From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

Thank God it's Fridaaaaay!

I just wish that TGI Fridays made me think of Chicken and Mushroom Cambridge Soup instead of the naughty times that is Jack Daniel's Shrimp...
Suki Hunny,

Everyone has stayed the same or gained this week, blame easter, blame the rain, blame anything but don't give up, if you stayed the same this week it just means next week is going to be awesome.

Last time I did Cambridge I had some well below average weeks but you can't look at this week to week, it's not even good to look at it month to month, Cambridge diet will work and if followed correctly you are likely to in the early days lose a stone a month, it's science.

Remember a stone a month is only 3.5lbs a week so every time you lose more than 3.5lbs then you are likely to have a week when you lose less.

The thing is that there is no point in doing CD for then going out and eating Carbs, it's the worst thing you can do you are putting yourself into and then out of ketosis so many times, therefore repeating the horrible process of getting into Ketosis more times than necessary and also carbs will make you gain.
Cheat on Chicken if you have to cheat and don't forget the carbs in sugary food and in sauces.

Sorry to be harsh but it's like picking off a scab a few days before it was going to be healed if you stick at this diet it will get easier :)

We are all having a rotten week this week but come on it's feel good friday lets feel good!
Hi girls, not sure if this is the done thing, as Im new to all this but saw you have a spare place......... can I join? Oh god the shame if you say no, its like not being picked for rounders!!
oooh, Im in am I? Smashing.
Im 34, live with my partner and our daughter, 10 months old Im a nurse. I put three stone on while pregnant and havent shifted it, I cant really believe that Ive got so fat tbh but Im not gonna beat myself up about it, onwards and upwards for me!
I started yesterday, never done anything like this before but feel I need a total break from food, its like I was addicted to food, just grazing all day.
I hadnt told anyone i was going to do this and expected some negativity but so far everyone is being supportive (shows you haow much i need to loose!)
Anyway, I do go on dont I?
Ps ment to say well done everyone for your weight losses so far, feel great to be here and hope I can do as well. xx
Hi Fluff, good to have you on board! Hope you're good at rounders! (Kidding!!!)

Suki, please don't be sad, hang on in there, do one week cheat-free and you will get AMAZING results I'm sure of it... I'm doing that after a wobbly week, and Quizz too, and Slim I'm certain is too... and Fluff, I bet! So ALL of us can do it together. Hugs.

Thankyou guys!
you guys are right! i can do this! and i have to stick to this diet! i just have to! atleast i am doing something instead of stuffing my mouth......atleast i dont feel guilty and rubbish tht im eating!
thanks guys!
i couldnt do it without your support!

Hello guys,

i am back to work on monday, and i was wondering if anyone knows of a good shaker that i can carry to work for mixing my shakes considering i will be doing long days ( 12 hour shifts):(

i bought one from my cdc but it broke:cry: not the best quality! i found some on ebay but im not sure how good they are so it would be good to have some recommendations!

thanks guys! what would i do without you:D

Hi girls, just a quickie before the bedtime witching hour begins for my little girl!
So nice to be in everyones good books!
End of day 2 for me, feels realy tough tbh, went out and about today and felt so envious of everyone eating food, felt jealous really that everyone else could eat. Im so impressed by anyone who has made it past day 2 as about 1 million times today I have been tempted to eat something........... Ah well sorry for the moan, Im off to put baby to bed then a shake and a bath for me
Ps rounders is a bat and ball game, simillar to baseball
Pps you should see my daughters hair she has got a perfect morrissey quiff lol.
Fluff, you are golden with me because I suspect you are a little bit crazy... you will fit right in here! Take care & be good!

Welcome Fluff, hope you'll really enjoy being part of Team 26. I'm fairly new here too (just joined a couple of weeks ago) and l've been made to feel really welcome - thanks everyone. :)

Suki, hang in there. I've not lost anything this week either, so you're keeping me company. I felt a bit disheartened tonight when l heard about someone l know who's been on CD for 3 weeks & lost 22lbs (just about what l've lost in 6 weeks), but then l thought everyone's different & people lose weight at different rates. So l'm going to make evey effort to feel positive & not compare myself to other people.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Thanks for the welcome disneyparis, Well Im suffering today, Im day 3 and feel bloody worn out tbh, could sleep for a year and cant stop thinking about food. Its such a lovely evening I want to sit in the garden with a beer and a big fat burger........... I suppose thats what got me in this mess in the first place.
Been trying to do some gardening but seriously have no energy.
Tell me please, does it get easier????????? Otherwise I think Im going to be the shortest serving member of team 26 boooooooo hoooooo
Hi Fluffy, as Katy says it will get easier. I started CD at the beginning of March & for the first few days was totally exhausted, crabbit & generally thinking why on earth am l doing this to myself, but after a few days it suddenly got easier. l didn't attempt any sort of exercise in the first week or so (didn't have the energy), now l try to do a bit of aerobics, exercise bike (just a few mins mind you) & some walking each day. I do still feel tired sometimes, but that's usually after a busy day at work & l was tired then before CD anyway.
I don't know if the exercise is helping that much with losing weight, but it makes me feel in a more positive frame of mind.

So hang in there. When's your first weigh-in? Hopefully you'll get a good result & that will give you a boost.

Hope everyone's had a good Stay Strong Saturday. :)
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