actually,just saw on the sw it the BFree multigrain wheat and gluten free ones?x
Morning diary!
Finished nights and I feel really grotty as a result! Like a massive hangover but without the fun drunk part lol.
Having gone 3 days with no syns and not really noticing I'm looking forward to a bit of chocolate tonight- will get something nice from the food shop.
EE day
3am - pasta n sauce
7pm- chicken fajitas (will use the new HEx B wrap if I find them, if not will have wedges) with salad and cheese (A)
Pontefract cakes 10 syns
Hi there Amy,
I saw your post on a different thread and decided to pop along and see your diary.
How many syns do you allow yourself each week (out of curiosity?) The vodka and sweets day you said you used 40 syns. Were these guesstimations or are you quite good at counting your voddies? (I have to guesstimate after about 3 doubles!) 30 syns would be 6x50ml.
Also- you said 40 syns this week so far, but the day before you had 10 syns on pontefract cakes. Are there any other sneaky syns that could have been forgotten?
Lastly- are you sure your chocolate milk counts as HEx A?
These are all genuine questions and pointers btw. I'm only on my second week myself and still getting there. I just know that when I write everything down at the end of the day sometimes I've forgotten the odd splash of milk in my tea or something. I can't even imagine how I would cope on nights!
I do reckon the fact that you had to do and get used to nights could have had a massive impact on your whole bodyclock so 0.5lb gain could have been worse. Also- you still have lost 6lbs in 2 weeks which is absolutely incredible!!!
Keep going Amy!!! You can do it!- you are doing it!
Noooo....don't go to the dark side....i came from there after spending silly amounts of money to be hungry all the time!
yes it's good that we can eat what we want as long as you're within your points....but it doesn't really encourage healthy eating the way SW does.
i mean, when you think of all the ww cakes and biscuits, they're saying you're still allowed as much of this junk as you want, just pick these ones rather than you really want to have that when you could optimise something else to be yummy instead?
they're saying it's ok to use all your points on garbage as long as it's only so many but think of the good meals we have on this when we put our mind to it.
i think (and hope) you'll be pleasantly surprised at WI...i hope i am after 4 on last week but i guess we need to wait and see.
i loved WW in the beginning cos i stuck to my points and saved the weekly ones you get so that i could go out for dinner every week but in the end, as my weight reduced, so did my daily points and rather than go over when i was hungry and use some from the weekly amount you get, i'd just be hungry and would be excited that i had only used 1 point by 2pm meaning i could have a wee packet of crisps at night! not good!
i didn't really change the things i was eating...i just starved most of the day so i could have a wee something at night...on this i can do both and not feel guilty!
i know we're all different but going from eating some crappy wee micro meal (that was woo hoo..only 5 points never mind what was in them) and being hungry an hr later to eating stuff like that double burger thing you made the other night was great for me. not only was i not so hungry, but i'm able to eat the same meal as my OH now unlike before.
i know things work differently for us all and you'll get just as much support if you went to WW but try not to let last week get to you too much....i'd have happily taken your gain rather than minex
yeah, it makes sense. i think if we have a week off plan then we see the bigger numbers cos we've shocked our bodies - not an excuse for us to have a week off willy nilly lol
3 off for me tonight...back to the 2.5 stone mark but since i got it, it's been up and down round about the same weight...grrrr.
aww we go again eh lol.
ww is really much easier to pick up things and not put a lot of effort in but for me, it didn't come without starvation and that's cos i'm the kind of person where i'm either on it or i'm not so rather than go over my points to ease my hunger, i stuck to it rigidly and it the end, i was putting on 3, losing 1 and just wasting my money.
the days where i hadn't eaten much by 2pm were just crazy....when i'm working, i graze all day on sw and when i compare what i have by 2pm now it's mad. there are times where i worry that i've eaten too much but again, i guess it's down to the types of foods we're eating etc?
always hard work for us over weighters eh pmsl x