From here to Eternally Slim

Morning all

I had a big spend on making sure my old car is fit for my son to drive, it failed its MOT, so £405 later, its fixed and still needs new tyres, which I'll get once he has passed his test and there is tax on it, can't drive it anywhere and just registered it as off road.

Am off to Camber Sands for the day with my youngest daughter tomorrow, so making sw scotch eggs, mini quiche's, pasta salad and lots of fruit and salad. Need to make it a good day SW wise, so will do some baking tonight.

Hope everyone else is haveing a good week.

EF - hope you enjoyed Camber Sands with your daughter - sounds like you are doing well planning all the SW stuff for your day out :)

I'm still not back on plan - am hoping to try and get some sort of normality for Tuesday. My consultant has put through the article to the paper - it wasn't in this weeks paper - maybe next weeks I've read it already but will wait till it's in print and then let you all know what she's said.

But she's also taken some pics - which I'm gonna add here - I really hate having my pic taken so it took a lot - it includes my mum and sister who are both target members of the same group (mum lost over a stone, sister lost over 5 stone)


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Wow, I think thats the first time I have ever seen you Rosie! You and your family look great.

Birthday... oh where to start. Well, there was the cupcakes. For once, I didnt make ANY chocolate ones, thinking that would help me resist. HAHAHA. Fail. Made lemon, strawberry and orange ones. They were LUSH. Yes. I tried them all.

Then another minor fail today after several be-good days to reduce damage from cupcakes, when I took the birthday girl, her sister, her cousin and her best friend to build-a-bear and Mcdonalds. I did manage to minimise damage by having chicken nuggets and nothing else, but still, waste of syns.

I am at a point at the moment where I am absolutely fed up to the back teeth of having to think of "naughty" foods as the enemy and work out their syn values. I was stood in the queue for ages at Maccys getting the kids food and the people were all passing me with their massive chips and huge burgers, and all I really wanted was to be able to choose something without CARING what syn value it might hold.

I KNOW I cant have it all. And I dont want to go back to being fat again, but just every now and again, I just want to be able to clear my mind of anything remotely relating to slimming world and just eat what I want. But Im stuck with it now, I cant do it. If I overindulge, Im totting it up in my head and feeling guiltier and guiltier with every bite, and knowing how much I am going to have to cut back the next few days to balance the difference.

Even this hen weekend coming up next weekend. In theory I should be able to just go and enjoy it and not worry about the consequences, and I know I can pull it back if I do get a gain as a result, but I just dont WANT to get a gain, just by having the occasional good time.
ROSIE......gorgeous pictures!! and omg you look amazing for having not long give birth!!!

DIZZY.....hope you are all better soon and those antibiotics work....will join jimbob in doing a poo fairy dance!! and me both have the same naughty food struggles!!! i so need to learn that actually,for example seeing as its what you mentioned a big mac,fries and drink would make no difference in the grand scheme of things if i ate normally the rest of the day but...and its a big myself i then go 'oh ive been naughty,naughty day,what other naughties can i cram in then!!!!'
you WILL NOT ever go back to what you were,what you dont want to...i know you wont - you have done amazingly well and you should be proud of yourself - i am and im proud to call you a friend too and you have been an amazing help to me.
you do need to lean-as do i-that one naughty meal,or even naughty day...or week on holiday.... does not hump all the weight on in one and will not undo the good hard work. 'normal' skinny people that have always been skinny eat like that (meals out,occasional binge etc) and their weight fluctuates slightly but they dont notice or stress because they arent scale watchers so they dont see it!! whereas because we go to sw,because we lost weight we do notice.
we'll get there.......its a bugger this maintaining lark innit!!!
Thanks guys
It is the first time I think I've put pics up - I don't even have any of me on my facebook account thinking about it.

Sorry about the days of 'naughty foods' for you both it is tough - and I'm nowhere near target at the moment. Think I'm going to set an interim target tomorrow at WI to have something to aim for as I think I need the target to aim at for now.

I'm with you on the naughty stuff - at the moment the sec I have naughty food my brain thinks you've blown it for the day restart again tomorrow - and then tomorrow comes and at the moment it just restarts all over again with the naughty food. Am determined to restart on plan on Tuesday - WI is tomorrow, will try and get all the naughty food eaten before then and will then tell DH to hide the rest and not eat it in front of me. Now that Adam seems to be in a bit of a routine I should be able to work things out to fit. I will need to get a shed load of free food in though as I just can't stop eating at the moment at all!
Awwww Rosie!!! I am allowed to get broody, but i didnt want kids for a while - i may have just changed my mind!!! You must be so proud, they're both GORGEOUS!!

Just wanted to pop in quickly to say that although i did fall of the end of the earth ('wagon' didnt seem like a strong enough word!!) I am in the process of hauling myself back up!!

I'll try and get on here more often, I have 1 100% day completed - my first for a very long time!! But hopefully there will be many more!! xx
Rosie, love the pics and what an achievement, you must be cuffed. Adam is looking lovely, and your sister really looks like you! A family achievment and its brilliant that it has been acknoweldged too, well done all of you :)

Minxy, you have the right to enjoy your daughters celebrations, and you know how to pull it all back, so I wouldn't feel guilty about it, You''ve reached target, your goal, and its a way of life to eat when you go out, birthday's etc, the important thing is that you know when to stop and how to turn it around too. Glad it was a good day :)

Pesty, good to see you on here, hope all is well?

