From here to Eternally Slim

Thanks Pesty.

It's the meal replacement thing.

Two shakes (or soups) and a bar each day, working off approx. 600 calories daily, and depending on ketosis to burn fat and keep hunger pangs at bay.

After messing about too much with SW and losing a bit (a lot) of focus, this keeps things simple for me, and it's only temporary.

I'll do it for a month or two tops, and then go back to SW - it's really just for a kick-start, but it might get me a fair bit along the road too.

8lbs in week 1 is not too shabby ;)

Are you still at target?

sorry SB im totally pants!! Havent had a chance to get on here!!

I know what you mean about losing focus, i havent been amazing myself!! Im not at target anymore but have managed to stop the damage at 7lbs off. I am weighing at home now, I had a few technical problems at my group where they didnt acknowledge my target - no sticker or certificate or anything!! so i was a little upset which started the spiral (all the rest was my doing!)

Maybe i should try ur diet for a week see if it gets me there!! lol 8lbs in 1 week is AMAZING!! xx
CD - I couldn't stop laughing :rotflmao:"Then to make things worse, I get a text from my consultant to say they held the woman of the year voting......and I had WON!! even though I wasn't there :):eek:
I felt even more guilty then as I sat with my empty bowl of pie & ice cream on my lap........"
Oh my sides... sorry but its just the way you've wrote that - I can just picture it...

Ef - Well done on losses and uni :happy096:- hows the dating going?
I'm still here - been updating my food diary nad popping in and out of other threads - but now I've found you all.....

Pesty - hope you're ok! It is annoying that you didn't get a cert or anything - it happen to me twice and I thought hang I've lost too you know argh - she only wanted to pick out her friends that had lost..anywho you have done brilliantly - :clap:

SC - mmm Exante - I'm sure I could stick to that! but congrats to you....:clap:

RJ - How you doing? looks like your doing well.:D

If I have forgotten anyone really sorry..

Have a fab rest of the day - I'm trying to make my mind up wether to go to the gym or not. - I'm cold and tired and feel like just going home. but then the other part of me is saying get your arse in there!...decisions decisions...

sorry SB im totally pants!! Havent had a chance to get on here!!

I know what you mean about losing focus, i havent been amazing myself!! Im not at target anymore but have managed to stop the damage at 7lbs off. I am weighing at home now, I had a few technical problems at my group where they didnt acknowledge my target - no sticker or certificate or anything!! so i was a little upset which started the spiral (all the rest was my doing!)

Maybe i should try ur diet for a week see if it gets me there!! lol 8lbs in 1 week is AMAZING!! xx

Thanks, Pesty!

No wonder that put you off - the idea of going to class is to feel included and a part of something, and for the class not to acknowledge your biggest achievement would turn me off too.
I got annoyed that I didn't get a Club 10 certificate :eek:

Still 7lbs is very close indeed, so I'm sure you'll get that whenever you want to.

The Exante thing is fine, but I think after the four weeks I'll change to SW again - unless I see some more dramatic losses - looks like only a 3 or 4lbs loss this week for me, and I can do that on SW!!

Thanks also to Rosie and Kat for the encouragement!

Good luck to you all going forward ;)
Kats - did you make it to the gym??

Im here reporting a 2.5lb gain!! :(

Im back on the red days to see if i can get some shifted!! xx

Aww sorry to hear that. Red days are what I will concentrate on when I get back on SW, as I fully believe in the low-carb philosophy...
Kats - did you make it to the gym??

Im here reporting a 2.5lb gain!! :(

Im back on the red days to see if i can get some shifted!! xx

mmm No - I looked at the weather and thought mmm nice warm house - dinner TV, slippers and that won me over...I told myself I'll go in the morning but did I get up in time - did I hell..:( bad kitty...:(

Sorry you put on as peter kay says one visit to the toilet fairy and that should go ha ha...:D:D:D

I get bored with what to eat on a red day for lunches at least with a green theres pasta, rice, jkt spuds....;)

mmm No - I looked at the weather and thought mmm nice warm house - dinner TV, slippers and that won me over...I told myself I'll go in the morning but did I get up in time - did I hell..:( bad kitty...:(

Haha no worries hun it would have won me over too!! In fact it did as i didnt do my evening walk - but it was tipping down outside!!

SB - thanks for the comiserations mate, shame really as it was a months worth of good work, saying that it is only wasted time if i dont get my backside back into gear!!

I received a book recommendation from a member on the Exante section, which really has opened my eyes, and converted me completely.

It's called 'Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It' by Gary Taubes.

