From here to inskinnity! My mission to lose 13.5 stone!

Thanks guys!

As a couple of people have said I'm really hoping the next couple of stone show a big difference physically. I guess the more we lose the more noticeable each stone becomes. It'll be nice when I actually look slim. Guess that'll be a while yet though. Don't get me wrong, there's been a huuge difference from what I looked like at 24st 10lbs, but it'll be awesome when I can get into some size 18 trousers and start shopping at Primarni! It's funny how the more weight I lose, it makes me just want to get to target even more!

According to the graph on the SW site I'm on target to be in the 17's by the beginning of May, just in time for holiday in Tunisia. That's pretty mental, especially considering one of my big goals was to be in the 16's for uni at the end of September. Might even be in the 15's by then! But hey, enough of me planning. The main thing is the weight is coming off, some weeks slowly and some weeks all at once. I've just got to remember the weeks I lose 0.5/1lb I shouldn't get down as a big loss is just around the corner. I definitely stress out and overanalyse things way too much. Going to try and chill out more with things now. I've lost 4st 11lbs for god sake, SW works, I just need to do as I've been doing and I'll make it to target!

I've had an absolutely brilliant day today as apart from the fabby scale results I got my Open Uni coursework back and somehow came out with another first! It's amazing how these things all seem to come around at once! So yeah, brilliant day. Got to knuckle down with the final coursework now though, really want to make some decent progress before I start work a week on Monday, need to pull my finger out and get off minis! :p
Well done with your course work :) yeah its hard to stay motivated in the slower loss weeks but I think once you notice a pattern you know that by sticking to your guns it will come off at some point.

You look sooooo much slimmer than when you started! I hope you meet all your targets and im sure you will x

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Thanks hun, yeah now I have some faith in the process that'll hopefully keep me going on the slow loss weeks.

Fully expecting a 0.5/1lb loss next week, but so long as it's in the right direction i'm not going to stress about it. Of course I'll do my best, but not putting too much pressure on myself. It's sad that I actually look forward to * week now for my big loss week!

Sat in bed atm snuggled under the duvet reading old SW magazines! Been munching on grapes and only now just realised I've had half a punnet! Ah well, in the past it was full bags of chocolate followed by cookies/donuts etc, ugh just thinking about what I used to eat makes me cringe!!
Amazing loss this week, well done! So pleased for you. You're powering through those stones.
Fantastic WL. We were talking in group last night about how when people have a big loss it makes them relax a little so sometimes its best to a completely back to basics week to get another good weight loss, although any weight off is good by me! Haha.
Jennie - Yeah I often wonder whether it's psychological and after a good loss I relax a bit. Definitely think I did that at first, but now SW has just become a way of life. I was saying at group the other day that over the last few weeks I've managed the following:

4th Feb - 4lbs - birthday party, went over on weekly syns - mix of high/low cal days
28th Jan - 2lbs - curry takeaway, nearly used all syns - mix of high/low cal days
21st Jan - 1lb - 100% week, used 3/4 of syns
14th Jan - 0.5lb - 100% week, only used half of my syns

So for me at least there doesn't seem to be a huge correlation between effort and results. Although obviously my eating habits have changed drastically from what they used to be. After * week I always come out with a big number and that's pretty much the only thing I can rely on loss wise.

So yeah, just got to plod on this week, aiming to be 100% all week and just saving syns up for pizza at the weekend. Whatever happens scales wise happens, I've put soo much pressure on myself in the past that I refuse to get disappointed any more. So long as I'm heading in the right direction it's all good :)


Having a day chilling at home today. Well, I say chilling. More like reading my biology text book and watching the odd TV show. I was meant to be going to the cinema later but reaallly didn't fancy it so Chris is going with his friend instead.

Having another EE day as needed to use up the leftover spag bol, but it'll be salad for tea. Aiming to do alternate high/low days this week and see how that goes. Not low cal enough for 5:2 though, today will probably be around 1000 compared to yesterdays 1650! (crazy how I see 1650 as being really high now when I was probably eating 3-4000 before SW!)

