From here to Eternally Slim

Sounds great Pesty.. Charlie Choys sounds good and how nice to have all your friends like that going. Bet you are really looking forward to it. xxx
hi count me in please iv just returned to group and i really need all the help i can get to stay on track over the next few weeks,they are going to be hard for me as my 12 year old is off to oz to vist his dad for 3 weeks, xx
Its my bday on Weds so its going to be a bit of a tough SW week for me!!

Oooooh - Its my Bday on Weds too Pesty !!!! :D x x x

Just a quickie post from me as I've not long got back from the hosp (and I'm starvin marvin :eek:)

I've got to have the skin graft re done as the hole is too big to simpley stitch the hole up:cry: so I'm booked to have it under local anasthetic on Thursday morning (so I'll be home by dinner time & can still WI to try get my shiney lol) ..... I'm VERY nervous but its gotta be done :sigh:

EF sorry you're having a bit of a 'down' day hunni :( *hugs* hope you get back to your lovely self again soon x x
aw diz sending you a super big hug
also sending you a hug as well ef hunni
happy birthday for tomorrow pesty and cd hon
Happy Birthday:birthday: Pesty and Diz.. wishing you a lovely day :)

Diz.. sorry to hear about the graft.. hope this time around things are done perfectly so you don't have to have it done again.. thinking of you.

Jimbo.. I reckon it should be syn free cake to all of the group.. I could happily eat a whole one to myself, lol..

WI for me tonight, and I'm looking at more holidays, lol.. Egypt in November for a week, its dirt cheap for an all inc 5 star, so might be the therapy I need ;), well thats my excuse anyway.. lol

Have a good one gals.. xxx

4lb lost last night at wi :) at last... its coming off again. Off to Bakewell tomorrow with my nieces and my mum, then Alton Towers on Sat, so gonna make better choices re food when Im there.

Hope everyone is well today. Good luck Diz.. at the hospital, will be thinking of you. xx

Well done on your lost! a big whoo hoo....:clap:

Glad to hear your job is going well! everything else will follow and your right you don't want to settle for just anything!:)

Me I'm fine struggling with a cold :sick:- think I've put that in every single post so far!! he he..:giggle:

Job is good got my own office now - so no-one looking over my shoulder when I want to come on here - which is good.:)

Desperately trying really hard to lose the flab this time round (just looked I need to update my stats).
I have so many nice clothes that I want to wear for my hols in Sept. then I have a Ball to go to in Nov then have a mini cruise to go on (with my friend who had the cancer - shes still having treatment so far its not come back) so have alot to look forward to and moviation to lose the flab.. I'm rambling now...:blahblah:

Have a good day all

Hope everything went well Dizz..:)

Big hugs**
Sorry I havent posted any sooner........but look what I got Last night
1.5lb off.

I was absolutely shattered after the hosp (and very sore both on my noggin & my thigh where they took the donor skin from) BUT I simply HAD to nip down and WI to see if I had got my shiney
.........then I came home and had a mahoooosive piece of belated birthday cake to celebrate -that we bought from the costa coffee place inside the hospital foyer.

I'm all bandaged up again until next week, and its the same routine of going to the dressings clinic to make sure there is no infection & that this graft all goes perfectly (and the donor site heals up nicely) old smelly here isn't allowed to get in the shower for a week
so my leg doesnt get wet.....errrr I don't think so!!!! where is that cling film & gaffer tape

right ladies, I'm off for a bit of a sleep now as I'm a bit pooped
have been doing my active all week and eating better (despite being off work on hols) and weighed in and have lost 3 today :) (active weigh in is sat so may as well weigh in on sat then)
thanks hon think its down to a lot of things but have been having fruit for brekki, not a huge amount of 'free food' snacking (as i hate eating infront of oh when not a meal time) and not having rubbish in the house
also noticed I am only having about 1 cup of tea a day and drinkin sf squash and water....
Well done on the loss Ronnie and Diz.. Diz.. hope you are healing well and Pesty.. hope your birthday celebrations went well too.

Thanks KK, I think being so good for 2 weeks I kind of expected a little more off, but hey ho, 4lb loss is still good :).

Alton Towers was fab, dragged my nieces of most of the rides and my mum did Oblivion with us twice!! Good old mum :). Bakewell, had the obvious, bakewell tarts and I couldn't resist, then covered my face in Buxton with the spring water, was hoping to wake up yesterday looking more youth full, lol.., I think I did.. then it was junk food all day yesterday, but we really did walk alot. So hoping for a sts this week or a lb off would be nice ;).

Hope you are all haveing a fab weekend xxx
Ahh thanks Ronnie, thats lovely of you to say that.

The back's of my legs this morning are killing me, all that walking uphill at Alton Towers has paid off, or stopped me in my tracks, lol.

Swimming tonight and a BBQ with lots of free salad. Going for the Red plan this week, to limit my carbs, hopefully this will give me a lb loss at least afte the weekend of being naughty.

Hope everyone is doing well.. Diz, hope you are healing and not feeling too sore now. Rosie, not seen you online lately, hope all is well with the baby and your little one too? Ronnie, Pesty, Minxy,KK, Jimbo.. hope all is well.

Hi Ef

Sounds like you had fun at AT - you wouldn't get me on any of those
rides I'm too much of a scary kat for them...

My weekend didn't go too bad - hopefully todays food will be ok and I might have a bigger weight loss this week - not been to the gym though as have had a nasty cold bug that has drained me of any energy. - but really hoping to get there this week...


Hi guys

EF glad to hear you had fun at alton towers hun :)
CD - sorry to hear you had to get a graft done for your ear - hope it's all healing well now hun
hope everyone else is doing well - sorry can't remember what else i've read right now - brain not working!
I'm doing ok - Adam has started to settle down a bit, feeding is going well. Andrew also seems to be getting better at staying in bed past 6 sometimes which is great.
WI tonight I lost 4.5lb's - so pleased with it 1st week really back on plan and on top of that I've been out walking with mum for the past couple of days so think that all helped :)
fingers crossed and dancing for those who are waiting for WI
Wooo hoooooo Rosie ;), well done on that huge loss. Great news that Andrew is feeding better and is also sleeping more too, just makes such a big difference.

KK, hope your cold clears up soon.

Dinner tonight, is Salmon teryaki with stir fry, still keeping the red days going.. :)

I've just heard that the riots are now at my station.. and they have closed the local shopping centre, which is a 5 minute walk from my house. Its so worrying.. :( xxx