Pesty and Ronnie, you are both doing really well, exercising and sticking to plan too. Pesty, I am in awe of you doing RFL, that is amazing.. well done on that and hope all the money really helps towards your charity too.
MLM, well done on the 1lb loss too honey..
KK, long time no hear, good to see you back on and look forward to catching up with you too.
Well, Amsterdam was fab.. Take That was out of this world and I coudn't have asked for any better. Apart from the seating, I have a height phobia and my friend with MS has a balance problem at the moment.. so that was a huge problem, but we did make it to our seats and the experience was just amazing. Off plan completely, but then I knew I would be.. So its back to square one tomorrow with tracking etc.. as off out for a meal with my family tonight and then its 100% on track from tomorrow and not Monday, lol.. Have decided that from now til the Holiday end of August, I am going to refrain from any meals out, and just diet and exercise, and can always meet friends and family after they have eaten for a few diet cokes, which will not break the bank either. Harsh, but I need to be.. lol..