Suki Hunny,
Everyone has stayed the same or gained this week, blame easter, blame the rain, blame anything but don't give up, if you stayed the same this week it just means next week is going to be awesome.
Last time I did Cambridge I had some well below average weeks but you can't look at this week to week, it's not even good to look at it month to month, Cambridge diet will work and if followed correctly you are likely to in the early days lose a stone a month, it's science.
Remember a stone a month is only 3.5lbs a week so every time you lose more than 3.5lbs then you are likely to have a week when you lose less.
The thing is that there is no point in doing CD for then going out and eating Carbs, it's the worst thing you can do you are putting yourself into and then out of ketosis so many times, therefore repeating the horrible process of getting into Ketosis more times than necessary and also carbs will make you gain.
Cheat on Chicken if you have to cheat and don't forget the carbs in sugary food and in sauces.
Sorry to be harsh but it's like picking off a scab a few days before it was going to be healed if you stick at this diet it will get easier
We are all having a rotten week this week but come on it's feel good friday lets feel good!