It's the weeeekeeeennnddddd!!! Woooo! As much as I love my new routine, nothing beats that wonderful Friday feeling!
Chris is off for the next week so he met me after work and we went to the pics, saw Dallas Buyers Club. Decent film, think I'd have enjoyed it more though if the cinema wasn't the same temperature as the Baltic Sea in December!!
My teeth were actually chattering towards the end! Ah well, home now in the warm and snuggling down to the rest of the evening catching up with Mini's diaries that I've been neglecting.
Had a good food day today, forgot to defrost my berries overnight though so it was chewy D for breakfast. Still a lovely light red day to hopefully compensate a bit for the meal out.
Week 29, Day 4 - Red
Breakfast - Chewy D (hexb)
Lunch - Tuna nicoise salad (hexb for potato + 2 syns for olives)
Tea - Roast chicken Subway salad with cucumber, tomato, sweetcorn, olives, dressing - 5 syns
Supper - 2 x mini babybels (hexa)
Total - 7 syns
Weigh in tomorrow, eeeekk!! For once I'm not even feeling nervous. Mentally I've already written this week off after the last weekend, so if I escape without a gain I'll be chuffed tbh. Having said that I've been feeling better than ever this week, the pf is paying me a visit DAILY (thanks for sending her my way Kay!), I'm sleeping like a log and feeling in a really positive frame of mind. Determined not to let WI get me down, life is good, I'm in a good place and I'm enjoying gorgeous food. Any weight loss is just a bonus and I'm determined tomorrow will be a happy on plan day regardless of my scale number!