From here to inskinnity! My mission to lose 13.5 stone!

Awww Bev! You almost made me cry! I'm so happy you are beginning to realise just how inspirational you are and just how strong you are!

The before/after is astonishing! No wonder you feel like you have a new lease of life! You have achieved soooo much and I know you're going to get to target! (I hope I can tag along too, hehe!)

Your treat day sounds really sensible and restrained (I wish my appetite would diminish!) I can't believe you left 1/2 a sausage! That, my friend, is will power. Your calorie intake is perfectly reasonable too! I'm glad you've written everything down, I hope it makes you feel better about it! I always feel like I've eaten more than I have until I see it written down.

I totally relate to what you said about saying you'd do it but not really believing in it. I think we are our harshest critics and I hope we both learn to trust in ourselves and have faith in our ability by the time we get to target.

Enjoy the rest of your relax day! (Hope you don't mind the Facebook add, by the way!)


Not at all hun, lovely have have you on FB too! Bet you'll make me jealous with all your lovely Paris pics, I doubt Sheffield will be able to compete, haha :p;)

I literally couldn't even eat the other half of the sausage, I got to the point I was so full from the rest of the stuff that I has to leave it. Haven't been eating much last week with the soup challenge so it must have made a big difference to what my stomach's used to!

It's weird because I didn't set out to have a restrained day, I felt deprived and wanted to 'catch up' on all the treats I've missed out on. But honestly, I feel like I've had enough. My body is craving healthy foods now and I'm glad I've got a healthyish tea to look forward to and then some nice salads tomorrow. I never thought in a million years I'd feel like that, but then I never thought I'd lose 6st either. I think the reason i didn't ever thing I'd do it was the fact i've tried so many times before. Never seriously though, but every Monday for years I'd be like 'diet starts today' and I'd have blown it by Friday! It's just crazy to me that I've actually found a formula that works and doesnt feel like a 'diet', I love SW so much!

As for target, you're not tagging along, you're leading the way! Your losses are amazing and I'd kill for them! Bet you'll be tempted to try the soup challenge at a later date now too, haha! I actually bought another soup mix today to do later on the week, I must be a glutton for punishment or something! :p

Anyway take care of yourself and have a lovely day xxx
I've never actually been to Sheffield but I get really homesick sometimes so seeing photos of the North will comfort me! Also, as a random side note, my cousin is at Sheffield University :)

You do really well with portion control! I think it's my biggest downfall at the moment, especially when Im not at work...I'm always snacking!

I do get what you mean about craving healthy food. F just had a kebab (surprise surprise!) and I was tempted to treat myself to some kebab meat but when I tasterd it I was shocked at how salty and greasy it was and happily tucked into my superfree bubble & squeak! Funny how our taste buds really do change! I know what you mean about finding a diet that works too. I also think it's important to be in the right mind frame and have that 'click' moment. SW is amazing though, I sometimes really panic about what I've eaten and then remember it's ok - it's SW!

Hmmm...not sure I'm ready to reconcile with soup just yet, despite a big loss! But yes, I'll def give it another try when my losses slow down again! I think there is a very fine line though, it almost pushed me over the edge yesterday! You really are glutton for punishment! Hope you enjoy it though :) xx
Congratulations that's an amazing achievement. I hope that I'll still be updating my statistics on here in 9 months time & haven't lost heart. You make me believe I can meet my goals x
Well done Bev, the before and after pics are truly amazing your looking stunning,
As for your posts I could of written them myself , iit does take ages to sink in how far we've come, and we tend to just stick in the here and now and each wi result , but taking time to reflect on achievements so far makes the journey easier ,

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Bev, you look like a completely different person in your most recent photo! You've come such a long way (like we all have) and you're right; it's not just about losing the weight it's about re-evaluating our attitudes towards what we fuel our bodies with and making changes for life. You've even inspired me to start exercising again (but will have to wait till tomorrow!) Congratulations on your latest award and I'm sure it won't be long till you achieve the next one!
Arggh I hate those monthly fluctuations, they are so annoying! I usually have a really crappy week before * week where I hardly lose anything so I feel your pain. I always think though that the weeks that determine whether or not we get to target are the hard ones like this, its easy (or easier) to do this if you're getting 4lbs off every week, but when you feel like your effort isnt being rewarded it can be tough going. Just keep at it and this week I'm sure your efforts will be rewarded, you might even get a nice little booster loss from last week too!

