From here to Eternally Slim

Thanks MLM

That's what we're going to do over the the next 6 months, he says he still loves me even though I don't love him but we have to do it for our son's sake. If we do seperate then we will be in different countries which will make access to his father difficult for my son and I would rather save him from that. But time will tell.

Congrats to your friend and her family. Am so glad it worked out for her.

3lbs on :eek:

Our consultant was giving a talk outside the main hall, so it was a 'social team' member doing the weighing, and I think she hates me anyway (always scowls like a schoolmistress :eek:). She almost looked pleased to tell me I had gained :mad:

Anyway, the consultant called out to me when I was leaving, asking how I'd got on, and when I told him I'd put 3lbs on, he said that was great after a weeks cruise.
I said I was okay with it, although I was really trying for 5lbs!
Dunno if he realised I was joking.

Wasn't helped by the Chinese and Indian takeaways the last two nights right enough (post-holiday malaise, I reckon ;)).

Still, I'm taking at least 3 straight back off this week (yay, if I believe it, maybe everyone will :D).

Morning all!!

Sorry i havent been about for the last couple of days, we've had a bit of a nightmare - Abbey removed their offer on the mortgage!! Barclaycard put a false late payment on my account so my credit rating was 4 points short of what was needed! Its all sorted now though after much pestering to Barclaycards press office in london and 20 calls to their call centre (you can see why im called Pesty lol)

Hope your all okay!

Scanbran - 3lbs on is amazing after what sounds like a really good time!! You can smirk at that women next week once you've got it all off!! :)

Rosie - sorry to hear about all your troubles! I need to have a proper read as the posts have gone back over 5 pages since i last had a look. Hope everything works out for you ((hugs))


Rosie - I did think of you last night and was sending out good vibes in hoping that it went well and I am glad to read that it did. I agree with Minxie at least the pressure is now off and you can breathe a sigh of relief but also evaluate what you have. Also well done on your loss! WHOO HOOOO.

I only hope that I do as well (I did take a smeakie pek this morning and oops looks like I've put on) but WI is tomorrow so you never know what the fat pixies do on the day.

Blimey Pesty, isnt it about time you had a couple of stress-free days? You keep getting knocked from pillar to post to pillar and back again. Hope you can have a nice quiet stress free weekend!

Scan, 3lb is nothing considering you were on a cruise, I am sure it will be gone next week.

What a dismal day it is weatherwise, certainly here. Its blustery winds and bits of rain and it makes me so BLAH I cannot be bothered doing anything but I should!

On a serious financial lockdown now before we go away in a couple of weeks to Scotland. Time to start eating through the contents of the freezer and making sure we have enough money to give the kids a decent holiday. Eldest Miniminx isnt coming with us, he is going to stay with my mum for a few days, but the little ones havent been away before and so I want to make things enjoyable for them. We wont need tonnes of money, but the petrol alone will need a huge chunk, its a 7 hour drive (plus breaks) each way and thats without the travel when we are there. Hoping to visit the Isle of Mull too, so the kids can go and see Balamory (Tobermory). They dont know that yet though!

Hope everyone has a good day :)
Oh yeah Balamory!!!
We have a caravan in the scottish borders and its so beautiful and luckily for us only an hour and a halfs drive from home x
Lol moomin and we continue with our identical wi results!! Let's hope for better next week!!

Hmmmm something weird going on there Lenlu!

Blimey Pesty - I need you in my corner having a battle with Bgas re Eletricity meter - I want them to test it they want to charge me. It can't be right even the lady agreed with me 205 units in one month only me and OH. Everything swtiched off, not on standby. turn lights off etc when leaving room and we're at work, plus one week off that month we were away !?!?!. Just don't understand. More important than ever to get it right as OH has been made redundant and unfortynately no huge payout package either.:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Have fun on your hols Madamlaminx.

I lost 3 lb's this week :)

And was kinda joint slimmer of the week - at least she offered the fruit to me and another girl as the one who was slimmer of the week didn't stay to group. She did say that we could pick up our slimmer of the week certificates next month - she puts them on a board for a month to help inspire other people. So will wait and see what happens with that one.

Thank you guys so much for all your help and support.

Had the discussion - he didn't seem to be surprised but wants us to give it some more time - and the short version of the story is that we will stay together for another 6 months and see how things go - if there is no improvement and my feelings haven't changed then we will seperate. Am feeling so much better for getting it off my chest and across to him and am also quite happy with the way in which he has taken it - he did beg me to stay at one point - but we have agreed to 6 months, so in January we will have a decision - I really thing he's just wanting time to get his head round it - which i'm ok with giving him - but we have both agreed that we can't stay as we are as it is not doing any of us any good. So time will tell - although I don't see me changing my mind at the moment.

Hi Rosie.. well done on loosing 3lb honey, thats brilliant, you really do deserbe some good news right now.

I think what you and your hubbie have decided about giving it some more time, is the best decision dane specially with the kids. If you can live together, not row because of how you feel, then it will work out. He now knows how you feel, and this may just spur him onto considering you more and things might change between you. You never know..