Week 26, Day 2 - EE
Lunch - Quorn spag bol with Loyds sauce and grates cheese (hexa) - 5 syns
Tea - Tuna nicoise salad - 2 syns (for olives)
Snacks - muller, grapes, chewy d (hexb), 4 pieces of choc - 4 syns
Total - 11syns
Weekly syns - 24/105

Got the munchies tonight so not quite as low cal as i hoped... Around 1200 cals in total.
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I think we're all guilty of putting too much pressure on ourselves Bev. Whatever you're doing is working so just keep at it :)
Hi Bev :), I know what you mean about becoming relaxed after a good loss, I felt the same this morning then gave myself a good talking to in the head to get back on it. The weather is miserable outside and I fancy some proper comfort food. I've sat down on the computer now to look up some healthy sw recipes for dinner tonight. When you listed your days out, that's proof to anyone that you can still socialise and have a good time and still have fab losses like you have, that's why II love sw. I used to do the Cambridge diet before and although I was losing huge amounts it makes you anti social because you can't eat :rolleyes: .

You have a realistic view to the plan, not every week is going to be huge but overall the losses will drop off, your right its a long term lifestyle change. I've seen your pics on the Inspirational thread, for each stone your losing the changes are amazing. (Also love you hair colour, it really suits you :D ). Your foodage sounds good. I wasn't aware that your following 5-2 and cc, does that work for you ?

I always follow the green plan (I'm a veggie that eats fish lol ). I recently purchased rosemary conely's portion pots for rice and pasta. I know on sw they say you can have unlimited rice and pasta as long as you balance your meals with your superfree, but I do feel somewhere calories do come into play because unless I measure my rice or pasta I do have gains. When I portion my carbs it works better for me :).

I hope you enjoy your day off at home. I flunked biology in school, rather you then me :p .

Kay xx
Well tbh hun i'm mainly focussing on following SW, but I like to try and have a rough idea of the calories i'm eating too. I know SW only works because it creates a calorie deficit, but with all the 'free' food I don't want to go overboard and eat way more than I need. I dont really set myself any calorie limits or anything, but alarm bells would start ringing if I was eating 1800+ for a few days.

I've not done 5:2 properly at all, think the fast days need to be around 600 calories. But i like the mix of high and low days to keep my metabolism on its toes. Although my 'low' days are more like 800-1100 usually and the high 1300 -1700.

And wow another Cambridge survivor! I did sole source 4 years ago. Had great losses for the first 3 weeks (6-11lbs!) and then it just bottomed out at 2-3lb a week. Don't get me wrong 2-3lbs is great, but not when you can't eat out and are living on minging shakes. Definitely not a long term fix! Its soo hard mentally starting 20st plus because you know its gonna be ages before you get to a healthy weight, i guess with Cambridge I just wanted a quick fix!

Thanks for the lovely comments on the pics. I'm glad i started taking them as its incredible to see the difference. Just wish i'd had the guts to do my measurements!
I think the 5-2 does work and cc, I agree, it's good to have a mental note in your mind of how many calories you're eating. I can imagine how tough this journey must have been at the beginning for you, but your focus and dedication has been amazing and real inspiration especially to anyone starting around the same weight bracket . I will follow your diary all the way until, you reach target :D ! I'm in it for the long haul too :p. I have a diary on here too, I love sharing ideas and tips with everyone on here. Do pop in to say hi Bev, when u feel like :) (link is in my signature) .

Kay xx
Great loss this week Bev delighted for you and get you in the teens now lol hopefully I wont be too far behind totally agree with the whole pressure thing Im the same need to just enjoy it and what will be will be we will get there in good time though I do think pressure can sometimes come from others expectations

Have a good few days and enjoy that pizza the weekend have a slice and think of me please ;)
Kay - Thanks Kay, the support from everyone on here is incredible, just subscribed to your diary!

- Cheers Jason, will definitely think of you when I have that pizza. Haha, infact scrap that, I'll feel guilty if I do! :D Won't be long at all 'til you're in the teens too. It really does feel fantastic and psychologically is a huge boost!
Aww bless ya, thanks MrsG!

Uni stuff

Having another day hitting the books today. Trying to get as much work out of the way with as possible before I start my new job a week on Monday. So far though progress is painfully slow, I keep getting distracted by kittens/facebook/minis and not much is getting done! Just had a hot shower to perk myself up a bit, and after this post I'm determined to down the laptop for a bit and get at least a couple of hours done.

