Lorn, you need to go make a ticker, from one of the websites that people use on here, pick one you like and then click on it and it should take you to that site. It will ask you to enter your details and once you have done all that and set up a log in and password etc, you will be given a code which you should copy and paste into your signature. You clearly know where to find that coz you have a big pink Lorn one. IF for some reason it tells you you have insufficient space to post it, then post some more posts and after 50 you should be able to fit it in. (Or you could take out the Lorn one in the meantime). Dunno anything about uploading photos. I will be uploading one of me when I hit target but havent yet done so.
NOW, Eternal Flame. I am talking to you now. Yes, you. You right there.
I want you to go and look at your weekly losses, in your signature. You have lost EVERY single week consistently since you started this path, and almost every single week have expressed disappointment that it wasnt a bigger loss. But yet you are doing exactly what would be expected of you, and losing at a healthy and safe rate.
You enjoy a good social life, you manage your syns beautifully and you eat lovely meals. You have NOTHING to be disappointed with, at all. You are amazing and you are doing an amazing thing, and doing it very well.
Dont focus on the fact that it could have been a bigger loss, focus on the fact that it is a solid and consistent loss. If you expect solid and consistent losses, then you wont be disappointed come WI day AND if you do get a bigger loss then you can be super happy instead of simply very happy! You give us all so much encouragement with your apple comparisons, you should be less hard on yourself and you should TOTALLY be happy with the way things are going.
You are a star, and an excellent example of how effective Slimming World can be.
So be more positive! K? Lecture over
You really ARE doing a really good job.