Hiya... Sorry have been awol.. But am alive n OK ha ha..
Liz bday weekend is next weekend n bday is the following Tuesday (29th) But thanks
Ok so havn't been tracking the last few days but have been in no way on track or good!!
Here goes:
Monday: None
Tuesday: Toast - 4pp
Wednesday: Toast - 4pp
Monday: Toast - 5pp
Tuesday: Roast chicken sandwich, King Luxuries - 11pp
Wednesday: Roast chicken sandwich with ceasar dressing - 7pp
Monday: Roast chicken, roasted veg, chicken gravy - 6pp
Tuesday: Friends house: Chicken curry, rice & chips - 21pp
Wednesday: Out: Veg Soup. Spaghetti carbonara n chips - 28pp
Snacks: 3 chunks toblerone. Twix - 17pp
Total PP's used: 166
Dailes: 29*3 - 87
Weeklies used (oops) 79 - Leaving me with 30 OVER allowance!!!