Body magic stuff

I'm still doing pretty crap with the body magic. In a way it'll be good when I start my job as I'll be forced to walk 30-40 minutes a day from where I park my car. Plus I'm right next to Sheffield's Olympic sized swimming pool, no excuse for not having a dip in the pool after work really. I think the first week I'm just going to focus on adjusting to doing the extra walking and introduce the swimming the week after. Really looking forward to it though :)

morning/evening WI's

Damn, I've just realised too that when I start work I won't be able to go to my usual Tue morning WI's! Thankfully my consultant also runs an evening group at 7pm, so unless I want to drive 10 miles out of my way on a Saturday for a morning WI, I'm going to have to face the pain of evening WI's. Not looking forward to it one bit tbh as I can imagine Tuesday's being a really long drawn out day, sat around starving and dehydrated! :rolleyes: Determined not to feel like that on weigh day, so the week I switch I'm going to eat and drink a normal healthy amount. I already KNOW I'll be looking at a gain that week just from the weight of the extra food and drink inside me, so its not like I'm going to be annoyed or disappointed. It's just a pity it'll pretty much stall any losses for the second half of Feb. At least I've got next week before I switch to hopefully make some progress. I'm even considering booking the first week of evening WI's off as 'holiday', hopefully then by the time I WI 2 weeks later I won't have to contend with a gain... Ugh. I should just go to the Saturday morning group, but I really like my C and don't want to leave her!


I've finally decided to do a 'proper' 5:2 fast day! It isn't something I'm planning on really incorporating into my diet, but I just want to see how it feels and if I can do it as a one off. It all came about because tomorrow I'm running around all over the place and really won't have much time for a proper lunch (unless I have it before 11am) so I thought it'd be the perfect time to give 5:2 a go. I'm allowed 600 calories because of my weight and height, most of which I'll be saving for Subway salad in the evening. I'm also going to pick up some strawberries, low cal jelly and have a Chewy D. That should just about cover it. Of course if I start feeling poorly/weak/dizzy I'll just bin the whole thing off and revert to one of my usual SW low days, but I'd like to give it a proper go if I can. I'll be having pizza on Saturday night so hopefully it'll help balance things out. Would absolutely love to manage 3lbs this week so I get my next award, I'm pretty sure that won't happen but hopefully a fast day followed by a high day will help kick my metabolism into top gear.

Wedding stuff

We've still got our heart set on Prague and Rome for the wedding, going to talk to the parents about it at the weekend and hopefully we'll be paying the deposit next week! Sooo exciting! :)

I've been looking at wedding dresses and found a few I really love. Not sure whether they look a bit too girly for me, but if you can't be a princess on your wedding day then when can you be!


It's way too early to decide on the dress, but I think to a large extent the style I choose will depend on my body shape at the time. Pretty confident I'll be at target by next summer as I've got 17 full months, but I have no idea which dresses will suit me best or how my arms will look with any saggy skin etc. To say I've lost nearly 5 stone I've not noticed any loose skin, but I know things might change as I get closer target. Another reason for me to get in the pool so I can tone myself up.

Food stuff

Week 26, Day 3 - Red
Lunch - Jacket potato (hexb) with tuna, mayo (4 syns), sweetcorn, grated cheese (hexa x 2) and tomatoes - 4 syns
Snack - Muller
Tea - SW breakfast - Lean bacon, 2 x poached eggs, baked beans (hexb), mushrooms and tomatoes
Snacks - Grapes, Yorkie rasin - 13.5 syns
Total syns - 17.5
Weekly syns - 41.5/105

Kinda fancying something a little naughty later with my remaining syns, won't be using many/any tomorrow for the fast day so would be nice to have a little treat when we go to Morrisons later. At the moment the day comes in at roughly 1200 cals, not bad for a high day so can definitely squeeze in a little something! :)
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Hi Bev
well done on your weight loss .can I ask you question which course you are doing with the OU? because I am thinking to take course with OU.
Hi Bev
well done on your weight loss .can I ask you question which course you are doing with the OU? because I am thinking to take course with OU.
Thanks hun, I'm doing SK227 - Human Biology

It's a level 2 module though so probably not the best to start with if you're new to studying. I'm only taking it as it meets the entry requirements for my Radiography degree. Quite an interesting course though but pretty tough. Not looking forward to the exam in June!
I want to study a nutrition degree at Leeds Trinity uni. I have to take an access course first and I am not sure which subject are the best for the course
I want to study a nutrition degree at Leeds Trinity uni. I have to take an access course first and I am not sure which subject are the best for the course
I'd get in touch with the uni and ask them directly. For Radiography the entry requirements and what they wanted us to do varied quite a bit. I know the Sk277 module I'm doing has got some people onto nursing, midwifery and medicine too so it might be suitable for nutrition x