Charmed you have been a busy bee with all your clearing out, out with the old always makes you feel good and bet it all looks fab

. Good to hear from you too hun.
Get you and your will power last night, you must have been dribbling at the thought of those ribs.. but you resisted and I bet those scales will be lower because of it too.

. Good news on the gym too, that will help shed the lbs as well. I joined a new gym 2 months ago and I love it, its my little haven. Don't get there til 7.30pm, body pump and then swim, steam and jacuzi and lots of pamper lotions and potions after shower. Will need to give that a rest now for a few weeks, but can't wait to get back to it.
I did chinese last night, syngapore chow mein, a drizzle of sweet and sour sauce and a pancake roll. Had been synless all day (and only 1.5 on Thurs), had done lots of walking and ate tons of fruit (sf stuff and all that jazz :8855

. So felt justified. The chow mein prob set be back 9 syns, sauce 3 and pancake roll about 8 too

.. so adding all that up, isn't justifying it all now, lol.. Good job I only had 1.5 syns on Thursday

. So over really by 1.5! :break_diet:Just need to make sure I don't use any more the 8.5 this eve.
Right off to make a spicy pork stir fry with noodles and some satay sauce (1 tbsp peanut butter, mixed with a see drizzle of skimmed milk and soy sauce 4.5). Chat later. x