From here to inskinnity! My mission to lose 13.5 stone!

Hey Bev

Just catching up! I am sorry about your loss, despite you trying so hard over the last 11 days and I know you were expecting something amazing, I always hate that, all that food sacrifice, for what? Measly half pound? PAH! Its so unfair...... I echo what others say. But I do think that calorie counting and SW don't go hand in hand. It should be one or the other. The day before your weigh you ate so very little, 700 something calories???? Why are you doing that to yourself? Your body goes into starvation mode and will keep hold of all that it can....

You, like me, have a lot to lose so you (like me) think that it should just be falling off you. It doesn't always work like that. I used to sit in SW classes almost in tears most weeks, you would see someone at 12 stone having lost 3lbs in a week saying "I dunno how, I was bad for most of it" and I would sit there, 4 stone heavier, having stuck to it by the letter (and by the letter I mean I would actually squirt my ketchup into a tbsp measure before it went on my plate) and I would have only lost 1lb. Thats why I gave up, and thats why I am fatter now than I was then. Someone said on my diary recently that 1lb a week was 4 stone in a year, think about how much I would weigh now, if I had persevered and stayed to class. I would have been the same weight as the 12 stone lady! We all lose weight at different rates, just like we all gain weight at different rates. We can't expect years and years worth of excess is going to come off super fast.

Give yourself a break Bev, you have been doing this too strictly. Slow and steady wins the race. Try to stick to SW or CC, but doing both at the same time just doesn't work. You are using up a lot more energy by exercising and walking to work and even working! So your body needs more energy (food) to keep going, starving your body isn't going to help it.

I hope you don't think I am bossing you around, and tell me to bugger off if you want, but I have been looking at your daily intakes and they have been pretty small.
Happens to us all Hun! I think when you see that small loss for big efforts it makes you want to rebel! Hopefully, like Tetris said, you will still have an amazing loss because last weeks will show up xx
Thanks so much everyone for all your kind words of support! I really appreciate it, especially as I've been struggling so much this weekend. I don't know why exactly, it was like something in me said 'sod it' and I really fancied a blow out! I'm pretty sure it was down to the way I was feeling after the crappy scale result, but at the same time logically it makes no sense to react in that way and push me even further away from where I want to be. :rolleyes: I guess sometimes logic just doesn't come into it, grr!

Confessing my syns!

First of all, I want to make it clear I haven't had my head stuck in the fridge all weekend long, only some of the time! ;) My weekend looked more or less like this (if anything is missed out it's because I've forgotten, but I think I've confessed everything):

Breakfast - Chewy Delight bar
Snack - Subway cookie
Lunch - Jacket potato with cheese, tuna and salad
Snack - Chocolate muffin
Tea - 4 slices of pizza (planned treat)
Snack - Chocolate buttons

Breakfast - Chewy Delight bar
Lunch - Jacket potato with cheese, tuna and salad
Snack - 2 x Curlywurly, 4 pieces of shortbread
Tea - corned beef hash
Snack - Chocolate orange club

So yeah... pretty bad, but nowhere near as bad I was eating pre-SW! Anyway, that's all behind me now. It'll soon be tea time and I'm still on plan, yey! :)

Felt really down this morning about my weekends eating, to the point I was driving to work with tears in my eyes! Haven't really felt like that before, I've suffered from depression in the past, but it was never caused by food. I kept thinking to myself that I'm going to completely blow it and this weekend was just the start of my old ways. I know that isn't true and it's just me being negative, but it felt awful. Glad I came out of work in a brighter frame of mind!

Reflecting on things

The more I think about my weight loss and what went wrong this weekend, the more I realise I've been putting myself under immense pressure. I need to get out of this 'I want results and I want them NOW' mentality and look at the bigger picture. I've lost nearly 5 stone so whatever I'm doing is working, I just need to relax and have some faith in the process.

Like everyone has said there are all kinds of possible explanations for the crappy scale result:
- * week
- new scales
- exercise
- slow metabolism
It might be one thing or it might be a combination of them all, but worrying about it and over thinking things isn't going to help. Last week needs to be put firmly behind me and I need to move forward positively.

Reading all your comments has really helped. In particular Charley I think you hit the nail on the head when you said about choosing between SW OR calorie counting. Having that focus on both just isn't working for me. SW worked best when I got calories out of my head and just focused on enjoying healthy food. I need to get back to that, sod calories for now. At the end of the day I know having a calorie deficit is essential for weight loss, but I can quite easily achieve that with SW while focussing on improving my diet nutritionally. With calories, 100 calories of fruit is the same as a 100 calorie biscuit, but I know which my body will thank me for the most. Apart from the 'dodgy' aspects of SW such as the free mugshots and pancakes with zillions of sweetener, it is a super healthy plan. It's worked so far and I'm sure it'll continue to work. I just need to STOP over thinking everything. It's getting me down, making me question myself and not helping in the slightest!

