From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

Hey all

Disney - hope you are feeling better soon.

Quiz - hope you get an offer soon .. fingers and legs are crossed (although the legs thing may be due to wanting to go for a wee!)

AOGG - keep positive! I know it's hard at times but as my CDC just texted me being negative/beating yourself up is only a waste of e
nery and does no one any good.

Trisha - anything nice planned for the mid-term?

Mum2one - hope all is well?

I've had a tough couple of days - had a severe migraine and then felt so rotten in the "hangover" I just lost it and binged again :( Didn't make it to my weigh-in so am going tomorrow morning instead. I'm sure I'll have gained as I am totally out of ketosis now (bought the sticks). But only thing to do is get back on the plan and not continue with the self sabotage. So onwards and upwards....(well downwards hopefully!).

GG you only fail if you give up completely.... stick with it and we can do this together....
Cheers AOGG

Thanks so much for everything; i'm feeling much more in control now.

How have you been doing?
hi everyone its half term for me now yeah!!!! :D

Hope you are feeling better Disney and Gorey,I've been feeling a little rough over the past couple of days headaches and shivery, then really hot, no doubt I have caught the bug that all my colleagues have had over the past couple of weeks - just in time for half term typical for me that.

must admit I have had a binge as well, and I'm planning a few days off cd towards the end of the week as we're off to visit our daughter at uni. the rest of the week oh has to work so I'm going to give the house a good clean and dejunk as we want to get estate agents in for some advice. we are going looking at a showhouse tomorrow, we know the site we like, but they don't have any of the house type we fancy to view, and we want to see what its like, We will be down sizing and want to see the house to see if it would be too small , its hard to visualize off plans etc. The actual plot we fancy is on phase 2 of the build and is about 2 years away, but with the way the housing market is at the momet it could take that long to sell ours!!

so thats my half term sorted for me, hope you all have a good weekend
Can I join this team?
Can I join this team?

Hi GalwayMum

Unfortunately there is a limit of 6 members to a team and we have that number of members (with AOGG and myself joining recently). Bellefrogette is setting up a new team I understand?

Good luck :)
Hey all

Well only 1lb down this week but considering the week that was in it I guess I was lucky to have lost at all. My CDC was very supportive but in a way that challenged my behaviours last week rather than condoned them or writing them off as nothing to worry about. She said that my asking for extra packs last week (my reason was to give myself a choice of what to have rather than think my week was mapped out) was a red flag for her in the context of my history and "addiction"; she had texted me a few times extra as a result but I insisted I was doing fine. Anyway lessons learnt and onwards and downwards we go.

Mum2one - how are you doing?
Trish - hope you are enjoying the house viewings.
Disney - hope the dinner is going well. Enjoy each mouthful :)
Quizz - any viewings this weekend?
AOGG - how are you doing? I see that you are a bit down about the Oct Challenge? I'm thinking you are beating yourself up needlessly as 28lbs in 4 weeks may have been a bit of a target no-one would reach considering the average loss for this plan is 14lbs a month? Stay strong!

I'm here guys :) will cath up with you all tomoz
Hi Goreygirl, the dinner earlier tonight went well, it was at an Italian client's house, food was lovely, but there was a lot of it, the starter was what l'd make at home as the main course! l didn't manage to finish it all. Back on track as of tomorrow - really need to do. Next Mon, 1st Nov. is my birthday, having lunch out that day, then need to stay on plan for rest of Nov, got to get this over and done with and move up the steps.
Hi everyone!

The showhouse was really nice, and although its quite a bit smaller (we are down sizing) there seems to be plenty of storage space and the bedrooms are all good sizes so we've done an "early bird" on the one at the site we like, this means we get first refusal on it when its ready - but its about 2 years away which gives us time to sort our house out, not much really needs doing just a bit of tidying up and finishing off all the jobs we keep putting off, so I've got a busy week ahead, as I've also got several days out catching up with frends etc planned before we go up to visit our daughter at uni. As a result I will be off cd for most of the week but will try and be sensible and hope the scales are kind.

