From here to Eternally Slim

well done on the weigh in. just an update go the hospital on monday for colonoscopy, and studying for my exam my head is not in sw mode at the moment so I am taking a break for a couple of weeks - still healthy eating but may be mia. will be weighing in on a sunday when i am back on it properly
Woop woop Diz.. well done you, and after all what you've been through with the op and after effects, you are a star :)

Im still 100% on plan, doing better now I will have an official WI on Monday, maybe thats what I needed.

Busy day at work, on Duty all day, so its office all day and time to catch up on reports and typing up of notes etc.

My daughter is a little worried, she's getting pain, the baby is due on the 9th Feb, and that will make 3 birthdays in that month, as my other daughter and son is during Feb too :). She's got an early scan booked in for next week, to check all is ok and there is a heartbeat, as she miscarried at 8 weeks, when she'd had her 12 week scan last time, think they are keeping an eye on things. We are all going to Lanzarote end of August and my daughter is worrying now about going. I know I went away when I was 15 weeks gone and she will be 17 weeks pregnant. Hope she will make it, it cost so much and its the last hols we'll ever have, just me and the kids together.

EF hope all goes well with the Scan for your Daughter, its worrying-but its good that they are keeping a close eye on things for her:) I hope that you do all get to go on the Hol together....I remember going abroad to tunisia when I was expecting at 16 weeks (Im sure you can fly up to 20some weeks with permission?)

Ronnie, Hope the colonoscopy goes ok let us know.
Its not easy sticking to the plan if your head is not 'in the right place' just come back when you are ready x x

I won the raffle at group last night - a big box of veggies ( that will save me a few pennies on this weeks shop :)) so Ive just made a big pan of brocolli & courgette soup from a recipe that consultant gave me (well it was actually just a whole brocolli, 2 courgette, 1 clove garlic, 1 stock cube & a litre of water....cook & blitz) IT WAS FLIPPIN LOVELY !!!!!!

Ive still got carrots, cabbage, red & white onions, celery, red/green/orange peppers potatos,chillis, garlic, leeks to use. hardly any room in my freezer so I need to get thinking:confused::rolleyes:
Thanks Ronnie,I know what you mean regarding studying.. and when you have the hospital on your mind tool, its a lot to get your head around, trying to count everything. I think you are right to focus on the hospital and in a couple of weeks, you'll have more energy to give it your all..:)

Thanks Diz, I will keep her motivated to go away. With re the Veg....I'd roast all the veg, apart from cabbage and celery. Spray with fry light and season, then bake til golden, that is really nice with a bit of chicken or pork and all sf free too :)

thanks guys i will still 'lurk' and read posts etc or i will go totally off the rails
Thanks guys - sorry I've been missing for a while but adam has been keeping me very busy - we've been struggling with feeding at the moment - but think we're getting there.
I hope everyone is doing well,
Good luck Ronnie at the hospital and with your exam - hope all goes well for you.
EF - congrats on the granny news - hope everything goes well with your daughter's scan - she will be able to fly up until the 3rd trimester unless there are any complications - fingers crossed that you all get to go away on the holiday.
Dizzy - think you are fab say no to the fairies trying to make you eat cream buns

SW wise this week has been a very very very bad week - I've just let food go out the window and due to the problems we've been having feeding have had no time to sort out proper meals so I've been living off junk food this week - not a great start really for Adam - but it has been very difficult. Am hoping that we can get over this hurdle and get back on plan again asap!

I will get a pic up as soon as I've worked out how to do it and once I get some onto the computer as well - they are all on my phone at the mo!
Morning everyone.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Hey its hot hot hot here..

Rosie, thanks for that, Im sure she will be fine. Adam sounds like an energetic baby, hopefully that will settle down for you soon.It must be hard to follow the plan, when you are so busy and also so tired too, wouldn't worry about that too much as that will also settle down as Adam does.

My 1st WI since going back last Monday, so hoping for at least 3lb loss, which will take me back to my weight I've put on here and then I can keep that up.


WI last night from going back to group, 3.5lb loss :). Can't edit my ticker or details yet as still 1.5lb over since I last did this. But hopefully that will be off next week ;)

My son has gone for his driving test theory this morning, so dropped him off at 8am, and in office by 8.15am. so thought I'd post early today.

Hope everyone is ok and good luck for wi's tonight. xxx
Hello Hello!

Flying visit from me - loads to do, baby girls 5th birthday tomorrow and lots of tidying and baking to do!

Was going to bank a weighin yesterday but the PDA went loopy when I got on the scales so it never registered, so I will HAVE to go next Mon morning and do it all again, am trying to be supergood this week so that I can be as low into target as possible before I go away on a highly calorific hen weekend the following Friday.

EF, hope your daughters pains have settled, I had all sorts of weird pains when I was pregnant and they all amounted to nothing in the end, so I hope hers is just the same. Well done on your super weigh-in!

CD, hope you are starting to feel a bit more normal after your op!

