Oh sounds like you live in a great location Bev, would be great being able to pop into Edinburgh at the weekend, it's such an amazing city! I'll let you know what I think of the Jennifer Anniston movie, going to see it on Wed. I've not got massively high hopes, but as long as it's funny that's the main thing.
In the end we decided to postpone seeing Kick Ass until Saturday as TOTM is still causing me some pain and I'd prefer to veg out on the sofa in my PJ's! We had Chinese as planned, but I didn't really get much enjoyment out of it. Instead of having my usual Hong Kong Style Sweet and Sour with egg rice I opted for Chicken Chow Mein for 7 syns and it was nowhere near as nice. I almost felt annoyed for using so many syns on something I didnt particularly enjoy! Next time I'm def going to have my old favourite, even if it means I have to save some syns from the previous day in order to stick to the plan. The good news is we don't have Chinese every week, although we used to before SW, but now we're trying to keep it to once every 2 or 3 weeks, so having my favourite dish fairly infrequently isn't going to hurt.
This afternoon I managed my walk but due to stomach pains didn't go as far as I liked. According to map my walk it was still a mile though, in around 20 minutes, though I was on the phone most of the time! So that's my first body magic done for the week. Aiming to have a little walk tomorrow afternoon as going for a picnic in the park with my friend and I've planned on a swim session on Monday, provided the pool is open with it being bank holiday *fingers crossed*
Food diary for the day is looking good, the same as I posted earlier, although I haven't had the fruit and yoghurt yet I'm going to get that now and get settled in bed with a movie. Hope everyone is having a great day!
p.s Does anyone else find themselves LOOKING FORWARD to weigh in?!!!
I used to dread seeing those numbers pop up, but now they are going down each week I can't wait to step on the scale. Tuesday mornings have never been so highly anticipated I can tell ya!