From here to Eternally Slim

hi guys am loving the gym and trying to eat healthy have decided to weigh in once a month as have got completly obsessed again (and unhappy) so will come on but not gonna weigh in :(

this week i have a free taster session with a personal trainer, circuits and legs bums and tum bring it on :)

hope you are all well :)
Hey Ronnie!!

Glad your enjoying the gym!!! Im going tonight, Im officially back to SW and red days which means i should have the energy to go now rather than getting dizzy and passing out all over the place!! haha I'll still be doing attack days every now and again but i couldnt keep it up all the time!!!!

I think im going to WI on fridays as historically ive always been my lightest on that day haha

Hope you are all well!! xx
Hi Pesty

lol want to retract last statement, (jumped on scales this morning) am 1.25 pounds heaver than i was when i got back from hols. buck stops here back to what i know AGAIN but this time with exercise :)

Off to gym at lunch today :)
Morning everyone

Had a lovely weekend, spa with my friend, so am relaxed and chilled :)

Started back on to SW today, but with a difference. Doing all red days, but no carbs and no syns.. hoping that will give my body the shake up it needs..

Hoping everyone is feeling good today, Ronnie and Pesty, you are both doing really well xxx
Morning ladies.

Would have posted sooner but have been really busy, daughter had a birthday this weekend and so its been a whirl of tidying and parties and entertaining people.

First week back properly on plan resulted in an 8lb loss, had a day off due to the birthday on Saturday but didn't go completely mental as I normally would have, and am limiting syns for the rest of the week to mitigate any damage.

EF, I have to say something about your decision for this week. Red days with no carbs means no hexs and with no syns either you are really going to suffer. Why not just do red days and be absolutely strict in following the plan as it stands?

I don't mean to sound harsh but I really think you need to choose a plan and stick to it consistently for a couple of months and give it a proper chance to work. There is no such thing as a long term quick fix diet. If you want to lose fast, do Cambridge or Exante or something or if you want to change your eating habits then do this but consistently.

You and I arrived here at the same time, and you had a bad year after that but are in a much better place now, you are in a much better position to be able to do a plan consistently and unless you do, you are just going to spend another year getting nowhere, flipping from plan to plan and hoping for great results and being disappointed.

The first couple of weeks you did back on SW you had really good results from. Keep at it, and keep strict with it and you can achieve the things you want to achieve.
I'm also back - and after Week 1 totally on plan, I lost a measly 1lb.
Which I suppose I should be happy with, but - honestly - ONE POUND??
But I'll be on plan again this week, and I should shift some more.

If not, there will be some SERIOUS grumping going on.
coo likes buses us lot!! all turning up at once!
im back too!!! i stopped going to class on the 27th the time i started again about 4 weeks ago i had put on 11lb....i've now lost 6.5 of that.

jimbob...a loss is a loss....when i first got back into it i was losing slower but i think thats just because my body was getting used to it again after consistent abuse,lol!!!

EF i must agree with the minxy one im need to just pick a plan (or i decide daily what day i am doing) and just stick to it as it is......what you are propsing to do will just leave you miserable,hungry and then you'll blow it and think 'oh that doesnt work'...i dont understand the science of it all myself but i do know that it works!!
forget trying to starve yourself to lose it a bit quicker...just re read your books,do it exactly how it says and quite frankly make thew most of what you can eat - i have always eaten the most humanly possible whilst remaining on plan,lol.
whilst i may have the odd fish week or something to try and get a boost its always on plan,synning around 10 or so a day with all he x's. if i gain wait its because ive plainly and simply decided to be off either on or off - no modifying - i know sw works if i do as im meant too.

pesty...its been months since i was on here properly - where are you at now??

helloooooo everyone else
LUVERICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing to see you hun!! Seems like FOREVER!!! Last WI i was 11st 3 which is 7lb off of target - the closest ive been in a while, Im weighin in Friday and pretty sure it'll be couple of lbs on, i will of course be strict red daying until then in the hope that i get away with a naughty weekend :D

EF i think what you are saying is that you'll be doing Dukan PV days :D I think that's a good idea but make sure if you start to go funny like me then come back to SW red days :D

Minxy, what a FANTASTIC loss!! You must be so pleased!! Well done also on staying in track for the week and for not going crazy at your daughters party, loss of NSVs there as well as SVs!!!

