til they changed the pump!! I was like 'oh forget it' n left it.. So had NOTHING in the cinema!! Wasn't too pushed as I was only having it coz I had so many weeklies over n today was the last day of this week (WW Week) So had some chocolate when i got home instead :D
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