Going back to basics

I want to go back to where I started. That means re-reading my books and getting my enthusiasm back for the SW way of eating. I'm going back to daily syns for now and will be weighing and measuring everything (no more guestimates!) to make sure I'm 100% on plan. I'll also be staying to group from now on, even though it's only a temp group until I start my shifts. I need that support, plus I hate paying a fiver to just get weighed!:p

Realistic targets

I need to start being realistic with myself and set achievable targets, not ones I'd like to make in my wildest dreams! For example, this week I'll be happy if I just maintain. I've had 2 days totally off plan and I'm going out for Chris's birthday on Thursday which will be a flexi-syn tea, so hoping for a loss which won't materialise will just set me back further. If I work hard the rest of the week a maintain would be fantastic, and it will honestly feel like a loss!


Feel much more positive after spitting things out on paper and getting a day on plan under my belt again. Here's my food diary for the day:

Week 28, Day 7 - Green

Breakfast - Chewy Delight - Hexb
Lunch - Small salad with cucumber, sweetcorn, beetroot, pasta, carrot, lettuce etc and dressing - 2 syns
Snack - teeny square of birthday chocolate cake (1"x1" tops) - 5 syns (probably an overestimate!), 2 x weetabix (hexb) with milk (hexa) and chopped banana
Tea - Veggie pasta with onions, peppers, tomatoes, Loyds sauce (5 syns) and cheese (hexa) - 5 syns
Supper - FF yoghurt, grapes
Total - 12 syns

I bloody love green days! :D Simply fantastic when I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and feeling a bit more hungry than usual.

Charley - Hey up Mrs! You know what? I think the food sacrifice thing really screwed me up this week. The night before WI I was sat watching 3 people eating big plates of yummy looking fish n chips while I ate a salad. I just felt so deprived but kept telling myself it's all okay cos I was going to come out with a monster loss the next day. Anyway, when I didn't I was soooo annoyed, just didn't seem fair!

I hate the weeks I feel like I'm trying, because without fail I end up getting disappointed by the results. Like you say about the calories, I wasn't eating much because of the period pains, but I find whenever I have more low days than normal I have a crappy loss. Just isn't worth the effort. Going back to SW 'full time' from now on, calories can wait for now until I get closer to maintenance! xxxx

Kay - Thanks hunny, how was your weekend? I've been so crap with diaries lately! Hope you're feeling okay about tomorrow, can't believe how quickly it comes round!! Xxxxx

Jennie - Thanks hun, glad it's not just me who's been off the wagon, makes me feel less alone if that makes sense! Just draw a line and put it behind you, hope you have a fab week xxx

Elle - Hey hunny, thanks for the support, hug and smile gratefully received and right back atchya! I think in a way I needed this weekend to realise how much SW means to me and how much I love it as a way of eating. It definitely beats a full time diet of pizza and chocolate, had heartburn from hell last night! xxxxx

Em - Hope you've had a good Monday and feeling positive about WI. You're right, determination is the key to this whole process and it's amazing how hard it can be to get it back sometimes. Feeling really good again and back in control now which is nice! Just taking each day as it comes for the rest of the week, no more throwing my dummy out over 0.5lbs any more that's for sure!:D Xxxx

- Haha, so funny! You made me smile even when I was feeling crappy, so thank you! You're soo right too, food shouldn't ever be something we feel guilty about! xxx

Rae - Hey hun, I've heard the same and in the past when I'v had a 'treat' day or Christmas/birthday and had a blow out I've been pleasantly surprised by the results. Doesn't make any sense in terms of calories though, but like you say maybe it works as a shock to the system! I hope you're right and it gives my metabolism a boost, but I'm not holding my breath or getting my hopes up. Either way it made me realise chocolate and biscuits aren't as amazing as I remember them and that's got to be a good thing!! xxxx

Soph - Heyy hun, thanks for being so lovely! I don't know why a slow loss lead to going off plan for 2 days, but all I can do now is get back on track. Gonna have a read of that blog later, sounds pretty interesting, though I bet it's crazy expensive to eat entirely superfree and speed foods. I reckon I could easily spend £20 a day on food if I did that when you think of the price of fresh berries £2/3 a packet etc! If it works though then fair play!

