Well I put half a pound on. Not too bad but do feel a bit hard done by since I've been 100% for most of the 2 weeks. I'm not going to hit my January target or my valentines day target and I feel thoroughly fed up. I'm going to go for a 100% week, 10 syns a day and lots and lots of superfree. I start night shifts on Monday, which means weighing in is a problem as I want to be asleep.
On another moaning Minnie note lol... I don't think this group is for me. My last group was lovely, full of all sorts of supportive characters, the consultant was amazing and would text is during the week to offer encouragement and I really loved being there. I've now moved house and am too far away for that group but my new group just doesn't....fit if that makes sense. Everybody is over the age of 60, the consultant is so loud and brash, and today we had to stand in a queue for 15 mins to be weighed because the lady weighing us was having a conversation about how crap her GP surgery is to her friend! I didn't stay to class and I feel like I'm wasting £5 to just get weighed. The time may hve come to hunt for a new group :-/
Today's menu
2 tangerines, 2 alpen light bars (HEX B)
Chicken breast slices, salad, fruit salad of pineapple, grapes, orange and apple
Beef stew and cous cous dumplings
This looks like a red day to me, if I don't have any parsnip in the stew I can have another HEX B later.
HEX A will be milk in coffee and a bit of cheese with salad