Big relief I bet.. you must be feeling now, its out in the open and you can get on with your life being ok with how things are right now.. Big hugs hun xxx
Good morning guys and gals :)

Moomin.. you are back?? Glad to hear from you, and hope things are well honey.

Scanbran, that 3lb will be off next week and that woman will eat her scowling looks, lol.. Some people really are horrible aren't they?

Pesty, really sorry to hear you are having probs with banks etc.. hope this is sorted out soon and you can keep on going, and be ready to move soon too.

MLM, what part of Scotland are you going to? I took a group of young people to Isle of Cumbrea, which is a small island opposite Largs, it was wonderful, and the bay of Millport looked just like Balamory too. Its lovely in Scotland, lots to see and gorgeous views too.

Lenlu how are you doing?

KatKit, hope all is well with you today.

Ok.. today I am on study leave from work, so need to get cracking to do some NVQ work today. I have 2 assignments to type out between now and end of tomorrow, which needs to be handed in on Monday and assessed, plus need to update my CV to add to my folder as well.. Lots to do. I am feeling a bit lighter today, had a good gym workout last night, mainly toning arms and legs, but did 15 mins on treadmil too, then swam 24 lengths. I love it at the gym, its like my little haven where I can escape too and come out feeling good about myself, which I don't often feel these days if I admit it. Am not thinking about food as much this week, just planning what I'm eating for the next 2 days ahead and reminding myself to eat, as not as hungry either since my late night biscuit craving on Wednesday.

Have a lovey day everyone and will pop in and out during the
Blimey Pesty, isnt it about time you had a couple of stress-free days? You keep getting knocked from pillar to post to pillar and back again. Hope you can have a nice quiet stress free weekend!

Stress free?? I dont remember what that's like!?!?! haha

Yea 2010 has not been a kind year to me!!

I just got an email (after thinking i had sorted the situation) and aparantly although it is no longer on my credit record and wasnt my fault in the first place, they will not do another credit check for 60 days - company procedure!!!!

Surely this has got to go against some kind of law or act???? It wasnt my fault in the first place!! So they told me to fix it and now this!!!!

I dont think they thought i would get anywhere with Barclaycard and so just pushed me to them to get rid of me.

Kitkat - I wish i could help you my love!! That really doesnt seem right! All these companies are so useless!! They're quick to take your money but have no customer service and none of them treat you like an individual or even consider your case individually they just stick you in the nearest category and think oh that'll do!!

I got told 'there is nothing we can do' by 7 different people Barclaycard - you just cant listen, if you know your right fight your corner!!

Sorry - rant over! But hey at least the ranting is better that the floods of tears for the last 3 days lol xx

Thanks EF I'm fine - what you doing looking on here get those assignments done! :)

Thanks Pesty - I know these compnains are totalling rubbish - what customer service - I ain't see any so far. - Your right they push off to someone lese and then they pass you onto to someone else. arrgh makes my blood boil - all of us on here should start up a company to help people, cos some haven't the stomach for a fight they just accept it - espec the eldery which ooo don't get me stop now or I'll get myself angry. Thats my rant over...:argh:

Good luch to everyone over the weekend and EF get back to doing your assignments...:):):)

Pesty and KK, can you not go to the CAB, I'm sure they would help you? x

I will do hun, as soon as this is over with and they make a real decision (its currently with my mortgage advisor speaking to management to over turn the decision)

If they reckon they cant do anything and i lose this flat im going to go mad. They'll wish they never crossed me :sign0151:

I will do hun, as soon as this is over with and they make a real decision (its currently with my mortgage advisor speaking to management to over turn the decision)

If they reckon they cant do anything and i lose this flat im going to go mad. They'll wish they never crossed me :sign0151:


Thats the spirit Pesty, keep that fight in you hun. Right back to assignment, xx

hehehe -:giggle: can be bossy can't I - not sure if CAB could be bother - they seem to look down there noses. I have an indenpenant compnay out that I have to pay for!!! to check the meter. So have to wait to see what they say.

Thats the spirit Pesty, keep that fight in you hun. Right back to assignment, xx

Thanks hun i will, that's one good thing that has come out of this year, i am such a stronger person and there is no-one that can tell me there that i cant do anything.

I really want this and i will fight them to the death, if i can get through some of the hellish things that have happend to me this year - i CAN do anything!!! xx

Thanks EF I'm fine - what you doing looking on here get those assignments done! :)

Thanks Pesty - I know these compnains are totalling rubbish - what customer service - I ain't see any so far. - Your right they push off to someone lese and then they pass you onto to someone else. arrgh makes my blood boil - all of us on here should start up a company to help people, cos some haven't the stomach for a fight they just accept it - espec the eldery which ooo don't get me stop now or I'll get myself angry. Thats my rant over...:argh:

Good luch to everyone over the weekend and EF get back to doing your assignments...:):):)


I agree with you - we should definitly start up a company, and record people by name not a number and help them with their individual circumstances not as a category. Companies seem to have forgotten the value of their customers, without us they wouldnt be who they are.

WOW i should write speeches lol.
