Mrs Ginger - That's great news that you're almost back to your pre-Christmas weight, it's only the first week of Jan so well done! I really need to get back to exercising again, keep saying I will but then it never crosses my mind 'til the end of the day when it's pitch black. As I'm at home working on my uni course for most of the month there's no excuse for me not getting out for a lunchtime walk or something. Will get this UTI out of the way with and then I've no excuses, except the lovely British weather!
Brit - Thanks hun, hope you're well! Cinema was a bit of a let down to be honest, loved Gravity but before that we saw All Is Lost which I didn't reckon much to at all! Was nice to have a date night though.
Soph - I remember how scared I was before I went to Lanzarote in October last year, thinking the seat belt wouldn't fasten was keeping me awake the night before we travelled! I'm so glad those days are over once and for all!
You're right with the syns, I have a tendency to get too obsessive with things when I'm in a really motivated phase. A few extra syns here and there won't make a difference, it's just psychological! I think this is why I've been so unsuccessful with diets in the past, I'd just restrict absolutely everything to the point it was bordering on the obsessive. That's pretty much the reason I can't do a calorie counting diet too, I'd be forever trying to 'beat' the previous days calories.
Babycake - Thanks hun, Subway tasted AMAZINGG, well worth the syns! How are you getting on?
Tigger - Thanks hun, you too! Mine would be a LOT better if this blinkin' UTI had gone, but at least I can stay in and rest up 'til its gone. Hopefully won't get too behind on my coursework, argh!
Jody - Yep it was definitely too low, I was starving so had another chewy delight before bed! I'll be closer to 1500 today with the huge bowl of pasta I'm having for tea. Afraid the UTI hasn't disappeared yet, can't be long now 'til those antibiotics kick in. Have a good weekend hun!
Well got home last night from the pics and I had a voice mail message from the docs asking to ring them back, but not to worry about it. Anyway, didn't get it until late and they are now closed 'til Monday, grr! I expect something is wrong with my urine test. Having said that I only gave it them Thursday morning, surely they can't process it in a day?! Knowing my Dr's its probably more likely they've lost it, so I'm not going to worry. If I was going to die I assume they'd have sent someone over!
I've been feeling super rough today with this UTI, my kidneys felt a bit tender too this morning so I hope the bloody thing isn't spreading. Taken my 3rd antibiotic (out of 6) about half an hour ago so hopefully I'll start seeing an improvement for tomorrow. Haven't really felt up to much today except sleeping but I did manage to do some reading for uni, not sure how much went in, the nervous system is bloody complicated!
Food wise it's been a pretty basic, but tasty EE day. Looking forward to tea, having a bacon pasta dish that I absolutely love. The rest of the day is going to be spent just chilling in front of the telly watching an old episode of Sherlock and reading a bit more of my book (Cuckoo's calling by JK Rowling).
Week 22, Day 5 - EE
Breakfast - Cereal Bar - chewy D (hexb)
Lunch - Feta (hexa) salad with onions, lettuce, olices (2 syns) and tomatoes - 2 syns
Snack - Grapes
Tea - Loyd Grossman smoky bacon sauce (7 syns) with pasta and sprinkle of parmezan cheese (2 syns max) - 9 syns
Supper - muller and a chopped apple
Total - 11 syns
Having a really good week so far food wise. Really want to have a decent loss this week if possible so I can edge a bit closer to the promised land (the 19's!), not sure how the antibiotics will impact things this week though.
Hope your weekend is going better than mine, have a good 'en guys! x