Anna here :D xxx
its the alcohol - one sip kills a brain cell ... i think i drunk pure alcohol from the min i was born ahahahaha rofl xxx
its the alcohol - one sip kills a brain cell ... i think i drunk pure alcohol from the min i was born ahahahaha rofl xxx
I've no plans. I'm lame as usual. You?
I know how you feel about being tight on money. I'm trying to eat okayish without doing a big shop too cuz I just can't afford to shop much at all this month!
Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
Wishbird007 said:Hi hun
Any news on ur love nest?
Dubchick81 said:Hiya. No not really. Hit a bit of problem but won't cause as much of a delay as we thought. The owner is signing it over to someone else, then she's signing it to us... Dunno what the reason behind it is..... Makes no sense...
But we shud hav the keys in 4-5 weeks![]()
Wishbird007 said:Oo yay hun thats marv news x not long to go hun!
;-) congratz x x
Ru going out over bank hols?
Dubchick81 said:Nope. Nice quiet weekend for me. Been out house shopping all day. Got essentials like washing powder, clothes softener..... Boring stuff but loved it![]()
*Claire-Bear* said:Hope your okies Francesim back to the real world now where i eat my tea at 7pm not 4am
Dubchick81 said:Welcome back to the real world Claire. All good here ta. Just doin some house work then gona hav brunch
Can't wait to do housework in MY house
Anything planned for the weekend r just tryna get yer body clock back to normal?
bookworm77 said:hi frances how r u . ?
CarlyLanky140 said:Oooo 4-5 weeks is so excitinghope ur weekend has been good