I totally get all the calories in v's calories out stuff, and how a calorie deficit is needed to get a loss. It makes complete sense, but the more I've applied it to me and cut cals lower, the slower my losses have been. I don't know whether in part that's because other factors are involved too (* week, exercise, salt intake etc), but it's been my general experience over a number of weeks, which is pretty bizarre! Of course I don't think I'm a wonder of science or something and that the laws of energy don't apply to me, I just wonder whether other factors are at work and it's impacting on my metabolism and slowing things down. I'm not talking about anything as drastic as starvation mode, but it'd make sense that my body was trying to conserve energy it wasn't getting enough... :confused: IDK! Anyway, as usual I'm seriously over thinking things. I think just focussing on SW and forgetting that calories even exist for a while would probably be the best for me at this stage (although obviously not having unlimited portions! ;)).

Seriously considering a week of red days if the next 2 WI's don't deliver (I've kinda already written this week off!), but I was hoping to save that trick until I was closer to target so I have something to fall back on, similar to success express! I'm conscious I've still got nearly 8 stone left to lose and it's only gonna get harder the closer I get to goal. xxx

Ron - Thanks for the support hun, back on track now which is the main thing! Determined to kick that scales ass! xxxx


Hope I haven't missed anyone, I've read back as far as I can but I think some people posted before Ron - I appreciate all your support and how lovely you guys have been. I've never needed Mini's more than I have these last couple of days, hopefully the worst is over now and I'm back on the wagon!

Wow, I've been writing this post over an hour!! :eek: Gonna go and get some uni work done now for a bit, but hopefully will have some time soon to catch up on diaries. Sorry if you feel neglected, I didn't feel like reading yesterday when I was sat with a shortbread in each hand! :D Take care xxxx
Omg Bev, I am loving your last post ! I need to save this for future reference when I'm going through a crappy week, I will use your advice. So much of what you said about the plan rings true and lot of the loss is about our mental attitude towards it. You have broken it down and made it so simple to understand. I believe we learn more from our crappy weeks then our good ones because it does make us stop and appreciate what we have achieved so far and realise that slow and steady wins the race. Smaller losses are more likely to stay off than huge ones like I used to get when I did the Cambridge diet and I would end up putting twice as much back on. I am so happy you are back in the zone, enjoying your food and eating all your syns. :) I agree CC can wait for now. I really hope you have a fabulous week ahead hun. Staying positive for you always :p.

Kay xx
Aww bless ya Kay, can't believe someone even bothered to read that monster post! Good luck today, fingers crossed for ya xx

Well i'm just popping in to say yeaterday ended up on plan so thats great, i'm getting my SW mojo back xxx
Hey babe!
That diary I linked was extreme, I think you are right to go back to basics (def dont do that plan lol! Was jusy linking it as an example).
The thing is with saving Red for when things slow down... I dont think it really works like that to be honest... I've been doing mainly red with treat EE/Green since last June and my losses have mainly slowed down because I've been sloppy recently. I'm a healthy BMI now so I cant expect more than 1 or 2lbs off a week, but by the time you get here the urgancy wont be there and you'll know you cant expect 3-4lbs off frequently.
I think right now you need to stop worrying about the long run, about how 0.5lbs isnt good enough- I BET your monthly total will still be your average of 7lbs off! But if you want to give yourself a push to get things rolling again, Red might give you that piece of mind and the boost you need to get motivated. It was at 17st8lbs that I could no longer hack the carbs, and boy what a boost I got.after my plateux to start losing again.
I think you need to not deprive yourself right now, but also not stress about under calories... One minute you are saying you are content but notmputtinf enough in, the next depriving yourself from fish and chips- try to find a healthy balance... The key to success here is finding a plan that you wont fall off of, at the end of the day that is everything! It has to be a balance of what gets you average losses and what doesnt restrict your life or call for binges.
Your blow out weekend wasnt as bad as mime btw ;) a few extra choccies? Pah! I so often do that and dont syn it, especially when we have family gatherings where chocolate is around. Yesterday I had a kitkat, small sundae, milky buttons AND a massive kebab in a big wrap!! Dont go so hard on yourself :) comfort treats are totally necessary sometimes! X
Reflecting on things

The more I think about my weight loss and what went wrong this weekend, the more I realise I've been putting myself under immense pressure. I need to get out of this 'I want results and I want them NOW' mentality and look at the bigger picture. I've lost nearly 5 stone so whatever I'm doing is working, I just need to relax and have some faith in the process. I totally agree, have some faith in the process. It does work, if you stick to doing one thing. The SW science has been tried and tested and the success rate alone speaks for itself. If they didn't want you to have the syns, they wouldn't give you them, likewise for the HEs - you need the nutrients that they have in them. Syns and HEs are there to be used and are part of the diet, so use them!

