Aysha are you?
Jellie I can't seem to find the thread with your pics? Would love to see how you're doing.
Yay!!! Good to hear from you! I was just thinking about you a few moments ago, wondering what you were up to. I'm glad you're still at it and not letting the crazy season throw you completely off track!
My goal was to lose 7lbs this month and my current goals is to STS. There is just too much going on and I want to enjoy the season! I really admire those that keep on dieting through this period, but that's not me and I risk binging if I don't cut myself some slack. At any rate, as long as I don't go nuts, get back to being strict in Jan and lose the last few lbs to get to goal, I'm happy.
I'm really chuffed to hear from you and hope you'll check in more. Enjoy the holidays!!!
Well hello stranger x kinda glad u mirrored my Xmas and new year I was a complete greedy moo !! It's new year dinner today after my night shift as not seen my bf as he worked followed by a new year girly night with a friend wine wine and nibbles but I'm on gf as of the 3rd I'm fat no clothes fit and I feel yuck so pls kick me up the ass and help me xxxxxx missed u 2 x
Salaams sis... Sounds like me... I think many of us are in the same boat remember we are all here for each other.
I stopped slim and save when we too some fertility drugs and gradually started stuffing! I have gained 16lb been on trackish for 3 days.. Today it gets serious... Come on ladies we can do this
Kira we definitely can support and tough love is a must. I need to get back to posting on here again.
It's getting a bit easier everyday but today I feel awful new coming down with a cold for a while and today it's hit me