Sarah, good to see you on here too, dont whinge about your lbs lol. We all know 1 off is brilliant and far better than a STS and stupendously better than 1lb on. Stick to the plan n the lbs will come off.

and YES you are all like buses only you've all turned up when i need you so you are forgiven for your absense :D

wowww, it is like buses, lol..

Minxy, Hasta, Luverick..welcome back and yes, I do need to stick to one plan.. and Im not sure why I keep bouncing like a yo yo back and fourth :(.

With re to the plan, its carbs at the moment that is playing havac with my stomache, cereal, pasta, rice and bread, so I'm trying to cut all of them out just to be pain free to be honest and to loose weight.

Pesty, yes, its much like Dukan PV days.. I can't do protein only.

With re to SW in general. I just give into temptation and Im not sure why.. too many things come up, meals out, not organising myself ahead so I then pick the wrong things. This week, I have a team lunch at the Chinese buffet, then a signature dish day, where we each bring a dish in and share on Friday. After that its fine for 2 weeks, nothing getting in the way. I just need to get into the gym daily and exercise each day and maybe that'll help my stomache as well.. Hmm!! I can't do shakes and sw is really the only plan I can do, but its the carbs.. so i'm a bit lost at the moment :(
Have you been to the GP about your stomach? That would be my first line of attack. You need to find out what exactly in the carbs is causing the problems. It may be a gluten intolerance, or it may be IBS or something else, but you need to pin that down because once you do, you can specifically eliminate those things that are causing the problems. Sort that first and foremost, as a priority. You have had a lot to deal with this past year or so, so stress could be a contributing factor.

It may be that a few simple tweaks can sort the issues you are having but without proper testing you wont know. So sort it aht mate!

Also, dont even THINK about going to the gym every day if you arent going to have any carbs. You need the slow release energy from carbs to effectively exercise. You will end up feeling dizzy and sick and faint if you try and do it without.

Seriously, go the docs, get this sorted and THEN, once you have, you know what you are dealing with and what plan will best suit you.

You know it makes sense Rodney :)
Minxy.. I do have IBS, but this is a bit more then those symptoms. I've come off some medication, which I've been taking for nearly 2 years, and maybe that will help too. Have booked an appt at the docs, for next week, as its not urgent. Re the carbs, Jacket Potatoe seems to be ok for me, so maybe I'll try having that for lunch before I go to the gym that night.. till I get the doc's advice anyway. Thanks Rodders :)
hi everyone hope you all have had a good day, have had a good day :) had my taster session at the gym with a personal trainer - now want to save up for some sessions :) got my program being done next week
have 10 months to makemyself beautiful :)
Evening! Just had the most amazing syn free on green rice pudding made with coconut milk, put the recipe in the recipe forum but my goodness it was so nice!! I want it again now! (and its vegan, so you-know-who is happy too!)

Ronnie what did I miss, what's happening in 10 months?
Morning all!!

MLM glad you had some nice rice pudding!!! I'll have to check out the recipe!!

Last night i was 100% and went to the gym AND walked home so i am a very happy bunny and hoping it will continue!!! :D

sounds yum MLM!!! dan is forever trying to get me to eat rice puding - he loves it but im not convinced!!!

well done pesty.

me myself i've been 100 % all week....and today im back to the gym in an hour or so,hoping to see a nice loss this week again :) wi is thursday for me now as thats the day that worked best for me going back to class.

mmmm rice pud, love it, but when I make it, its way too thick, you could stand a spoon in it, lol ;).

Well done on the gym Luverick, Im off there tonight too :).

Ronnie, the personal trainer sounds great :), is it expensive?

Pesty, you are good.. 100% and the gym :).

Well, yesterday went as planned, protein and lots of fruit and veg worked and was 100%, though I didn't use both my HEB or HEA's, but one of each. Today, I intend to do another Red protein rich day once more, but add cereal (weetabix mini's, and so far so good re no pain :) )as am off to the gym later, so will need the energy. Taking a banana with me to have on the way from work.

Enjoy your day girls xxx

I think