The dates.. hmmm, didn't go as planned, he looked nothing like his pic. So have hung up my "dating" hat for a few weeks, so I can concentrate on loosing weight and going to the gym lol. I am speaking to someone else, but want to keep that going for a while before I meet him.
That 4lb I lost last week, I gained the whole amount

this week, so am really pushing it now.. its like a yo yo, lol. Went to Aqua last night and that was good, just a shame about the men who like to perv at the side of the pool and giggle (how childish) while we all bob about in the water.. If they got in the pool and actually did the class they would find out just how good of a workout it actually is.. and not just their butts on the side of the pool! Hey ho.. it will make me think about going to that one again, but am off to Zumba tonight, then have Body Pump tomorrow night and 2 more Aqua classes on Sat and Sunday morning. That should get me back on track
My daughter has had complications again with her pregnancy, ended up at the hospital early hours of the morning, as she was bleeding, they gave her the all ok and she was sent home.. that little one is certainly keeping her on her toes. My other daughter ended up moving back with me on Friday night, as she has split from her fiance. The only thing is, that I had to toot out the spare room, so she has that room, new bed in there and a make shift wardrobe, that isn't that strong but will do for some of her clothes. Phewww, with all that and Uni, its busy right now.
Hope everyone is good CD, are you off on your hols now? This thread has got very quiet.. hope to speak to you all soon xxx