It makes me believe that red days (and maybe Atkins) are the best ways to lose the fat for good - just thought I'd drop that in.
Oooo thanks for dropping that in SB!!! I always use to have good losses on red, i really cant hack them now, i think i will just limit carbs as much as possible. Im not a great fan anyway!! lol xx

I like red days - but sometimes feel something is missing and for lunches its hard to know what to have esp on a cold day - meat and salad just doesn't cut it sometimes....But I do try and have more red days than green hopefully this will start to have an effect ...:scale:

Got to gym this morning Pesty - whoo hoo I was there 6:30am on the crosstrainer working up a sweat.:character00115:...Do feel better for going and now my exercise is done for the day I dont have to worry about gouing after work!!

Have a good day y'all


hi all well had a bit of a rubbish week (again) 1 on. so after b/h as got inlaws over will sort myself out!!!!
Well, there has been some laughs on here, lol..

Diz, you have had a day of it, lol.. being knocked over in the garden, pizza's and ice cream, then telling you, you'd won the woman of the year.. your jaw must have dropped, lol. Congrats Dizz and hope you are on the mend now too.

Pesty, good to see you on here, the 2 lb's will be off in no time.

Hope you all well, SC, KK, Rosie, MLM, Ronnie & Jimbo..

I've been off plan :( a week before the holiday and stress kicked in, was waiting for my interview to arrive for Uni and then told it was unlikely, that I would have one as it was full now. Then got the interview the same afternoon emailed to me, my emotions were swinging from the chandelier's, I can tell you! So prepared for my interview and then found out that my marriage, birth and absoloute cert's had all gone missing. So ended up flying around trying to get copies (had a row with a woman at one of the registery offices, as paid to wait, then told her I'd be back 4 hours later to collect it so she didn't have to rush. Then I turn up 4.5 hours later and its not done!! I was then panicing as had to then be back at work for a meeting. OMG.. I was in a right state, ended up getting the waiting fee back £25, which i was pleased about. Interview I thought, went ok on Wednesday, took 5 hours, with a group discussion, a test, an assigment then a one to one interview.. Phew.. Last night I was called by the Uni and they said I'd been accepted :).. I was ecstatic, nearly screamed down the phone (not good for a would be Social Worker, lol)..

so, food this week has been bad, and I mean BAD.. given up dietinig now before the hols, I just can't see me loosing half a stone more in the next 3 days, lol..I fly off to Lanzarote on Monday, for 10 days, and just can't wait.

Have decided to go onto Dukan when I get back, going to give it a month and see how I do, its one diet I've never done and the more I see my friends shredding their weight, the more I want to get on the raft too. Will still post on here. Doubt i wil get back on here now before the hols as its going to be one mad rush over the weekend and then off on Monday..

Take care and chat when I return on the 10th xx
Hi all, sorry I havent popped onto this thread for like aaaagggeeesss!! Hope everyone is well! EF Dukan looks good I must say! I was at my M-I-L's last night and she's lost a stone so far! She was showing me the book and some recipes and it looks very workable! I like that you can have salad early on too! And lots of eggs! There was a recipe for salmon with a mustard-dill sauce that looked delish! And some fishcakes made with no potato which Sheila said were gorgeous! Good luck! X
Hello hello hello lovely peeples :)

Well I'm back from my week of doggie sitting (again) hate being without the internet up there though :mad: also I'm non too keen on one of the 4 stone staffies climbing into bed with me......and getting under the quilt with his head on the flipping pillow whenever the mood takes him :eek::rolleyes: he snores really loud too - plus I'm not arguing with the big lump :eek:

Well I made it to WI last night and managed to pull off a STS, I was ok with that considering the night of food madness that I had the week before :eek:

Hope everyone is ok....and plodding along with their various diets, I've had a bit of a look at the DUKAN one-but i don't think its going to be very suitable for me with the high protein & kidney stone risk (my epilepsy meds give me a higher risk of kidney stones and say I'm not to have excess protein)shame really as it looksgreat for quick losses. so at best I'm sticking with Red days on SW with lots of veggies & salads or EE. I dont seem to do well at all on green days :confused:

have a great hol EF:D

hope everyone has a good Bank hol weekend :D x x x
Well 'epic disaster' doesnt quite cut it this weekend. Seriously off the wagon but really trying now to get back on!!

Does anyone know of any good gym deals about atm??

I had a good weekend although certainly not a SW one!! Friday was a bbq, sat was the inbetweeners and the pub, sunday was out for a chinese and yesterday was toby carvery!!

Hope u all had a good weekend!! xx