wowww, it is like buses, lol..
Minxy, Hasta, Luverick..welcome back and yes, I do need to stick to one plan.. and Im not sure why I keep bouncing like a yo yo back and fourth

With re to the plan, its carbs at the moment that is playing havac with my stomache, cereal, pasta, rice and bread, so I'm trying to cut all of them out just to be pain free to be honest and to loose weight.
Pesty, yes, its much like Dukan PV days.. I can't do protein only.
With re to SW in general. I just give into temptation and Im not sure why.. too many things come up, meals out, not organising myself ahead so I then pick the wrong things. This week, I have a team lunch at the Chinese buffet, then a signature dish day, where we each bring a dish in and share on Friday. After that its fine for 2 weeks, nothing getting in the way. I just need to get into the gym daily and exercise each day and maybe that'll help my stomache as well.. Hmm!! I can't do shakes and sw is really the only plan I can do, but its the carbs.. so i'm a bit lost at the moment