Thanks Cheese Thief, It's not don't know how lucky they are not to have lady related interruptions! - my other half has been following SW with me from the start and has now lost over a stone - really pleased for him but wish i had too. l know men lose quicker and I stayed totally on plan so it must be hormone/ovulation related(got bad tum as well!)I totally agree with you that it is how we respond to the hard weeks that decide whether or not we complete our weight loss journeys, if we were losing lots of lbs a week every single week we might get complacent, so I guess the only way to look at it is that the tough weeks are there to keep us on our toes and give us more to aim for in the following weeks...xx
Bev you are amazing! Your journey is an inspiration to so many, including me, so thank you for being on here! Xx

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Bev you are amazing! Your journey is an inspiration to so many, including me, so thank you for being on here! Xx

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yup, counting myself amongst the many same as Jayde1148 and adding my thanks. You really are an inspiration!
2lbs off is immense, even if it is star week!!!

You've hit another goal aswell, losing 6stone before Tunisia. When is it that you go?

Well done Bevvy, you're doing brilliant! :) Xxx
Just back home from my run, that's C25K week 1 complete now! I'm amazed at how much easier its got as the week has gone on. Even my breathing has improved today. Looking forward to starting Week 2 now on Wed. I was tempted to do a weights session afterwards today, but in the end the thought of Chris's yummy meatball pasta lured me away! I'm going to pop along tomorrow evening to get a cheeky weights session in. I'm actually loving the gym now, I always used to hate it in the past but now I'm not sat on a machine trying to get to a certain calorie amount its a lot more fun.

Back to work tomorrow morning so I'm aiming for an early night soon. I'm getting a little stressed with the amount of revision I have to do so doubt I'll be on here much tomorrow until the evening. Looking forward to nipping in see how my lovely Tuesday weighers get on though! :)


Sophie - Ah cool, I did my law degree at Sheffield uni. Hope your cousin's enjoying it. If you ever pop up for a visit let me know and we can meet up!

I'm the same with the unhealthy greasy food. C and his friend are sharing this 5 foot long kebab next Saturday and I can honestly say I'm not tempted in the slightest! Can't think of anything worst tbh, except maybe another soup right now ;) I'm definitely not planning on making another one for a few days, need a break. I was like you near the end of the challenge, felt like I was about to go over the edge at the mere sight of a soup! xx

- Thanks hun, just take it one day at a time and you'll get there! I honestly believe anyone can do it if they get in the right place mentally, once the first few months are out of the way its a lot easier than you'd expect if that makes sense. xx

Von - Completely agree, its only the milestone WI's when I get a new award or into a new stone that I actually think about how far I've come. Next big one will be my century and 7st award, that'll feel incredible. You must be so proud of yourself, to think you've lost over a HUNDRED pounds is absolutely phenomenal! Can't believe you and Kay are going straight into the salad challenge, such dedication. Hope you found day 1 okay! I'll pop by your diary later xx

Ruby - Thanks hun and good luck with the exercise tomorrow!! You're completely right, I'm starting to think of food as something my body needs rather than something that comforts me if that makes sense! It's amazing to finally realise that after 28 years, lol xx

Jemima - Yep, men have all the luck with it comes to weight loss. They have a head start too with the extra 500 cals they can have to maintain each day, thats a pound advantage over a week. Damn them! lol. It's great you're doing it with your partner. Chris has the best intentions but can't stick to it to save his life, bless him. Can't really knock him for trying though, I did the same for years, unless his head gets in the right place it won't happen!

Definitely just keep pushing through the hard weeks, I'm sure you'll get a great loss this week. I hate the disappointment myself too of the dodgy weeks, that's why I prefer fortnightly WI's. xx

Jayde - Aww thank you hun, you're doing amazing yourself missis :) xx

- Thanks hun, not long now 'til my hols - 1 week on Sunday! I can't wait! xx
Yay ! Well done on completing week 1 of C25K ! :D That's brill Bev, hope you have another smashing week on it this week ! :)

Kay xx
Yay. Well done on the c25k hon. We are at exactly the same point. :)
Not looking forward to next stage hubby struggled with week 2 this morning. :eek:!
Have a good week mate. X

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Thanks bubbles I'm a bit nervous about week two but I'm sure we'll do fine!