Reading all your comments has really helped. In particular Charley I think you hit the nail on the head when you said about choosing between SW OR calorie counting. Having that focus on both just isn't working for me. SW worked best when I got calories out of my head and just focused on enjoying healthy food. I need to get back to that, sod calories for now. At the end of the day I know having a calorie deficit is essential for weight loss, but I can quite easily achieve that with SW while focussing on improving my diet nutritionally. With calories, 100 calories of fruit is the same as a 100 calorie biscuit, but I know which my body will thank me for the most. Apart from the 'dodgy' aspects of SW such as the free mugshots and pancakes with zillions of sweetener, it is a super healthy plan. It's worked so far and I'm sure it'll continue to work. I just need to STOP over thinking everything. It's getting me down, making me question myself and not helping in the slightest! Good for you. You are right, there are dodgy aspects of the diet, which I personally don't agree with - but you don't have to eat them. Like I said, there are other ways in which to use your syns and HEs, its just the obvious ones, chew bars, cereals etc. usually prevail. Mugshots are a means to an end, something quick if that's all there is, but they are within what you can eat, so eat them. Its better than being hungry.

Going back to basics

I want to go back to where I started. That means re-reading my books and getting my enthusiasm back for the SW way of eating. I'm going back to daily syns for now and will be weighing and measuring everything (no more guestimates!) to make sure I'm 100% on plan. I'll also be staying to group from now on, even though it's only a temp group until I start my shifts. I need that support, plus I hate paying a fiver to just get weighed!:p Another good idea. You will notice there are so many more options to be had from the books. You forget how many other alternatives there are for HEBs.

Realistic targets

I need to start being realistic with myself and set achievable targets, not ones I'd like to make in my wildest dreams! For example, this week I'll be happy if I just maintain. I've had 2 days totally off plan and I'm going out for Chris's birthday on Thursday which will be a flexi-syn tea, so hoping for a loss which won't materialise will just set me back further. If I work hard the rest of the week a maintain would be fantastic, and it will honestly feel like a loss!
I think its a good idea to be more realistic too. Just take it week by week.

Charley - Hey up Mrs! You know what? I think the food sacrifice thing really screwed me up this week. The night before WI I was sat watching 3 people eating big plates of yummy looking fish n chips while I ate a salad. I just felt so deprived but kept telling myself it's all okay cos I was going to come out with a monster loss the next day. Anyway, when I didn't I was soooo annoyed, just didn't seem fair! Again, I used to do that. You would deprive yourself of something for the whole week, say a piece of cake that you really fancy that someone at work is handing out, everyone has a bit but you because you're "being good" you move on and 10 mins later feel like shining your halo because that must have earned you some weight off this week - NAH! It doesn't work like that. I had to get out of the mind set that just because I said no to this and that throughout the week, the word NO doesn't automatically get the weight off. But bear this in mind, if you had of said yes, just the once, that could well have spelled a gain. Diets aren't fair, some weeks you lose, some weeks you STS, the only time you generally know why you gain, is when you have cheated at some time throughout the week.

I hate the weeks I feel like I'm trying, because without fail I end up getting disappointed by the results. Like you say about the calories, I wasn't eating much because of the period pains, but I find whenever I have more low days than normal I have a crappy loss. Just isn't worth the effort. Going back to SW 'full time' from now on, calories can wait for now until I get closer to maintenance! xxxx Honestly speaking, I don't give much truck to Calorie Counting. The Calories in food really dont give an accurate description/breakdown of what is in the food. e.g. An apple (116 cals) a digestive milk chocolate biscuit (80 cals) - to be that is a nonsense! Surely SW is better, in a world where an apple is a free food and a digestive is 4 syns - you can have both of those options and be ok, or you can live in CC land and spend over 200 calories on two snacks! Crazy!

Seriously considering a week of red days if the next 2 WI's don't deliver (I've kinda already written this week off!), but I was hoping to save that trick until I was closer to target so I have something to fall back on, similar to success express! I'm conscious I've still got nearly 8 stone left to lose and it's only gonna get harder the closer I get to goal. xxx
RED days are good. But why not just ease up and do a great big mix of the three - Green Red and EE? You, like me, have a way to go until target, you may find your groove when you are closer and know what works for you. Red may not be the key, you never know. There are so many people on here who ONLY do green and get to goal.

You will be fine Bev, stick to the plan and it will come off.