Rosie - get some pictures up! ;)
Hope everyone is doing well. This is just a flying visit as hands are a bit full at the moment.

Rosie - get some pictures up! ;)

Your wish is my command :) There should be pictures of baby Adam with his big brother Andrew :)


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*must not get broody...must not get broody...must not get broody...*

Seriously though, you are a lucky mummy. What lovely boys, and what a happy proud older brother! Enjoy this, its a matter of a blink of an eye till you are breaking up fights over scattered meccano! Thanks for sharing xxx
Oh Rosie, they're both lovely.

Fortunately there's NO DANGER WHATSOEVER of me getting broody.
But I can really enjoy looking at them - at a distance!

You've got a lovely family, and they've got a lovely mum.
Rosie, Adam is gorgeous, soo adorable, and his big brother is lovely too.. I bet you have your hands full honey, big hugs and good to hear from you :)

Thanks MLM, nice to see you on here, and hey.. your daughters birthday has come around quick hasn't it, I remember you telling us last year. Hope she has fun :),.

Hey Jimbo.. hope all is well with you lovely :)

Went to Bella Italia last night with a friend, and was a bit worried re syns, but ended up having 21 syn's which I was happy about, and that was a 3 course meal, mixed meat and a mini bruschetta to start with salad, spicey penne with prawns and chili with a little paramesan, then the most weeniest of deserts I have ever seen, Lemon tart with skinny latte, I was impressed with myself.I had so much sf foods during the day, which would have covered the 3rd SF with that meal too, thought I also had tom's and peppers in the sauce with pasta and salad with the starter ;)

Pushing myself to go to the gym tonight, am shattered today, but needs must, need to get use out of it before it expires in 3 months, and it'll boost next week's losses too with any luck. Time to tone up!

Have a good day everyone xxx
Rosie.... how cute are your Boys!! :D I just love the piccy where big bro is giving his biggest proud grin while holding his baby brother:p

EF well done on the loss Hun :) FAB start!! Just the boost you need to get you going Hope your sons Theory test goes well....Ive got everything crossed! ;)

I don't know If I posted on here (too lazy to read back:eek:) but I went to Hosp on Monday for a routine visit to the Neurologist re my Brain Op but called into the ENT dressings bit as my Magic ear Op has been bothersome over the weekend & painful. Anyhow its been weeping some yack stuff & its infected so I'm on some antibiotics and I go back tomorrow for the cleaning & re dressing bit again.....Its such a long Journey though when I get travel sick with the vertigo - over an hour each way :(

Food wise I've been good and stuck to plan just missed Brekki a couple of times with odd sleeping patterns....but the flipping strong painkillers have done the usual thing of bunging me up - so I'm sat waiting patiently for the poo fairy to visit me for the 1st time in almost a week:confused: :mad: just hope it happens before tomorrows WI or I'm in for a mahooosive gain :eek:;):rolleyes:

Righteo I'm off to have a spot of lunch & maybe a little nap (Doctors orders lol:p)
All the best, Dizz.

I'll see if I can get my Namby Pamby Southern Pompoms to do a "Magic Sausage" dance for you!
Meant to say.. my son passed his theory :) yesterday, got 5 wrong, so it was a good score. I've now also received my interview for the University for the Degree too.

Diz.. my eyes were watering when you said about the removal and change of the dressing last week, can you take pain killers this time? Hope the antibiotics work for you honey.

Good luck for WI tomorow :)

Right, am off for home now, no gym tongight, Im shattered.

Hi guys
Thanks for the comments on my kids - I think they are great but then I am biased :D
Had the health visitor out yesterday - she thought he has reflux - was at Dr today and he has been given infant gaviscon - it does seem to be making a difference but time will tell. Fingers crossed it works for him!

EF well done on your night out - well within syns for the week :) Congrats on your interview - fingers are crossed for you - also congrats to your son for passing his theory test :)

CD hope your next visit to the hosptial isn't too bad hun and that the infection clears up really soon, also hope the poo fairy's visit really soon for you.

MLM - hope your daughters birthday went well.

At WI on monday I gained 1.5lb's - am not back on plan at the moment am strggling to get there to be honest! - time is my main issue as usually at about tea time Adam is feeding, which means DH makes DS1 dinner and sometimes makes something for me if i'm hungry - it's usually not SW friendly - fast food is handy! Also am snacking on chocolate during the day to try and keep going - am sure I will get there in the end - preferably before I put much more weight on! only have to get rid of 10.5lbs to be back to pre-pregnancy weight!

Rosie, don't worry about the small gain, that will be off soon, when you have the energy to do the plan, and with only 10.5lb to get off to be back at pre pregnancy weight, you don't need to be in any rush.

Was absolutely shattered last night, cooked dinner, watched TV and went to bed. But off to the gym for definate tonight, then for a swim. Its just around the corner from my friend, so will pop over to see her for coffee after.

Enjoy your day xxx