Holiday Countdown!
Oh and got a 3 and half stone award! Double whoop! Xxxx
Would love to say I am sorry to be leaving you all but I'm not! Ha ha! Lost 4 lbs this week and that takes me onto 16s 13, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
Hope to see you all soon and dead excited to be moving down! Ahhhh, I have a 16 on my scales!!! So exciting!!
goodnight ladies - im taking my poorly sore arm off to bed (had my flu jab yesterday and today i feel like mike tyson has been using my arm as a punchbag) anyhoooooooo cya'll tomorrow , nanite xxxxxxxxxxx
Would love to say I am sorry to be leaving you all but I'm not! Ha ha! Lost 4 lbs this week and that takes me onto 16s 13, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
Hope to see you all soon and dead excited to be moving down! Ahhhh, I have a 16 on my scales!!! So exciting!!
Awww people you've been my family for the last few weeks & sadly but happily am leaving you as I lost 3.5 lb and I'm now 16st 12.5 lb.
Hope to see you all soon...minky I'm coming to get you!![]()
Awww people you've been my family for the last few weeks & sadly but happily am leaving you as I lost 3.5 lb and I'm now 16st 12.5 lb.
Hope to see you all soon...minky I'm coming to get you!![]()
Would love to say I am sorry to be leaving you all but I'm not! Ha ha! Lost 4 lbs this week and that takes me onto 16s 13, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
Hope to see you all soon and dead excited to be moving down! Ahhhh, I have a 16 on my scales!!! So exciting!!
Awww people you've been my family for the last few weeks & sadly but happily am leaving you as I lost 3.5 lb and I'm now 16st 12.5 lb.
Hope to see you all soon...minky I'm coming to get you!![]()
I will admit that I've been working very long hours over this weekend and although I have not 'lost the plot' with slimming, I haven't been quite as good as I could have been... but losing Minky and Smokingspud to another thread has given me theI needed!
I'm so pleased for them, I want that feeling too!!!
Lots of apples, bananas and ss food for me today!
Had a bit of an odd weekend myself - just not felt myself. I know I haven't been as organised as usual and we all know fail to plan, plan to fail!
Shiny - hope you're feeling better soon.
So much for me being all cocky and like yeah I am in the next bracket down.....
Talk about self sabotage -ALL WEEKEND!
Started off drinking Friday night, 1 bottle of wine, topped off with some vodkas and chicken nuggets. Saturday - chilli con Carne, lots of alcohol at a 40th birthday and then more when I went clubbing. On the way home got a bacon cheeseburger and cheesy chips from the van.
Sunday I died and the boyfriend cooked me veggie sausages that we didn't realise were 5 syns each with beans and then in the evening we ordered in.
We ordered pizza
I ate the whole thing.
And no, I haven't stopped there. I have eaten a donut today and a pot of pick and mix sweets. And I feel crap. I feel bloated and bunged up and can't go to the loo and just want to scream at myself.
What a douchewill be seeing you guys for a little while longer xxx
im dreading WI tonight - just got on my scales and ive put on 2 lbs and my scales weigh me lighter than at class - GULP - dunno if i should give it a miss or bite the bullet - im soooooooo annoyed at myselfxxxxxxxx
ShinyShimmy said:im dreading WI tonight - just got on my scales and ive put on 2 lbs and my scales weigh me lighter than at class - GULP - dunno if i should give it a miss or bite the bullet - im soooooooo annoyed at myselfxxxxxxxx