Disney sounds like you had a great time at the meal, Like you I really need to get this over and done and move up the plans, so after this week I'll be joining you and hoping I can stay focused

Quizz any news on the house?

Gorey a lb is still 1 down and better than a sts or worse. i think your cdc is right and its good advice and its rang true with me, I've been giving myself too much choice ie extra pack/ss+/810 and mixing it up during the week, makes me have extra and I probably end up eating more than I think on my ss+/810 days which is why I'm having this week off rather than try and do it half heartedly,

mum2one and /Aogg hope you are both doing well
Thanks, guys. Sorry, saw an opening announced on another thread.
Happy slimming!
i think your cdc is right and its good advice and its rang true with me, I've been giving myself too much choice ie extra pack/ss+/810 and mixing it up during the week, makes me have extra and I probably end up eating more than I think on my ss+/810 days which is why I'm having this week off rather than try and do it half heartedly,

That's exactly it Trisha; she said why was I talking myself into needing choices when I had exactly what I need to succeed?
Hey all

Hope you had a nice weekend?

Just looking for your opinions on something really. I read a lot of people on the main forum making statements like "i don't have a problem with food, I just eat too many carbs and don't exercise" or similar. Now to me CD is a pretty drastic plan for anyone to go on (the social implications, the planning you have to do if going out so you can have packs etc) and I can't help thinking that if it was as simple as "i just eat too much and don't exercise" we'd have succeeded with WW, or a bit of willpower and motivation to eat less and exercise more? Is this denial on those people's parts?
hi everyone

Gorey I suppose it could be denial. Many people on diets (myself included) will say they hardly eat anything, which perhaps they don't at "meal" times, but then "graze", "a little bit of this and that" won't hurt etc and maybe they don't realize that they are doing it, but a "little bit of this and that" add up, and they would have been better off having a proper meal. If people did a food diary and were honest and wrote down EVERYTHING they ate, including the "this and thats" they would probably be surprised, and understand why they find it hard to lose weight - I know I was when I did.
Morning all.

-1 for me... but better than a sharp stick in the eye!

2 viewings Saturday and no offers. I think we may have to try again in the spring

GG I think loads of people have no idea how much they eat, they need to keep a food log. IMO if you are more than 2s overweight you need to be thinking about how you got there. For me it is a totally weird relationship with food. I cant say no to things I know I shouldnt be eating.

Trisha the show house sounds amazing.

Disney I loved looking at your holiday snaps. too cute!
My son is unwell and off school today and l'm not feeling so great either.

Quizz, well done on the lb loss - def better than sts or a gain.

IMO if you are more than 2s overweight you need to be thinking about how you got there.
That's a good point.

I know that if l had the food/diet thing sussed l should have managed to maintain all my weight loss.
I agree that if you are overweight (>2 stone) you have to question how you got there. My sister is the same height as me but has a completely different relationship with food and is one of those horribly naturally slim people who's thighs don't meet at the top! (I dream of that moment! lol). But she can leave it at just 2 biscuits with a cup of tea after dinner whereas I will go back and "sneak eat" more, she stops eating as soon as she feels full and more often as not leaves food on her plate as a result. At weekends she'll have apple pie for dessert after Sunday lunch and really enjoy it in the moment and then move on where as I'll be drooling for almost before I've finished the portion in front of me!

I want to work on developing that sort of relationship as I move forward because I don't want to have to do this again :)

Anyway today is a bank holiday over here so I've been good and got up and did yoga and now am just back from the gym where I did 35 minutes on the treadmill (C25k W1 D1 Disney) and then 30 minutes in the pool. I'm loving my waterproof MP3; swimming to the Glee soundtrack is fun :D

Anyway hope you are all well.

We going to set a team challenge for November?

Yes let's! I saw an article in the paper yesterday to say that the 25th of October is the date you must start to lose a dress size by xmas.

I would like to lose 20 by the 15th of Dec xx anyone else setting a target?

Gorey good idea to set a challenge, I failed miserably on the halloween one, still 6 days to go I know but I know I won't reach it :(

I'd like to lose 14 lbs