I dont know whats up with me?
I keep starting the diet then finding one excuse or another to eat crap
Why do i keep doing it, i soooooooo badly want to try for a baby but no way am i doing it at this weight, wouldnt be fair on me or my baby.
I have no kitchen at the minute as OH is changing it all around, so i cant cook nothing so end up eating rubbish and im sick of it.
Why cant i stay motivated? what the hell have i got to do? put pictures of babies all over my house? lock up my purse? my mood is so up and down (stupid bipolar) that when im up im like yeah i can do this but when i am down i just eat, stupid medication is making me eat eat eat. I just wanna scream.
Fed up of it all now, but feel a little better for ranting on here.
Well! tomorrow is day one even if it kills me!
Guess ill weigh 20 stone 12 tomorrow (no idea hope its not more)
Im off to bed, medication has changed from normal to slow release so i am constantly tired ALL day
stupid chemist messing it up gonna have to get it changed back, its horrible being tired and your mind feeling slow all day, oh the joys of anti psychotic medications, is it possible these tablets "hold" my weight, as when i miss them for a few days i can loose 9/10lbs without doing anything and soon as i go back on them the weight comes back on? weird?
Anyways im off sorry for the rant.
Im going to bed nn xx