Woke up feeling sooo tired today, my body could definitely have done with a couple more hours in bed! Ah well can't complain really when I finish at 1 every day! Yummy red day planned too with jacket potato and salad for lunch and home made burger and salad for tea. Get in! :)

I'm off out for an off plan birthday meal on Sat so want these next 4 days to be 100% on plan and low syn to try and make up for it. I've got 9 days till my pre holiday wi but have to make up for yesterday and the naught meal next weekend. Really gonna have to stay focused as id love another 2-3lbs off before I go away. I'm desperate to be in the 17's by the end of May but with holiday at the beginning of the month I can't see me losing much that month. Anyway gotta dash and get ready, have a good un guys xx
Morning Bevvy, well done for completing week one on the C25K! You must feel really proud of yourself, I mean before SW / exercising I bet you didn't think you could have come this far, and look at you now! You gym bunny, you. I'm pleased you're loving the gym though, does it leave you in a good mood once you go home? It does with me, I'm always really happy after a good workout.

Have a lovely day at work, your food sounds delicious for today as well :) xx
Hello, just going to join the love-in and say big congratulations on the SIX STONE OFF and week 1 of running. You look amazing and not surprised you feel great too!
Hey Bev!

I haven't been around for a while - well, I've been reading but not posting! WELL DONE on your 2lbs loss this week and getting to 6 stone total loss - that is such an incredible achievement, you must be so happy!! You look absolutely bloody lovely in your latest pictures, I can't believe you're only half-way through your journey to look at you - myabe you'll reach your target "look" before your target weight and decide to stay put? I haven't worded that very well (had a crap sleep last night, brain not working!) but hopefully you know what I mean!!

I've well and truly fallen off the wagon!! Didn't get back on it after my last post ages ago, but am definitely back on it today. I've been eating pretty much whatever I want for about 4 or 5 weeks and I weighed this morning and have put on 3¾lbs - I'm actually really really happy with that as was expecting tons more!! You've inspired me to give it another shot - you've lost 6 stone and that's how much I want to lose. I always think its impossible for me to do as I've had so many failed attempts but you're so positive and motivational that I've decided not to just sit on my fat arse getting even fatter, but to keep trying, no matter how many times I fall off that bleedin' wagon!!!!! Thank you, Bev - I don't think you realise how much you help people like me, it really helps to read your about your successes (and see them in your photos).

I'm going to Alton Towers in a couple of weeks, really looking forward to it as its been a couple of years since my last visit BUT I am scared about fitting on the rides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
Hey Bev!

I haven't been around for a while - well, I've been reading but not posting! WELL DONE on your 2lbs loss this week and getting to 6 stone total loss - that is such an incredible achievement, you must be so happy!! You look absolutely bloody lovely in your latest pictures, I can't believe you're only half-way through your journey to look at you - myabe you'll reach your target "look" before your target weight and decide to stay put? I haven't worded that very well (had a crap sleep last night, brain not working!) but hopefully you know what I mean!!

I've well and truly fallen off the wagon!! Didn't get back on it after my last post ages ago, but am definitely back on it today. I've been eating pretty much whatever I want for about 4 or 5 weeks and I weighed this morning and have put on 3¾lbs - I'm actually really really happy with that as was expecting tons more!! You've inspired me to give it another shot - you've lost 6 stone and that's how much I want to lose. I always think its impossible for me to do as I've had so many failed attempts but you're so positive and motivational that I've decided not to just sit on my fat arse getting even fatter, but to keep trying, no matter how many times I fall off that bleedin' wagon!!!!! Thank you, Bev - I don't think you realise how much you help people like me, it really helps to read your about your successes (and see them in your photos).

I'm going to Alton Towers in a couple of weeks, really looking forward to it as its been a couple of years since my last visit BUT I am scared about fitting on the rides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

I mega like this, Ron!

You are so right, Bev is so inspirational!

But also well done you for only putting on 3lbs!! I'd have put on a stone, I'm sure!

Also, think you'll be fine at Alton Towers :)xx