Luverick, hows things with you?

Camber sands was lovely, hardly ate anything as it was so hot, so did a red day yesterday and had the rest of the sw sotch eggs I'd made for lunch. Saved cooking and yesterday spent time, chilling out and revising for today's interview. It went ok, I think, won't know til the end of the day, but what will be will be and I will approach them again next year, if things don't work out this year.

WI tonight, feel i've been good but scales haven't moved. If I loose a lb, I'll be fine with that, I know I need to do more exercise over this week anyway.

Taking 2 girls to Gatwick in the morning, so an early start.

Enjoy your day xx
*slinks in quietly*

Hello all:wave_cry:

Been feeling crappy the last few days with this stooopid ear graft :mad: so not been online....or doing much of anything to be honest, but the poo fairy finally came on saturday :) so normal service has been resumed 'down that end' - I hope :rolleyes: Never made WI as I fell asleep (sorry for having you dancing & pompom flinging for nowt:eek:) But I WILL be there this week!

Rosie - love the new Piccys!! :)

EF great news about your gone passsing the theory test ;)

MLM I REALLY want a cupcake now :eek::D:p x x

Diz, really hope you are feeling so much better honey.

I ended up going to Ireland on Tuesday, only went to drop 2 girls to Gatwick, but the court guardian hadn't turned up to take them, and then the children got upset that they couldn't see their Dad, and they were sobbing. The court guadian had left it too late to leave her house, to get to the airport on time, in my opinion and as she was running late, she then decided to go home. So they had missed their flight and I ended up transferring them to another one, and I took them. Different airport, so ended up driving from Dublin to a remote village in County Mayo, 412KM!! Anyway, they arrived, I stayed in the hotel that had been booked for the guardian, had no clothes, so was a bit chilly, lol.. and bought some bits at the airport so had a change of undies and shampoo etc at least. Got home yesterday evening.

Had some really great news :) I went for my interview at work on Monday for the social work secondment, and later that day, they called to tell me that they had given my the place. Its a social work degree, work funded for 4 years, part time. 14 of us, and 2 of us got it. I am over the moon. Lots of hard work for next 4 years, but at the end of it, I'll be qualified as a SW, which I've always wanted to do, but never been able to, with being a single parent, not being able to study full time, and its now worked out well :)

I've not been on track last 2 days due to being out of the Country, lol.. So will be pulling this back, in time for WI next week.
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awww EF that really was lovely of you to do that!!!! i bet it was worth it to see how chuffed they were though :)
and congratulations on getting that place!!
Thanks Luverick, I am really looking forward to it :). Re taking the girls to Ireland, it was nice for them when they got there, even though Dad could have made more of an effort to be more emotional towards them when we arrived, he was a bit stand offish, and the kids ran to him rather then him getting up to go to them, bit of a shame.

How are you Luverick? xx
im not too bad ta.....plodding along,lol.
did an inventory of cupboards and freezer(again!!!!!) and i really am going to properly plan now!! a moneysaving issue as much as a sw one.
aww it is a shame their dad was like that but still you did the most you possibly could have so thats all tht matters from your end.
Awww EF that was amazing of you!! No matter how Dad was im sure they'll remember how you took them!! - Remind them if they dont haha.

Excellent news on getting the placement!! Its always that much nicer knowing how many people you beat to it!!

Hope it all goes really well for you :D

Luverick!! Nice to see you babe!! Good luck with the inventory, planning and sticking to it!! xxxx
Good afternoon.

Or Good Evening, actually. Have been being supergood of late and am at bottom end of target or thereabouts ahead of this VERY off plan hen weekend in Fort William I am heading off on tomorrow.

EF, you're a little sweetie! What a generous thing to do. Shame the dad wasnt so enthusiastic but he probably felt a bit weird about it all with a stranger there. I hope he was better with them once he got them home. Congratulations on the degree course! What a great opportunity. Good luck with it.

Hope everyone else is doing ok, I'll see you all again when I get back next week!
Wayyyy heyyy, Pesty, well done on your loss honey:)

Thanks MLM, and hope you enjoy the Hen, I always like a good girlie get together ;). You've earned the off plan as you have been extremely good.

Luverick, its amazing what you find in your freezer that can make a meal or 2.

Now I have all this time on my hands at the weekend, I need to get a life, lol.. more gym and think about meeting someone soon too.

woo hoo pesty!! well done on the 2.5lb off!!
Congrats on the weight losses guys :)

Congrats on your social work place EF :) And it was lovely that you took the two kids to see their dad - wish he has been better with them though.

I've read previous posts but mind has fried, my sister has both the kids today and I'm just about to head off to bed for a couple of hours before they come back again. Thought I'd just jump online to let you all know I'm still here but that time online is very limited at the moment.

Adam seems to have reflux so isn't a happy baby at the moment - he's on infant gaviscon but it's not doing too much for him at the mo so he'll be back at the Dr's tomorrow to see what else they can do for him as the poor boy spends a lot of the day screaming and unhappy! :( Hoping they will give him something else that will help.

Take care all and i'll try and catch up again soon.
Hi all. I joined Slimming world 4 weeks ago, I'm absolutely loving it, and would like to say that I wished id started on this diet sooner, but as they say, there's a right time for everything. I would definitely benefit from having some diet buddy partners, so please, count me in....... :)
hi guys, hospital went well, exam is on friday not been too bad but go hen do straight after so will weigh in on sunday 17th and start again. missed you all heaps :(