My LastChance and Lenlu, good losses this week. Have a fab hol Lenlu

Moomin, I feel really bloated this week too :sigh:, its normally my star week, I think that really slows down the loss during that week, water retention etc.. I'm sure that you'll have a good loss next week hun. Try to aim for lots of S/free food this week, lots of fruit and veg on the go
Rosie, your week is looking good already, hope you enjoyed your curry last night and way to go girlie.. 4lb already down since last WI. Keep it up, and that WI next week will be a good one

Made a pasta bake last night (3.5 syns) and enough for 2 portions so got that with me today for lunch, hope it is just as tastey cold as was hot

. Gonna do some batch cooking this eve, as my job is so busy this week and at the weekend, it'll be easy to fall off the wagon, but this way, it'll be there ready just to re-heat when I get from work. Thats the aim anyway :8855:.
Have a great day everyone and good luck with your WI's today Bookworm, Aimee, Scanbran and Jude.

Busy day again, with my group of teens so will try and pop in again this eve. Its a lovely day girls, me thinks its tan time