Awwww, your message was sweet.
I'm definitely back to basics with you. I've not tried Red/Green yet as I'm fairly new to the whole thing.
But I might try it out just to mix everything up and make me think more about what I'm putting in me.
Only got time for a quick update. I'll reply when I have some time, but thanks again for the comments, always leaves me with something to think about!

Had another solid day on plan, definitely getting my SW mojo back now. Before meals I've been feeling absolutely STARVING today , I've not felt like that for ages, so hopefully it's a good sign.

Week 29, Day 1 - Red
Breakfast - Mixed berries with ff yoghurt
Lunch - 2 slices wm bread (hexb + 5 syns) with cheese (hexa) and tomato - 5 syns
Tea - Tuna mayo (4 syns) sweetcorn jacket potato (hexb) with cheese (hexa) and salad inc coleslaw (4 syns) - 8 syns
Supper - Grapes
Total - 13 syns

Sorry for the diary neglect lately, I'm finding it quite tough managing the hours in the day juggling uni work and my training, but really looking forward to having a good catch up soon xxx
Sound's like a yummy day foodwise. I can imagine you're feeling a bit stressed with all the goings on in your life at the moment? You've got so much going on, well done for getting your head back in the game :) xxx
Thanks Em, I guess there have been a lot of changes lately and so much going on with work/uni/walking/wedding planning etc. Feeling good about things again now though.

Today's going to be a fairly high syn day as after work I'm off to my parents for tea. They are doing fishfingers, beans, oven chips and bread so saving most of my syns for that, but wont know how many till I see the brands etc. Can't be more than 15 though surely if I stick to a single slice of bread? :/

About to get breakfast before getting ready for work. Weetabix topped with banana and milk, a great start to my food day!

Since the blow out at the weekend the poo fairy is a regular visitor too and I woke up feeling starving again today. Sounds daft but I definitely feel better for that weekend if it makes sense. Its definitely shook my body up which might be exactly what I needed. Have a good wed peeps xx
Thanks Em, I guess there have been a lot of changes lately and so much going on with work/uni/walking/wedding planning etc. Feeling good about things again now though.

Today's going to be a fairly high syn day as after work I'm off to my parents for tea. They are doing fishfingers, beans, oven chips and bread so saving most of my syns for that, but wont know how many till I see the brands etc. Can't be more than 15 though surely if I stick to a single slice of bread? :/

About to get breakfast before getting ready for work. Weetabix topped with banana and milk, a great start to my food day!

Since the blow out at the weekend the poo fairy is a regular visitor too and I woke up feeling starving again today. Sounds daft but I definitely feel better for that weekend if it makes sense. Its definitely shook my body up which might be exactly what I needed. Have a good wed peeps xx

It's great that you sound so positive :) I think you'll be pleasantly surprised come Saturday xx
OOh your meal tonight sounds so yummy! I'm excited for tea too hubby is making gammon and mustard mash :)

Must be very hard getting back into the swing of work on top of studying. I'm finding it tough this week after a week off and have an assignment to get cracking with too!

I'm sure Saturday will be fine on the scales for you and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed x
Thanks guys!

Quickie update tonight. Just got in after work, visiting my friend, tea at my parents and pub with another friend. Phew! Thought I'd get all the socialising one in one night to save as much study time as possible but I feel completely shattered now! Had a great night though :)

Week 29, Day 2 - EE
Breakfast - Weetabix (hexb), chopped banana, milk (hexa)
Lunch - Salad with beetroot, cucumber, tuna mayo pasta ( 2 syns), carrot, tomatoes - 2 syns
Tea - 4 fish fingers (8 syns), baked beans and slice of wm bread (6 syns) - 14 syns
Supper - Muller
Total - 16 syns

Not going to stress about one blinkin' syn!

Tomorrow is Chris's birthday so off plan in the evening for the meal, but rest of the day keeping it super healthy. Not going to go mad at tea time, I'm thinking:
Starter - garlic mushrooms
Main - Steak and jacket potato
Dessert - blackforest gateaux
So yeah, hopefully just the dessert off plan, if I can eat it. Last time I went out for a meal I only managed 2 courses! Anyways, my bed is calling my name.... Sweet dreams guys! xxx
Night Sweetheart.... have a great night tomorrow.... with your husband to be :D
Sounds like you are back on your feet. I am glad you have chilled now about your weekend etc. like Emma88 said, you have so much shiz going on in your life at the moment, you don't need the ball ache of worrying about dieting and losing weight etc. It seems you have your sensible head on and your eats yesterday (fish finger me up baby!!) were really good and really sensible. As are today's eats. Enjoy yourself and relax and I hope you both enjoy the meal - oh and happy birthday to your fiance!
have fun and enjoy relaxing with each other xxx